Who touched me(Destiny-defining encounters)
By Apostle Joshua Selman
It is impossible for you to be very open and to be intentional about God's presence and remain in the same place.
There is a formula for growth, there is a formula for becoming. Your own assignment is to submit with intelligence and believe, believe in God and believe in what he is doing to you.
The assignment of revelation is to sponsor transition. It is like a vehicle, it never leaves you where it met you.
1 peter 1:2
There is an exact body of that makes them to be like God in experience. God is not wondering what to do with your life; the end is already known. Yours is to believe that the path you are following by the spirit is the path that leads you to that place in destiny.
The Lord is my shepherd. When he leads you, you are sure that you'll arrive, you are sure that you will become.
Gal 2:21
One of the ways you render the word of God of none effect is through your traditions(An old way of thinking that is not subject to change)
God will not force transformation on you, he will propose to you a greater, wiser, victorious life.
Galatians 2:21.
There is a level of aggression by faith that you must give your destiny
Lord give me an encounter that will change my life
We are witnesses
Act 1:8
Luke 8:41-48
Romans 15:4
1. Men can touch God in a way that can radically change their destiny for good.
Blind Bartimaeus Luke 18:38-41
Nicodemus John 3:1-3&16
Paul the apostle
These men touched God
What does it mean to touch God?
We are working with the third definition.
Although the multitude had physical contact with him, but there was no evident transformation
Luke 8:45
There are many people who have access to bibles, tapes, videos, men of God, teachings, but the corresponding evident transformation is missing and absent in many lives.
Just because many are involved in ministry, and spirituality does not mean that you're touching him.
Could be why we pray and the power that should follow does not speak in our lives
Could it be that this may be the reason why we study scripture, but the light, wisdom, illumination that should proceed from contact with the word is not evident in our life
2 Timothy 3:7
For Jesus to say who touched him, something happened to gin
There are clear unmistakable evidences when men touch God.
- Reverence and honor of God.
Luke 8:47
When men touch God, it alters the state of their heart; something happens to them.
Isaiah 6:1-5&7-8
There's a level of brokenness
Psalm 51:17
When God stretches his hands and allows you to touch him, the first thing that happens to you is that everything that is not him becomes threatened in your life immediately; a real warfare begins from within you.
Your service to God is useless until the state of your heart is pure
- Superior proof producing wisdom
Proverbs 9:10
Any wisdom that does not come from the fear of the Lord is corrupted wisdom and it will destroy you.
You will see wisdom beyond your age.
- Liberty
Luke 8:48
2 Corinthians 3:17
Mathew 11:28-30
Many people are carrying something that a demon put but the devil has deceived them to think it's of God.
You know that people have touched God because they work away free.
- When men touch God, they find peace
Luke 8:48
John 14:27
Many have died because of lack of peace than actual sickness.
Philippians 4:7
If money could on it's own buy peace, many people will not die.
If you let the problems in this life, they will send you to yiur grave and life will still continue.
There are times you look at the storm and say, "Do your worst."
Get a chair and watch quietly.
Don't wait till you are healed before you come and meet him, he is the one that heals.
Hebrew 1:16
The true function of power is not falling down and standing up. The true function of power is influencing changes in your life, effecting compliance, correcting anomalies
Pray this:
Father multiply grace, let your power rest upon my life.
Tired of powerless worship, preaching, entrepreneurship. Let genuine spiritual power flow into this frail body, ministry, business!
What kind and manner of man is able to touch God to produce a destiny altering effect
- A man with a broken and a contrite heart
2 Corinthians 3:4-6
Psalm 51:17
Psalm 100:3
A broken heart means a heart that is ever aware of your insufficiency outside the help of God
- A man who perpetually acknowledges and honours God
1 Samuel 2:30
God loves everybody but does not deal with everybody at the same level.
Proverbs 14:20
Even the grace to be diligent came from God, where then is our boasting
Ecclesiastes 9:11
God is the absolute factor of anything good that comes to your life
- A man who perpetually acknowledges God
Proverbs 3:6
- A man who chooses as an act of his will that he will work and live by faith
Hebrew 11:6
Genesis 15:6
- A man or a woman with a heart of genuine gratitude
Psalm 69:30
Think of 2 things the Lord has done from the beginning of this year to now.
- One who is willing to not just receive but be a blessing
Luke 8:47
Genesis 12:3
2 Corinthians 1:4
You can comfort others with your comfort.
One of the ways I know as far as receiving multiplied grace is concerned, is serve what yiu have with all your heart.
Efficient use produces increase.
What kind of man can touch the heart of God?
A man who is willing to be a blessing, using your victories, testimonies, your crown, your scars, your victory stories to bless your word and ultimately to help people know Jesus, love him and serve him.
John 3:30
Who touched me can be a state of anger as well.
A man can touch God in a way that can lead to his destruction
Any man that perpetually tries to fight the advancement of God's program
Exodus 5:1-3
Matthew 21:12-15 - Two expressions of his touch
When men rise up to become perpetual interruption to his program, he can arise in vengeance, arise in power and arise in anger.
In the name of Jesus like the woman with issue of blood, my heart is open for destiny defining encounter.
Everything you give unto me will be used for your glory.