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The staying power (The grace to outlast)
By Apostle Joshua Selman

Faith is vision dependent

It is important you understand what God is doing with your life, this give you the grace to stay and be built

6 Elements of a Koinonia believer

God's intent is for us is:

  1. To be a spiritually vibrant believer
  2. To be a person of character - a growing determination to be like Jesus
  3. To become an intelligent and transformed believer(through the ministry of the word)
  4. We become highly anointed and empowered believer - You are only a blessing to the degree to which you are empowered Luke 24:49
  5. To be responsible, purpose driven, effective believers
  6. To make us agents of territorial and societal transformation Matthew 5:13-14

It is impossible for any territory to indefinitely resent a person with these elements

Six foundational knowledge all Believers must have for a victorious life.

  1. Know God through Jesus

    Daniel 11:32

    We know God by:

    1. Studying his character
    2. Studying his way
    3. Knowing his power

  2. You must know your self in light of who Christ is

  3. You must know your place in destiny - You have a role to play in God's program

  4. understand the mysteries of the kingdom - there's an exact body of knowledge you need for an excelling life Job 38:33

    Your life is at mercy of the mysteries of the kingdom that you know.

    A few of mysteries:

    1. The law of encounter - It is the people that know their God that shall be strong and prosper - Daniel 11:32
    2. The law of faith - The just in this kingdom lives by faith
    3. The law of honor - Every door that closes, closes because of dishonor
    4. The law of relationships - Be fruitful means be relational
    5. The law of prayer Luke 18:1
    6. The power of vision and the ability

    It is unfortunate to assume that you will enter a great destiny in ignorance.

    You arise and shine because your light has come

  5. You must understand man - you will be a loser in life if you don't understand how to work with men.

    Don't ignore men Psalm 8:4

    Business run because of men not just ideas, ideas only have values because men make them valuable, if men reject those ideas they become obsolete

    Nonsense will have meaning when men accord it value

    Wisdom can be called foolishness if men reject it

    Everything revolves around the economy of men.

    It is in the multitude of many men is the kings honor

  6. You must know your adversary, the devil

    Satan will kill, steal, destroy anything he can.

    Matthew 11:12

    Psalm 66:3

    2 Corinthians 2:14


Father, open my eyes to see

The staying power(The power that causes men to stay, the grace that causes men to continue)

Joshua 14:6-11

There is a grace that God gives men that causes men to stay

Hebrews 6:15

Impact can be short lived, so says the story of Samson and the Nazareens

It is not unusual for men to be tired.

Visions can fail, just like a man's eyes

Longevity of impact is caused by a grace called by the staying power

The staying power is one of the mysterious provisions by the spirit of God that empowers men to last. That when the vicissitude and challenges of life rise and fall, at the end of it, when the dust is settled you are still standing.

The skill you used to start is not the skill you use to remain

Men are as powerful as the God that backs them

Men are as powerful as the mysteries(the body of spiritual knowledge) that supports and backs them

5 Keys Outlast

What does it mean to Outlast

- to continue to exist in-spite of

- to remain active

- to last longer, longer than things, seasons, opponents, conditions usually unfavorable

  1. To be strong in the Lord Eph 6:10

    - Your confidence in life will be on the strength of your knowledge of God 2 Timothy 1:12

    God does not keep what you have, he keeps what you commit to it(The bank does not keep the money you have, it keeps the money you commit to it)

    Proverbs 3:7

    A time will come where the only true and trusted ally in your life will be God

    Be strong in the Lord. It takes strength to continue.

    - The bible says if you turn aside in the day of battle, your strength is small.

    It takes a man who knows God to remain strong in this world of men.

    Joshua 1:9

    It takes strength to do anything in life

    Be strong means I know that things have happened around your life that is unfavorable but rest in the fact that there's a God who can save men.

    One thing I can tell you about life, is that it passes, life is not static, it moves. And if you have the endurance, that scene will change(like the pages of the book, like the hands in the clock)

    There is no champion who did not weary seasons through their courage.

    Men do not last because all seasons were to their favor, they stayed until dry season became rainy season(the farmers know this)

    Ephessians 6:10

    Champions know that seasons will change and may not change as fast as they want so they event a skill: Look up

    God did not bring us this far to take us back again. Know God before challenges come.

    Every champion is a champion because of what he overcame

  2. Submit to the supremacy of the word as final authority over your life. In any and all matters.

    It is dangerous to build you life on any other factor(human philosophy, intellect, visionary encounters) or foundation aside the word of God.

    Psalm 12:6-7

    Many people's life has gone down today because the basis of their confidence was not the word of God

    Psalm 18:30

    It is written is greater than I saw, heard, or I dreamt

    What you saw only works when it is consistent with what is written

    Matthew 7:24

    Build your life on the word of God

  3. Build inner strength and stamina through consistent prayer

    There's a dimension of strength that survives the wind of life that is generated within you when you pray

    Luke 18:1

    You must build inner strength Proverbs 24:10

    Like a phone reducing in battery percentage, the moment your energy bank starts going down, certain things may have to shut down, one can be your perception

    The moment seasons become unfavorable, afflictions, negative seasons, engage in prayer

    Let me teach you something If you are a leader and you talk too much, you will lose your honor factor. Words are expensive, don't waste them

    Another expensive commodity is your attention. You attention is where your destiny goes to, don't throw it away over nothing

  4. Be Joyful, void of bitterness and offense Proverbs 17:22

    Keys to remain joyful, void of bitterness and offense

  5. Always interpret things from the lens of God's sovereign plan Romans 8:28

    When things happen in your life ask these questions:

    1. Do I love God
    2. Am I working in obedience to his word

    Genesis 50:19

    James 1:2

  6. When going through unfavorable situation, always focus on the goodness of God

    It has a therapeutic effect, it can heal you from pain

    Get used to men.

    Waiting for perfection to find joy is like waiting for the cloud to touch the ground

  7. Joy is one of the greatness demonstration of faith 1 peter 1:8

  8. Always keep the vision of your future and the destination/destiny before you - exalt the vision beyond the challenges and vicissitudes of life and you have the stamina to remain and continue Philippians 3:13

    Luke 9:62

    Aside from joy add vision

    Vision gives you focus - among the many things vision gives you is the opportunity to say "no" to many things, good things included that will kill your destiny

    Vision prunes your relationship

    Vision prunes your appetite

    Vision prunes the things you can do and can't do

    Luke 10:41

These are the secrets that empower believers to stay


Lord I obtain the grace to outlast. To outlast storm, vicissitudes, challenges.

I receive the staying power for my career, for my business...

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