The spiritual man
By Apostle Joshua Selman
If you submit yourself diligently to the truth that come in here week in, week out sincerely with a determination to grow, in a very short time you'll see that your life becomes a sign and a wonder and then a marvel to you.
The truth that you hear are not a man's opinion or suggestion, they are road maps that lead to specific Spiritual levels or dimensions in spirit.
These are not the days of:
Limited knowledge
Bragging - when you truly know, the knowledge will show. 2 Timothy 3:7
When knowledge fails to deliver, you have to verify wether it is light indeed. You may have knowledge, but maybe what you may be lacking is understanding.
Knowledge is a collation of truth(useful information)
Understanding is comprehending the working dynamics the principle behind those truths(what makes them work)
Wisdom is obtaining grace to apply to engage the the truth you have understood so that they deliver and they deliver by committing God's power which works obeying the rules of engagement.
Father open my eyes, what am I not getting. Why am I not getting this(things not working) right.
I cry for transition in the spirit Haggai 2:9
Every consequence of ignorance in my life… because of something I did not know my life is currently in a place where only God can help me, I'm praying o God that you'll bring me out of that calamity and remedy my ignorance by light.
Every level of the spirit requires a certain weight of glory and a certain kind and measure of the anointing.
Cry that the anointing will fall afresh annoiting fall upon you
Revelation 4:1 - This shows you the power of focus
Father, regardless how you lift me, grant me the focus to continue with you, everything that sustains the power to distract me, let it die tonight.
There are 3 kinds of men that the bible identifies.
The natural man - he is unregenerate(he's not encountered Jesus, he's not saved)
1 Corinthians 2:14
The carnal man -
According to 1 Cor 3:1 he is a believer, he saved but is still a slave to the impulses of the flesh and has not contended for growth.
He is one who is carnally minded
Romans 8:6
The spiritual man -
He is one who is saved, has submitted himseld to be transformed by the word, one who is spiritual minded, obedient to the word of God.
Reading the bible and praying does not make you saved, these can make you a believer but you have to acknowledge the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus to be saved.
The moment you get saved, the next thing is to encounter this 3 fold ministry, he/she should be introduced to:
- The ministry of the holy spirit
- The ministry of the word
- The ministry of the teaching priest
Releasing the riches that come with the Zoe life is knowledge dependent.
There are 4 features that must be in any and every believer who has attained a status of true spirituality:
Your affection(your heart)
Your affection must be on heavenly things, it must be on Jesus and his program more than any other thing
Colossians 3:1
Proverbs 23:26
This is how God makes men spiritual.
The degree to which self is absent is the degree to which you have become spiritual.
God is not just interested in being in your heart, he wants to be number 1
2 Corinthians 4:12
Nothing is wrong with seeking a good life, but when your outmost desire becomes His desire…
No man has the power to get to that state by himself, only God can take men.
Hebrews 1:7
Father any thing that I have enthroned above you, let it die, Jesus be the epicenter of my life.
Matthew 6:21
Your mentality - A mentality that is spiritual
Romans 8:6
Your first response to life, your first response to things is to be spiritual minded.
To be spiritually minded through word based transformation.
You are as spiritually minded as your submission to the word of God.
Acts 20:32
Your first response to life, your first response to things is from the word of God.
To be spiritual means to be word complaint
Submitting to the leadership of the holy spirit
Romans 8:14
Genesis 1:2
Acts 10:38
The holy spirit does the following
He is the life giving force
He is an assignment to the unbelievers
John 16:8-11
If you ignore the ministry of the holy spirit you will never be able to convict unbelievers
Jonh 16:10
He has an assignment to believers
John 16:13
1 Corinthians 2:10
He responsible for revelation, guidance(steps that get to destination) and direction(the destination
He is responsible for empowerment
Luke 1:34-35
To led of the spirit means to submit to the wisdom, guidance and leadership of the spirit.
John 21:18
One of the ways you know it is God leading you, your flesh will fight it
Your passion to obey the word of God
Deut 28:1
Philippians 2:5-9
Spirituality is measured by your willingness to obey God no matter how convenient or or otherwise.
Luke 22:42
Love - the highest index of for measuring true spirituality is the degree to which the love of God as revealed in Christ as a capture of the nature of Christ is furnished within you and manifested from you.
The secret to love is a revelation of what Jesus went through as a demonstration of the father's love for you.
1 Corinthians 13:2
Father, I desire to be a spiritual man, I pray for grace to be led of the spirit.
Let your love be furnished in me, let it flow out of me like river
Make sure the ministry of prayer and the word never dies in your life, else you will be stunted in your growth.