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The season of abundance
By Apostle Joshua Selman

Every encounter in His presence is an encounter with light.

The ignorant believer will remain a defeated believer.


  • Speak to me, Lord.

    Let the result tied to light, knowledge, the result connected to hearing you, connected to believing you follow my life.

  • Father I expect to receive

Psalm 92:12


It is my season of abundance.

Psalm 66:12

You are as powerful as your ability to discern what God is doing per time and season.

God is an eternal God and king, but as far as his work with men is concerned, he has fragmented his dealings into times and seasons.

Meaning God is not always doing the same thing.

The believer must be one who sustains the ability to stand upon their watch and set their self upon a tower and hear what the Lord is saying, else a season will pass and like Jacob they will say, "The Lord was in this place and I knew not."

Few things to know about God

Psalm 115:16

Everything that will happen upon the earth, God is going to use the instrument of men

Psalm 8:4-9

Ecc 5:9

God is a God of portion.

Factors responsible for lack, want and poverty

  1. Ignorance/incomplete knowledge of God's financial system
  2. Absence of value that is needed and useful
  3. Lack of productivity(converting your value to products and services, serving them with excellence to a targetted consumer base) and excellence
  4. Absence of strategic relationship John 5:27
  5. Backruptcy of spiritual empowerment

    Abudance does not mean finance alone, Abudance is everything that makes for your sufficiency

  6. Impatience Proverbs 28:20-22
  7. Laziness

We are in the world but not of the world

The word system is founded upon:

  • Hatred, disdain for God and his ways
  • Selfishness - Selfishness and self-centeredness is not an unusual thing in the world system, it is only unusual to you as a believer. You hardly find people who are kind to you indefinitely there's usually something they looking unto. The bible says the whole world lieth in wickedness
  • When you come in to christ you are going to have to avoid these antichrist practices.

    The problem is that in church they advocate that believers avoid these antichrist practices but fail to show the believer the kingdom system(how God prospers men)

    But there is a nobler kingdom system. If you understand God's kingdom system, you will never admire satan's system of prospering men. But until you know it, you will remain a victim of regret from not partenering with satan.

    John 8:32

    Just because you are not aware does not mean the provision is not there. We must not allow our Ignorance mis-represent God

    Revelation 5:12

    In this kingdom there is a difference between, wealth abundance and kingdom wealth

    The way the world approaches wealth is different from how the world approaches wealth.

    You must understand the reason for the

    The difference between canality and a modain pursuit that ends you up in the flesh and that which empowers you to be an effective witness is this orientation.

    The 3 essential reason why God blesses the saints:

  • To live a comfortable life - God is not against your living comfortably, know this. It is the reason why sacrifice means alot to him, because you were not designed to live that way

  • ⭐So that you can advance the cause of the kingdom - the name of Jesus is very heavy and it will take alot of resources to lift it high for the nations to see.

    If you are incapacitated financially, you may not be able to do much for the kingdom.

  • To be blessing to the world in a practical and definite way according to Gen 12:3

    Satan knows you will never be able to help anyone with an empty hand

  • Your motivation behind you desire for wealth and abundance must be purified by these revelation.

    1 Chronicle 29:11&12

    God has the power to prosper

    1 Corinthians 3:6

    Convenant wealth is not wealth that happens by just tithing and giving, no, the Convenant is to understand the purpose, that you are bound that I will never forget why(the why is what makes it Convenant not the practice within it)

    Once you are done with that business in the spirit, you can come out and buy and sell, and do what you do and it will be clear to all that there is a mysterious force. That force is God's part of the convenant insisting that you rise, regardless of the economy.


    Place your hand your chest and pray, say "God you can trust me, work upon my heart. Take away greed, canality, materialism."

    The bible says, "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

    Lord purge my heart, any money that will take away my relationship, may it never come my way.

    From kingdom and financial standpoint, there 4 realms of living

    1. Survival - This is a dangerous realm, you should not be here
    2. Comfort
    3. Luxury
    4. Extravagance
    5. Both Survival and Extravagance is not for the believer zone, you should not be found there. The monent you get to point of Extravagance, you are sining before God, becuase the money does not belong to you. The believer is a steward, just because you have money does not mean you waste it.

      It is okay, for a liver to live the life of Comfort and Luxury.

    It doesn't matter how many billions you have that the believer should say, "I have so much money, I don't know what to do with it." You have become a sinner instantly, because the program of God is highly capital intensive.

    The world system will not fund God's program.

    Your economic system should never affect your relationship with God.

    Destiny is a function of time.

    The secret to step into accelerated wealth is strategic destiny connections

    If you don't obtain grace to have strategic destiny connections, you will remain poor even though you are productive.

    Every business on earth is the business of men. If you have product/ideas and you don't have men, you will not be wealthy.

    If you pray and you don't know what you answer looks like, your answer will pass you and you wouldn't know.

    Facts about relationships

    1. Relationships are advantageous connections.
    2. Relationships must be mutually(not equally) benefitial to the parties involved.
    3. Relationships are bridges to an exceptional life
    4. Relationships are currencies - Anything money can buy, relationships do same.
    5. The easiest way to succeed in life is through strategic relationship and destiny connections.
    6. You must have a healthy relationship with God, men and things. If you default in any, you will pay for it

      It is said that money is a bad master but a good slave. There's a way to handle influence, there's a way to handle opportunity, there's way to work with men such that you can derive maximum profit without being corrupted nor destroyed

      There are several ways to step into the world of greatness, through the door of need(where you'll remain a slave) or value(where the greats will acknowledge and respect you)

      The wealth equation

      Your relationship with God, gives you access to wisdom and favour. Wisdom and favour will give you access to men and systems. Men will give you access to resources and influences. You use the resources and influence to serve God.

      Compromise on this equation and you will not make it in life even financially.

      You are as wealthy as the men whose hands are open towards you

      Understanding this formula, the season of abundance is the season to be closer to God more than never before

      When God say we entering into a season of abundance, it means:

      You should get closer to him like never before, because he is the only that brings wisdom and favour

      The same way a man receive wisdom and favour, business, ministries can receive wisdom and favour, by the same principle(intimacy)


    Spirit of abundance rest upon my life

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