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The roadmap (the path to ever increasing glory)
By Apostle Joshua Selman

It pays to trust the Lord.

Psalms 34:5

Set your eyes upon Jesus above every limitation. Your stamina and stability is in your ability to look unto Jesus.

The beautiful thing about the word of God, is that it is an equalizer.

Every-time you come to the house of God it is important that God has prepared a feast of fat things, among them, the capacity to access light, light that leads to growth, light that leads to victory. There is nothing the devil can do about a believer that has found the path to victory. Assumed liberty is not liberty, but you can have true liberty.

John 8:32

Sustainable liberty is proof that you have found the truth, received the truth, engaged the truth and you are not reaping the dividends of that spiritual investment.

Like God, everybody is a farmer. You can sow to the flesh or to the spirit.

Galatians 6:8

Your destiny is at the mercy of the kind and quality of decisions you make. The assignment of a man of God and the teaching ministry is to guide you with sufficient knowledge so that you can make quality decisions.

You can not improve in life and destiny until you become brutally honest with yourself. The greatest form of deception is self deception.

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What people seek:

3. Growth

4. Significance

5. Impact

Matthew 7:13-14

Job 28:7-8

Ecclesiastes 10:15

Jeremiah 6:16

Network break

Success victory and greatness is our heritage in Christ.

Gal 3:28

Psalm 71:21

The greatest index to measures success in the spirit is your passion, press and drive for God.

In addition to these priorities(holiness, righteousness, consecration, living a devoted life to Christ,) you must broaden the understanding of believers to see that they are on this earth and their life must be useful. There is a level of frustration they will experience even though they are in Christ.

It is very dangerous when the whole counsel of God is not communicated to God’s people. As powerful as the various dimensions of God are, they become poisonous and dangerous when believers only cherry pick one dimension and build their entire theology around it.

Success, victory, and desire for greatness can not take you to hell. In fact there’s a dimension of God’s glory you cannot capture and reveal if you are not successful, victorious and great.

2. God is glorified when we are successful, God is glorified when we bear fruits

Isaiah 61:3

God is a sower, and as a believer, you are the planting of the Lord.

John 15:8.

Any result you get in your life that does not glorify God is a useless result.

Your pursuit only becomes destructive when God cannot get profit from what you are doing.

Say it: Be glorified through my life!

God is only glorified to the degree to which Jesus is revealed.

John 3:31

Success is measured across 6 indexes(it is not vague)

  1. Spirituality(your spiritual health) - The Extent of your spiritual vibrancy
  2. Your degree of transformation - Total transformation, but more importantly your mental transformation. The degree to which the word of God has designed a superior believe system
  3. Your health and physical well-being - You need this body
  4. Purpose - if you cannot answer the question why, for you life, to your life, then you are not completely successful Hebrew 10:7, Jeremiah 1:5-10
  5. Your financial well-being - Being poor, broke, needy does not glorify God. Money is not everything, but over 80% of your needs depend on it. Whatever accounts for your efficiency that far, it is foolish to ignore it
  6. The quality of the relationships you have and keep

The roadmap seeks to examine the principles you have been adhering to or neglecting on your path to becoming successful.

The roadmap to spirituality

What principle have you been adhering to or ignoring with regards to your spirituality.

  1. Your spirituality is measured by your hunger and passion for God. You must always examine if your hunger for Him is still intact
  2. Your prayer life - The consistency of your prayer life. Acts 6:4
  3. Your passion for the word - The degree to which you are building your life on the word of God; damaging spiritual ignorance. Spirituality and ignorance cannot go and in glove.
  4. From the spiritual stand point, there are 3 types of man:

    1. The natural man.
    2. The canal man.
    3. The spiritual man who has engaged all these things.

    You must be able to acquire by passion spiritual understanding not just reading the bible.Colossians 1:9

    Don’t just say you are studying the bible, translate that to spiritual intelligence

  5. Your passion for corperate fellowship - If your passion for cooperate fellowship is missing, you can not grow spiritually - There are things that God will not show you in the secret place there, it is when you come to the house of God under a corporate anointing like this, there are dimensions of intelligence and impaction that you receive
  6. Service - You are not truly spiritually if you are not serving in the house of God and ultimately serving the purposes of God.
  7. Show me a man who works with keeping with this, you have found the key for spiritual stability in an ever increasing glory. Storms will rise and come down, you will still be standing.

    Falling doesn’t just happen. Rising and falling is based on principles.

      The roadmap to transformation

      What is the key to transformation?

      1. The ultimate key to transformation is your awareness - your recognition of you current condition mentally. The knowledge that a lot happens in your life as reflected by your mindset. Your mindset and belief system is your contribution to your success or your failure

        Philippians 2:5

      2. You go for strategic knowledge - This is most enhanced through mentorship.

      3. Meditate - There cannot be transformation without meditation, the hearing and hearing again(the key is repetition).

        How do you know that you are not transformed? The quality of your decision.

      The roadmap to health and well-being

      What is the key to health and well-being?

      1. Gluttony kills
      2. If you don’t eat [well], you will die
      3. Inactivity for an indefinite period deadens your organs till you die. Psalm 34:20

      The roadmap to purpose and assignment

      1. Discovery -

        • The use of your potential, potential are pointers to your purpose.
        • Prophetic revelation and confirmation
        • Service in the house of God
        • Refine - Whatever God has given, refine it

        • Deploying
        • Read books on purpose(Discovering your purpose by Myles Munroe)

          And teachings on purpose.

          You are as fulfilled to degree you discover, refine and deploy

      The roadmap to your financial well-being

      What is the key to Your financial well-being?

      You prosper to the degree to which you are valuable and favored.

      The 2 principle keys that control wealth and abundance is:

      1. Value: Turning your gifts/abilities to product and services packaging with excellence and serving it to a targeted consumer based.

        If you are not valuable and you do not refine your value and serve it with excellence, you will either be poor or not sustainably wealthy.

      2. Favor through relationship - Anybody you sell value to can reward you, but the person that likes you can bless you.

        Mutual respect is the way of the wise

        Ecclesiastes 11:2

      3. When God wants to empower your life, He gives you access to both.

        There is a grace that prospers

      The roadmap to your quality relationships

      What is the key to quality relations?

      Relationships are vital.

      You can know a person but if you are not connected help will not flow from them to you.

      Relationships are investment - It is fraud to want a return over any investment you did not do.

      You can earn a living believing in people!

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