The mystery of time and money
By Apostle Joshua Selman
So you are still there but it says "no, this blessing was supposed to come to an updated personality", and since you are not that, it returns back waiting for you. So everything you are looking for is looking for you, but not this version of you.
The ministry you are looking for, is looking for you; but not this version. It is not with this level of anointing you will have it.
The estate you are looking for is looking for you, but not this version of you.
The key is not to get it, the key is to go to a realm where it becomes natural to come.
This this is where the danger of living a fake life lies because you are forced to acquire things. I force this to come into my life because I want to prove a point, and then I have it and people begin to say: "Wow! You now have this!"
And the law says: "It's not correct, because the level of your mental transformation only authorizes this result, how did you get this?"
Eventually something will happen and this will leave you.
When you grow into it, it will never leave you, if you like push this away it will find a way of coming back because your mindset already calls for it.
It's amazing how many things you would not need to pray for if you concentrate on growth.
True success is not looking for things, it is attracting possibilities that come to the updated versions of you; like a snake molting, you molt into an enlightened version.
This is the problem with the prosperity gospel as we know.
It does not help people know and see that every possibility in the kingdom, generally speaking, is for everyone, but not at the same level.
And so someone who has not been trained by the spirit to have character, sits down and is just wishing for a hundred million with no regard for money, he just says "give me hundred million!"
Let's assume that person now has the 100 million. That person is a fool, so his prosperity will destroy him because the things he should have learnt in the growth process that will make hundred million become a blessing, he did not learn it.
And Jesus grew not Jesus sought, and jesus grew!
A triumphant entry would not be organized for baby Jesus!
A triumphant entry will not be organized for an unbaptized Jesus.
A triumphant entry would not be organized for even a Jesus who had not gone to the wilderness.
As Jesus transited, the possibilities in his life continued to show.
Ask any man has enjoyed any kind of honor they will tell you they did not even budget for that; they kept transiting.
You sit down and say: "oh I'm going to fly business class it's a foolish ambition it's not faith business class was prepared for a certain mindset. There is a realm that necessitates it.
When you grow into realms other supporting things that should happen to maintain that success, would happen.
If you sit in a business class with a shoe of 500 naira or 1000, you are not there!
If you sit in a business class and you are telling somebody call me back, you are not there, because if everything grew at that realm those things would not be a concern.
So I can know whether you have grown into a success, or you just got it by seeing the other supporting things in your life.
You claim to be a millionaire I should not see you at a place scratching a card to load. There is a way that behavior happens at that realm; if you don't know it is a sign that you are not there, even if there is a millionaire in your account.
The thing about God is when you are ready to walk with him you have to go back and start again. You are not going to say because I've been this for a long time.
There are many things in my life I did not seek, I didn't even know that there were things like that I only kept growing; Lord lift me! Lord change my mind, change my understanding!
And as I grew… I remember those days when i started ministry, I would go and minister somewhere and when I'm about to climb the bike or to get into a car, the person who invited me will now bring out the honorarium like a bribe and just fold the thing, and say "man of God, thank you!"
They were right because I was anointed, but that was what my mind could attract! it was not an insult. Imagine that I got up and said: "see if you don't give me this amount next time!"
You don't have to tell anybody you are changing, the law was designed to send a signal to your environment every time you change.
A day will come where what you eat now will run away from you, the mindset you now have will reject that food, not by you fighting it; it will leave and you will not even know when it left.
A day will come the house you now live in will fight you and run away from you.
It will push you to another house without you looking for it, the new dimension of you attracts the realities.
This is deliverance because our generation of young people are making a big mistake that will give us high blood pressure.
When we see the results of many people we use the bodies to judge and you say "you are my age mate", "you are my university coursemate" and we do not know that our realities are driven by that which is built in our minds.
I can stand here right now me and you are talking.
Somebody will come to me, sow a seed and leave you.
Do you think it's just because the person hates you.
The understanding makes it wrong for somethings to come to you.
There is a level you will rise to all you want will come together without looking for them, they begin to come.
**It is vanity to pursue them because you will see them and never touch.
When you start your journey nobody beacons on you, nobody demands your grace, nobody requires your value; not because they hate you, infact the things they are holding may be yours.
But the version of you has not come to the stage, so instead of looking for them because they will reject you! If you fight for it, you'll have high blood pressure.
This is how the saints grow in the kingdom; the mind! me though.
Chasing things, will be the secret to your frustration.
This is what our parents started doing from age 20: "I'm looking for money, I'm looking for fame!"
And now in their old age, they didn't get one
The bible says: "Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the lord is risen upon you.
You don't rise, by wearing new clothes, you don't rise by faking a new house, you don't rise by buying a new hair to prove a point.
Kings will not come, they have results! Kings don't come to light, they come to the brightness.
So your results are at say 2, now only gentiles are coming. If you stop at this realm, only gentiles will come.
But there is a level you'll get to, kings will start coming, captains of industries will start coming.
This is why many people get angry when they see transformed people blessed, because they ask "what are you doing?"
They don't ask "who are you becoming?"
It is never what you do, it is who you are!
**Many prayers that we pray are unnecessary, a law was already designed for every step I'm taking.
As i take a step what I'm praying for comes to me, if i go back it goes back too.
So the secret and the pace of my wealth is not left to God, if I hurry up and I take two steps, it comes faster.
so now that you are reading as you are growing what do you think is happening to you?
I remember when I started out in my life, doing my thing and I continue to grow in my mind, change wrong philosophies, wrong ideologies, ownership, the pressure to prove a point, the pleasure to let your contemporaries see you are successful, and all the pressure that comes from home: "Are you a child?", "You are an embarrassment!"
If you conquer those things then you are now ready to rise.
Rich people are not the ones who are greedy, they are wealthy as proof that they have conquered money.
So I got to a point in my life where all kinds of blessings began to come, then I started meeting people. One day I met a real estate man who I had ministered to and was blessed and he entered a covenant with God, that every estate on earth they build, they must build my house there too. I have landed properties today I have not gone to look at, I don't even know where they are.
So that you don't think that i'm just teaching you nonsense.
Imagine that I left God to chase houses, please don't get me wrong, you will learn about business from me too; what I am saying is putting a sequential arrangement of things as they should be.
**The key is not to chase things!
Imagine that I went around saying I must find a man who will give me a house in all his estates.
Everybody on earth is a giver, but there are versions of men they look to give.
Everyone on earth including the one who does not want to pick your call. While he's rejecting your call, there is a version of man that he will give to.
You go to church with all kinds of seeds, you go to church with all kinds of things, blessings, your relatives are asking you to give them, but you tell them I don't have money, yet you can carry money and give a man of God who is not your relative, why?
Simply because of the version of person.
You can go to visit a mentor and a politician, buy wine and carry hundred thousand saying "let me have the privilege of sowing." Whereas your neighbor is begging you for 10 naira and you cannot give him.
Everybody is a giver, but there are versions that certain givings can come to.
So this man comes to meet me and then vows with God that every estate… and they have a number of them in the country now, and every one of it, they brought the papers of my own place.
And I said God what is this? And then the lord reminds me that "you can stop, when you stop here."
There are no biases.
God did this so that you will stop insulting your father and say "daddy look at the family we came from…"
It says from where thou art lift up your eyes, you can lift your eyes from where you are.
I got to a point where I met a group of business people and I prayed for them
And the moment I prayed for them(quite successful people) and the lord honored them in a very strange way.
One day a call comes and they say "Apostle you may not be interested in this, but we have decided collectively to make you a non-executive board member of our corporation."
I said "what does that mean? What is my work? i don't even have that time?"
They replied: "you are not doing anything, all we need is for your anointing to be part of this business."
I'm not bragging, I am helping you to see.
What you are chasing for you, will never find it.
the key in this kingdom is that we run by staying, we don't run by running, we run by staying.
Everything you are looking for is looking for you. You only chase after what does not want you; the only problem is just the version of you chasing.
The fact that it is running is proof that you will never get it.
Everything in my life that I desire and does not gravitate towards me, I don't pursue it. I find out the level of grace, mental transformation and understanding it will take, and I grow into it because whatever you pull to your life that your mind has not gotten there.
And like a rubber ring, it will go back and it will go back and leave you in shame.
There are young people in your city who bought cars, but their minds were trekking and the cars damaged to become their minds again.
Is that true, there are young people who enter two three bedroom flat, bought chairs because of some big breakthrough that came from a business.
But in their minds they were still squatting, and trouble began to happen in that house until they were evicted in shame.
**Never fake what can be real; the same energy it takes to be fake is the same energy it takes to be real.
**Growth is a real secret to wealth.
I vowed in my life that I will never chase money, I vowed in my life never to worship money, I will never manipulate the people of God because of finance; I fear God.
Three years ago three kings came together to give me 18.7 hectares of a gold mine. And early this year they came again and said the remaining part of it, we have not found anybody who is faithful and worthy, you are too selfless you are more concerned about our community than your growth, we are giving you access to everyone of it; everything.
If you let the things of this world trap your heart for God, you will fail and still go to hell.
Money can be a lord to you governing your life or it can be a tool at your back and call, that you rise through knowledge and understanding, so while you serve his majesty it serves you.
Never will anything take my relationship away from God.
What shall separate us from the love of God? These mundane things, yes they are useful.
I bring you a balanced message of kingdom wealth that will make you lay up gold as dust and yet your heart is still with God.
**Even as your soul prospers.
This obsession and thinking about money, money ,money, money; day and night money
The whole discussion: "money"
"Man most wack!" dangerous statement.
When you rise through knowledge, you will not share your wealth because it's sustained through understanding; remember the bible says "wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability!"
They are stabilizers.
When things happen haphazardly you are afraid of your own result because you know it will not last.
This is where your wealth is, so the bible says "guard your heart"
You guard your car by putting it in a garage, you guide your rice by putting it inside a container.
You guard your jewelries by putting it inside some kind of safe, you gaurd your money by creating an account for it.
But you leave your mind open and the bible says it is not wisdom.
It is better to ignore those things and guard your mind with all diligence.
It said from out of it comes the issues.
These things you seek for don't come from the physical realm, these things come from the spirit.
It is not because there is no oil on the land that you are not risen like other places; Dubai was a desert place men viewed dubai here(their mind) and what they built started coming from the ends of the earth to where it is today.
You may be wearing a shoe of 500 naira, travel to the boutique here(your mind), don't travel physically you will bring shame on yourself.
You may be staying in one room but go and buy the land here(your mind) there are real estate agents here(your mind) discuss with them there when you buy the land there your mind will take your body and say this is what you bought, here it is.
Don't try to manipulate people and frustrate yourself increase the members here(your mind)
Change your finances from here(your mind) by understanding these things.
There is an exactitude to wealth world.
It's not a thing that just happens, you don't have to be a politician to be wealthy, you don't have to be a businessman to be wealthy, you don't have to be a career person to be wealthy; wealth is a response to an enlightened understanding.
**kingdom wealth is a response!
Everyone seated here, your property is scattered around, but the version of you now is not the version that will go there.
While you are reading this, you are becoming richer because your understanding is drawing possibilities and driving away others.
Can you just pray for 2 minutes in the spirit, I think you should really pray in tongues in 2 minutes, just just to settle this thing in your mind.
Never again to chase money, never again to chase things.
Recap of everything:
Kingdom wealth is not about things, it's a battle for time redemption, is a warfare for your soul and for time redemption. It is not about estates and oil and cars. If that is the scope of your pursuit, you have already lost it; it is a battle for your soul and a battle for time.
Number one:
All wealth comes from God and belongs to god
Number two:
In this kingdom owners are rebels; we never own things.
My car, my house, my child, my shop, my clothes; when you own things you maintain them. It belongs to him.
Number three:
All blessings come from God through men to men. So any shop that blesses you, any business that blesses you, it is never the business… when you leave God and begin to worship the business, the business becomes your source and the owner leaves you and the business, that's why business is fail.
When God becomes your source, anything, even a fish can give you coin; if God is your source, a fish that does not carry coin will because if the lord is my shepherd he can move anything to ensure that I do not want.
**Wealth is not pursued!
Success is not something you seek, success is what you attract by who you become.
Not what you do, who you become first, then what you do. What you do is only valuable when who you become has been settled.
For five minutes just begin to pray, pray error out of our minds.
Pray that every high thing that is not of God must give way.
Casting down every imagination and every wrong philosophy.
I have blamed the government for my situation.
I've hated my father for my situation but now I have seen that my financial destiny is at the mercy of my enlightenment.
Please pray, for the sake of your children pray!
you are praying for the sake of your ancient mother, aged father.
Lord I have always known that I am the savior that will arise from zion and judge the mount of israel.
I cannot remain in poverty and penury.