The mystery of time and money
By Apostle Joshua Selman
Satisfy your inner desires, and jesus said "no, man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded from the mouth of God."
The next temptation was the temptation of his spiritual life; he takes him to a holy side and says "fall down, backslide, go down, after all the angels will hold you."
And then the next temptation is the temptation of wealth; he takes him to an exceeding high mountain and drops him there, and shows him the glories of the world in a moment of time and says: "All this has been given to me, all I want you to do is bow to me."
Satan does not want your account, satan does not want your business, satan does not even want your child.
What's he going to do with that?
This is what he wants… your allegiance.
Why? Man is the zenith of God's creation, the fullness of the express image of the christ.
Satan has been obsessed with transgenerational allegiance. It is your soul that satan wants, it is not your money.
This is why there's no money in your account; because he knows that you have been programmed by a system that when there is no money in your account it is impossible for you to keep quiet and sleep, because the civilization that you live in is driven by economy, and sooner or later you will have needs that only money can pay for and it will compel you to get up and do something with your time to get it back.
Genesis 42 : 1 - 2
This is the technology that causes believers to backslide, the technology that will always drive people away from God.
"…There was corn in Egypt"
Egypt is a place that represents a government that is antichrist and yet he said because there was corn in egypt jacob said unto his sons "why do you look upon one another"
Verse 2
Now a prophet is about to die because, although he's a prophet he has no corn, and satan put corn in egypt so that israel will go to egypt.
**Hunger always takes israel to egypt
Satan does not tell you to go to egypt by throwing and forcing you, all he needs to do is to ensure that only egypt has corn, eventually you will find your way to egypt.
This is a prophet about to mortgage his future, he said "if we do not eat corn we will die"
So it was never your desire to get into prostitution, you were a child of god love god with all your heart, but when you found out that it was only egypt that had corn…
The first year you said God forbid, I will never give my body for anything, my body is the temple of the holy spirit, the economy kept growing.
But when you heard that 500 000 naira was needed otherwise your mother would die in seven days, suddenly corn in egypt.
You didn't know when you went to egypt and said "no matter what i have to do, my mother must live"
So please understand that a true prosperity gospel is not about money, it's not about acquiring things, although things will come, but the spiritual understanding, is to provide a system of time redemption that can allow a generation time to host God, and to reveal god within their time.
Today it is a strange thing to find a man at home on a weekday with his wife, even if you are praying; people say "what! You mean you don't do anything?"
And the worst part of it is that while you are staying in that house, you are still blessed
People say "we already know that you are you are either a drug baron or you are an armed robber."
We believe the secret to wealth is in going to look for something.
***The real proof of love is the investment of time.
It takes time to pray, it takes time to pray down the power and the glory of God upon your life.
You will never have that time when things are not in place.
This was designed to:
1. Correct your philosophy of kingdom wealth.
2. Show you God's authorized pathway to become wealthy transgenerationally, and yet your soul prospering while you do.
These are the people that satan is afraid of; those who prosper even as their souls prosper. That the more you become wealthy the more your knees can go on the ground to worship God.
Now that's a frustration to satan.
You know you are truly prosperous when you can give any amount to the cost of the gospel without it affecting you.
True wealth is not having some money. The level of poverty has made us so selfish; once you have some money, you can buy some clothes, take some trips abroad, have a nice house, build a few estates, we just say i'm a multi-millionaire, no sir!
The degree to which your giving does not affect your life and yet affects destinies is a proof of true wealth.
There is a standard we are given in the bible, if your world only blesses your children you are poor.
According to God's design your grandchildren is the minimum standard. The longevity of your wealth should at least reach your grandchildren.
A good man leaveth an inheritance for his children's children.
In our generation the average young man does not start from ground zero, you start from minus; you have to correct something that you inherited.
By the time you are done correcting that and you get to ground zero you are 40 years old, then you now start managing your own life.
By the time your children are ready to grow you are 60 years old you are 70 years.
This is why we continue to be distracted. And the economy has been manipulated again and again.
The generation that will say "thank you" for receiving this truth is not us but our children
We are the bridge between the errors of the past and the blessings of the future. We are that generation that are willing to pay the price; that what I did not have let my children have them. And if you share that philosophy then you will be able to pay sincere attention.
Otherwise you are going to translate the same thing and watch it wreck your life, and wreck that of your church, your children and your children's children.
So the next time you see someone talking and saying "all these people just talking about money…"
Tell him that: "Everybody is not the same, there is a correct balanced communication of truth that relates to the empowerment of the saints from a kingdom perspective, and the real commodity of exchange is not business, but time and the souls of men.
I pray that men will be able to give god enough time to host dimensions of grace.
You will not be able to give him that time hungry, you will not be able to give him that time when you are looking for school fees for one or two of your children, or fighting with a landlord.
Dreaming of cars and houses and placing the pictured on your wall, it's not necessarily wrong but you must know that:
There is a higher course,
There is a greater reason.
It is a curse to spend your life time looking for money.
It's an uncomfortable truth, don't get uncomfortable about it just pay attention while it is explained.
The average young man in this country graduates say between maybe 25 and 30 years.
And the work service time in this nation will lead to about 30 to 35 years depending on what corporation or what institute.
And most people from the time they are done with school; the high institution of learning.
Sometimes they even begin to work before then. And from that time until they retire, they continue to chase this object called money.
And by the time they are done retiring, they only live with regrets; health concerns, challenges of children, and all kinds of things that would have happened.
They leave to their graves sad this sermon is correcting this about your life.
So that you do not follow that pathway, and then so that you can be a blessing, also to your parents; and say "Mom I've learnt the questions you asked in your youth, I have come to answer it."
That is how our life should be.
Not to spend an entire life, from morning to night…
It is vein to wake up early in the morning and to sleep late in the night, only to eat the bread of sorrow.
There is a bread that does not satisfy, it gives sorrow, you keep eating it and all that comes to you is sorrow.
These things shared with you now in addition to the things that will be shared with you are not opinions, they are not suggestions.
Before you listen to a man probe his results, don't listen randomly.
Note this down please;
The economic system of the kingdom is based on the following truths(that means that you have to be aware of the following in dealing with God's economic system):
1. The understanding that all wealth comes from God and belongs to God; these are foundational truths that we must put in place. Not the earth, not your farm… all wealth comes from God and belongs to God.
2. The second thing you must understand about kingdom wealth is that nobody in the kingdom owns wealth, there are no owners in the kingdom, they are only stewards.
**Owners are rebels.
Please understand that there is no such thing as my thing in the kingdom; it is his thing given to me.
The bible says moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful.
Ownership is the reason for lack,
Ownership is the reason for greed,
Ownership is the reason for jealousy,
Ownership is the reason for hatred,
Ownership is a reason for pride.
In this kingdom we do not own things; owners are rebels!
When you own anything you have to maintain it, this is where high blood pressure comes from.
The prodigal son had access but he wanted ownership, give me in my name.
3. All blessings come from God through men to men.
You have to understand how kingdom wealth operates.
All blessings without reservation comes from God through men to men.
Men are never the source, men are channels.
Nobody makes money off business,
Nobody makes money off investments,
Nobody makes money off oil and gas,
Nobody makes money of real estate,
Nobody makes money off agriculture.
All blessings come from God, they only pass through men.
So businesses are only funnels not sources!
All blessings come from God through men to men.
When you know this, you will understand that a woman can be roasting corn and build a duplex.
And you'll ask: "is it really corn that did that?"
The corn is only a funnel.
This is the mysterious explanation behind the strange lifting of people who do what should not give them that kind of blessing. They are aware that every physical platform that you are part of, be it a business, an investment, whatever, is simply a physical system that allows the realities that are being released from the realm of the spirit to materialize into your experience.
**You never get wealthy by pursuing money.
**In this kingdom, wealth is not pursued, wealth is attracted.
That journey of looking for money, you will never find it.
Money runs faster than Usain Bolt, you will never catch up with it.
The idea that i am looking for money is a dangerous idea; you never look for money.
**Success is what you attract by reason of who you are becoming, not what you do, who you are!
This is a very powerful spiritual law that governs wealth and abundance: Anything you get that is not a product of your transformation is like pulling a rubber ring; it will return back.
That's why people continue to vacillate; so you try to get a car that is not a reflection of who you are and then you lose it.
God designed possibilities and allocated dimensions to those possibilities; that means that life is in levels, and at every level there are possibilities allocated that reflect your level of transformation.
So let's say one is at level one, there are things that will naturally gravitate to the mindset of whoever is at level one. But his desire is the result at level five, the system of getting it, is to grow there not to pull it down to where he is.
This is the mistake that we make.
So a young man believes that the key to become wealthy is to just go and start a business, or to wear some clothes and have a regalia that suggests wealth.
And what he is wearing the moment he puts it on there is a wrestle in the realm of the spirit, because everything in this life is built twice.
First in your mind and then in your life whatever appears in your life that was not in your mind will be fought by your mind and treat it as a mistake, your life will be altered to correct it until it looks like your mind.
These are laws backed up by God's integrity. That's why people can win lotteries millions of naira and dollars, their minds interpret that breakthrough as a mistake, it interprets the breakthrough as an attack; so it begins to fight that money till they reduce back.
Have you not noticed that the amount in your account and your pocket cannot cross a level. Occasionally you can get a breakthrough, but it must reduce back to a circle, it's a reflection of your level of mental transformation; this is called the law of the mind.
The law of mental transformation is one of the primary laws that grow wealth, superior to the law of value.
Value is only useful when your mind is transformed.
You will never enter certain dimensions until your mind enters there.
Ephesians 3 verse 20
"....Above all that we ask or think"
If I say sit down here or sit down there, it means all of them carry equal value.
That means that your mouth is a prayer warrior your mind too is a prayer warrior. And the bible says God answers both prayers.
So while your mouth is saying lord lift me, your mindset is saying lord forget about what I prayed in the morning; and the bible says god is able to do what you ask, or think.
It is not only your mouth that prays, your mind sends requests to heaven.
So could it be that your current financial condition is an answered prayer that your mind has been praying, and god is faithful to answer it?!
Mindsets are powerful.
They are the only authorized channels that interface the realm of the spirit and the physical realm.
Show me a man who has not had his understanding altered, no matter what is around him physically is a waste of time; it will eventually reflect his mind.
Every state is a reflection of the understanding and the paradigm of the people within that territory.
So you carry a nice suit like that of an evangelist and give one boy outside, this is what will happen to that suit, in 3 weeks the suit would have torn, he didn't tear; the suit is looking like his mind.
That guy never carried a razor blade to tear the suit, it's a law! Your physical reality will eventually be a reflection of your understanding.
**The real wealth is not business, the real wealth is your understanding.
Anything that is built in your mind, you have it already, it doesn't matter whether it has appeared or not.
Fear a man who has finished the construction there(his mind) because no power in existence will stop that man
The way the holy ghost lifts men is that: he empowers your mind on a journey; your mind is powerful because it is spiritual, it gets to where your body needs to go to and confirms, registered your presence and then comes to take your body to follow it.
This is a technology of wealth and growth; the holy ghost takes your mind first before your body gets there.
It's a waste to take your body where your mind has not gone.
Ask a young man: "what can I do for you?"
He'll say give me small capital, there's one business this business is this or that!
Have you not noticed that is when you join it that it doesn't work? The law catches up with you, it's not an attack, it's the prayer point from your mind.
When your mind is adjusted anything will bless you, even what should not work the power of these laws will ensure that you come out victorious.
Years ago when I began to study about finances and I had the privilege of learning from very uncommon mentors.
When I got their books I was angry, I felt they were wicked people. I wanted to know the exact businesses they were doing, that was what I was interested in; what do they do.
But everything they were doing was correcting my understanding and I hated it.
I said to myself that these guys are lying. Tell me what business you are doing let me do it too.
I found out that it wasn't a lie, anything you do physically that has not been done in your mind is temporary.
Buy a cloth that is not yet in your mind, scenarios will be created around your life including stealing, to take it away.
Your life will never rest till your physical realm becomes like your mind.
So the bible says "Let this mind be in you…"
Jesus first died in his understanding; he continued to say it, and then he died physically.
I'm at level one and the only thing that was authorized by god's laws to come to me at a mental development level of level one is this.
So this naturally comes, sometimes even without me praying and I look and I feel bad because I see the results of someone and I want it. But I do not know that these results were only supposed to come to another version of me, this version of me cannot get that level of results.
Men are like softwares, every time this blessing comes, it does not see you because the version of you it was allocated to bless, it doesn't find it.