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The Ministry of Light
By Apostle Joshua Selman

Acts 20:28

This teaching holds the reason why many genuinely saved and well intentioned believers never live to experience the glorious life that is in Christ. There's an explanation why a believer who is genuinely saved fails to project through his or her life, the victory that is in Christ.

The beauty and glory that comes with the faith life, the beauty and glory that comes with the spirit life is hardly visible in the life of many believers, and this has misrepresented God in many degrees.

John 8:32

There are 2 components to this verse/statement

The second component is sustained by God's integrity.

But the first component is your responsibility: "and ye shall know the truth"

Hoses 4:6

Even though his people, even though he is God; his people are destroyed, not by satan, but by lack of knowledge.

Many have rejected knowledge to their detriment.

Ephesians 4:18

The ratio of believers who are frustrated, depressed... Outways that of those who are working in the victory of the divine life.

John 10:10

Jesus's ministry is beyond deliverance from sin and satan.

If this is not addressed, believers will soon get frustrated. If believers cannot see the faithfulness of God, they will begin to delve into the corridors of compromise and they will begin to fall away from the authenticity of their faith pursuit.

Dynamics of liberty. How did God design for the saints to work in liberty?

Believers within any organisation/ministry are at the mercy of the knowledge of the priest that serves them truth.

John 1:9

The major component of the end point is that experientially your life becomes the manifestation of the glory of God.

Romans 8:18

John 15:8, 16

Epiphanies 2:10

Revelation is like a vehicle, it has an assignment of stopping you from stagnancy. It has a unique ability of bringing transition to your life. It is impossible to be enlightened and to remain there.

Isaiah 60:1

  1. Liberty starts by having an encounter with Jesus

    In order of spiritual priority, God in creating a system that administers his grace, his light, his power, designed this system such that your first encounter as far as your journey to liberty is called salvation(being born again, the new birth experience)

    John 3:16

    Romans 10:9&10

    1 John 5:11-12

    The new birth experience is not the totality of the believers experience, but the starting point of the journey to liberty and victory. Not knowing this alone will keep you defeated forever even when you are saved.

  2. Being saved by confessing the lordship of Jesus does not automatically in itself being you into the experience of victory.

    Being saved or being born again, gives you access not experience.

    John 14:6

    You start experiencing life by finding the way.

    Between the way and the experience of life, is truth.

    The initial new birth experience affects your spirit man instantly principally. The path in the salvation experience that is instant and finished is your spirit man, not your mind, not your body.

    That is the reason for the teaching priests and churches, to build the body and mind.

    John 17:3

    1 Timothy 2:1-4

  3. Knowing the truth

    If you do not know the truth that came with the saviour, you will remain defeated even though you genuinely met the saviour.

    What is knowing the truth, it describes the entire process of accessing light after you are saved to being transformed by it.

    John 8:32

    Knowing the truth requires 3 steps:

    1. Access to the truth(the word)

      Psalm 119:130

    2. Access to the holy spirit

      John 16:13

    3. Access to the teaching priest

      Jeremiah 3:15

      Act 8:37-38

    When God really wants to help you, he grants you access to a man of God that he has given the grace of light.

    Being a teaching priest is more than brain work, the grace of the teaching priest is an endowment of God.

    John 3:2

    Many people have access to light, but many people are not intentional about hearing and receiving

    God speaks to men through men primarily.

    Satan goes anywhere God is, because any time God comes, he gives things to men. That's why anytime your word is coming he distracts you.

    Every time you are not transformed, blessings become burdens.

    Transformation is the endpoint of your receiving truth.

    If you receive light but don't submit to the transforming power of that light, you will never be able to become what that light intended for you to be.

    2 Timothy 3:7

How transformation leads you to victory

Our realities in this kingdom are shaped by our belief system, our mindsets and the quality of our thinking.

*You claim to be receiving truth, but no area of your life brings the glory of God, it might be the quality and kind of information, but if it's not it's that you've not submitted yourself to be transformed by it.

The information that is stored in your mind is in layers.

That means they don't exact the same kind of power over you. Certain information has a greater hold on you than others.

Transformation is warfare; a warfare to dethrone thoughts, reasoning, mindset, information, that fights your destiny and greatness.

Transformation leads to victory and liberty by empowering the saints to make superior destiny advancing choices and decision.

How does transformation by light lead to victory?

Thoughts, mindsets, reasoning have an energy(they exhibit magnetic properties)

When trouble comes to you, repeatedly, it means something is in you attracting it.

Job 3:25

This is the mystery of deep calling unto deep

1 Samuel 17:43-45

David's most dominant thought was the knowledge of God that's why he was able to defeat Goliath and the fear he had inflicting on the Israelites.

Poverty has a mindset that if it does not find, it can not manifest.

Wealth has a mindset that if it does not find, it can not manifest.

Curses have a mindset that if they don't find, they cannot manifest.

Blessings have a mindset that if they don't find, they cannot manifest.

Gen 11:4

It is important we manage encounters with wisdom, so that the strength of your experience does not just become your supernatural encounter.

Defeat depends on a belief system

Increase depends on a belief system

Working in the anointing depends on a belief system.

You can be saved but still be a victim of limitations and frustration that plagued you before you were saved.

The reason is that you may not know that there's a journey beyond salvation, in addition to your being saved.

There's a force that emanates from you, that force can attract bad, good friends, gifted people. It is a mindset!

Arrival is a mindset, the passion to continue is a mindset.

The concept of "familiar spirit" is that they want certain occurrences to remain in certain families/territories. They study the kind of mindset that attracts trouble and they create a stronghold around. And you don't break it by saying you break it alone, you also start re-engineering your thinking.

Pastors and ministers with all due respect must realize the sensitivity of the roles that they play in literally determining the destiny of people and by extension the destiny of a nation.

The difference between a great ministry and limiting struggling ministry is the belief system of the leaders.

What is in you that has been exalted over the knowledge of God.

What you see today is a product of yesterday's mindset.

Greed is a mindset not an attitude, a mindset that informs you that what you have is what there is. You interpret depletion as losses.

Proverbs 11:24

There's a system for excellence and efficiency, if you don't know it, follow them.

Hebrew 6:12

The value of the anointing is when it rest on a transformed mind.

The mind gives the capacity. Prophecy and the speaking of God now gives allowance for it to find expression.

Excellence, cutting corners, bribery and corruption is a mindset.

Isaiah 60:3

Limitation is a mindset.

Knowing the truth by the ministry of light, will make you see the true value of salvation.

The real value of salvation is revealed at the point of transformation.

The ultimate proof of the presence of light is liberty.

Philippians 3:13-14

Prayer 1:

Father I receive your light.

High level illumination, superior beliefs!

Prayer 2:

The discipline to partner with God as he seeks to transform me.

There's no gift of transformation.

Pray for the discipline to learn the principles of wealth.

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