Read Sermons

By Apostle Joshua Selman

The bible says, "They go from strength to strength to as many that appear before the Lord in Zion." Psalm 84:7

1 Cor 14:40

For as long as our christian experience ends in just praying in tongues and shouting, as spiritual as that is we will only remain a nuisance to our world and to society, we must translate spiritual to a context that affects territory, first spiritually, then help their philosophy and understanding. Then economically, we have heavenly resources we also have economic resources and so from that which God is given, we must do well to support what the government and well meaning citizens are doing.

The church does not stop at a charity organisation, we are primarily a spiritual platform that communicates truth that is based on scripture, that is intended to connect people to Jesus, then connect people to the principle of the kingdom and release grace from that understanding that empowers them to live meaningful lives of dominion and dignity.

Reflect on the things that the Lord has done, in, through and around you and say thank you

Do you know why many people do not experience the hand of God consistently?

Among the many reasons, is that many believers take the faithfulness of God for granted.

In gratitude is a great doorway - it brings back your negative past to become your present.

Never get to a point where you say, "with or without God I can still make it."

What you have (anointing, money, influence) can deceive. You must always remind yourself like the apostle, "I am why I am by the grace of God."

1 Cor 15:10

You must know that outside of God's mercy great people can be reduced to ashes.

It is only by the mercy of God that the weak become strong.

It is only by his mercy that the poor become wealthy.

Points help us remember why you are in Koinonia?

1. To encounter God.

2. To access spiritual intelligence. To understand the principles of the kingdom.

3. To build your faith. Jude 1:20

The kind and quality of faith you have determined your outcome.

4. To receive help, mercy and strength. Psalm 20:1-2, Psalm 84:7

5. You are here as part of your commitment towards the kingdom advance. Your worship, prayer, giving, attention.

It is pride as a student to arbitrarily edit the things that you're being taught especially when the people communicating it have proofs in that area. Men of God are not God, we make mistakes, we are all growing, but with respect to the areas where there are results, it is foolish for people who do not have redult begin to edit when they have not produced results.

6. To fellowship with the saints.

7. Empowerment, and that in ever increasing measures.

Lay your hand on your head, "Father speak to me, my heart is open to hear you, my destiny is open to rise, clarity of understanding."


The bible is very clear that there is a spirit realm and there is a physical realm.

Man has the advantage of interacting with these realms.

Romans 1:20

Everything physical is a testament that there's another kind of material beyond the natural realm

Col 1:16

Everything in the physical has it's parallel in the realm of the spirit

Math 3:16-17

The consciousness that there is a dimension outside this realm, puts you at an advantage position. And the superiority of the realm of the spirit which can superimpose this realm.

Realities are only made manifest when we learn how to transport those realities from the realm of the spirit to the physical.

John 1:14

Everything God has placed in the realm of the spirit that is needed for your destiny actualisation but through ignorance it's been waiting there for years, may sustain the intelligence to make it manifest.

Heb 11:3(Read from MSG translation in this case for better understanding)

The things which appear are only a manifestation of realities available(in the realm of the spirit) and if you know how to transport those realities you'll live an invincible life of dominion even in your world today.

Everything that ever manifests is because it finds its parallel in the spirit include trouble.

As far as manifesting spiritual reality is concerned, there are 2 major challenges with believers.

1. Ignorance of the provisions and resources available to the believer in Christ. 2 Peter 1:3, Eph 1:3

2. Ignorance on how to convert the spiritual resources available in Christ to their material expressions for the profiting of the believer. Matthew 6:10

The ability to interact with that realm with such mastery that you can convert and bring to your domain all that are needed for your profiting.

The keys to transport spiritual realities of any kind and any sort according to the will of God and to give it material expressions

This is how great destinies have been built.

All Kingdom resources are first spiritual

1. Contend for light. Light here means knowledge. Psalm 82:5, Psalm 119:130

2. Press into the realm of consciousness and conviction.

Psalm 36:9 - the bible is saying 2 things here:

Number one, you need his light, but when his light arrives, there's a kind of light you must see through his light. "It says in your light shall we see light."

The word conscious means to be aware of, and to have the ability to respond to. It means to be awake unto or to be awake towards.

Until you rise to a realm beyond just light, the realm of concern and conviction, you will never have those realities manifest - This is the assignment of a mystery in the spirit called meditation.

The assignment of meditation is to transfer spiritual realities beyond the book, beyond the message into your spirit, into your consciousness.

You are conscious of a thing when it dominates your thoughts.

Those who build anything great are not just those who have wishful thinking, they have become immersed in the thing that drives them. The bible calls it the zeal of the Lord.

The reason why many people cannot become and cannot manifest realities, is because they've not taken the truth of scripture and meditated upon it until it moves past the realm of just information and suck into your spirit.

Something happens to a man when the word of God becomes spirit and life, you cannot be separated from that truth again, you have so believed it that you have become one with that belief.

Psalm 1:3

Ezekiel 2:2

Gen 12:3

Gal 3:29

Psalm 23:1

2 Cor 9:8

God show me the secret to the anointing - Psalm 89:20

Reason of sounds - 2 kings 3:15

The key to rest, the presence of God - Exodus 33:15

Lay your hand on your head and meditate on one scriptures(for some thou annoited my head with oil.)

Rev 5:9

Isaiah 54:17

Psalm 119:97-99

One of the ways you meditate is to repeat thought again and again and again.

Mockers are a natural pathway to greatness.

2 Cor 4:18

Philippians 4:8

3. Mix the truth you found with faith Heb 4:2.

What is faith?

Your actions of obedience to the condition that connects to the faith.

Every speaking of God has conditions connected to it, the profit point of your Christian adventure, is when you find the truth meditate to create conviction and then you engage, you mix with obedience, faith.

To obey means you have to embrace the spirit of wisdom. What does the bible say you should do that connects to the promise you are looking for.

For example:

The bible talks about laziness and begging. How both of them are related. So when you meditate on the fact the bible says, "a diligent hand shall be made fat." What is your point of obedience now? Whatsoever your hand findeth to do that is in righteousness, you do as unto God.

Another is giving

Prov 11:24

There are many many people who are found wanting in the place of obedience.

There people who will always be poor no matter what. Laziness, or channelling their energy without wisdom.

Matthew 26:11

The miracle happens at the point of obedience.

Gen 26:12

Provided you camp around disobedience I guarantee you understand God their certain manifestation you will not see under God.

Complaining does not increase, it only brings people down.

4. Engage in spiritual warfare. You will never manifest anything from the spirit without engaging in spiritual warfare.

What is spiritual warfare?

Establishing victory over spirits and over condition that fights the manifestation of the word in your life(ministry, home, business, sphere of influence)

1 Cor 16:9, 1 Thessalonians 2:18

All unclean spirits are stubborn spirits.

When God says, "you are a blessing."

Satan says, "we will fight it!"

They first come to find out wether you are aware and you believe

Then they find out wether it has become a reality in your consciousness.

Then they find out wether you have obtained the grace to obey.

If there is no point, then they attack you directly for no reason.

The reason why satan attacks primarily is because is that he's the antichrist and he has come to steal kill and destroy - John 10:10

That means there must be something to kill, something to kill and something to destroy.

The truth is the kind of warfare you will have to fight to birth prophecy in your life, it will need stamina in spirit.

Psalm 91:5

2 Thes 3:16

How do you know that you're under attack?

When the occurrences in your life do not match up with the commitment of value and obedience you're bringing.

Number 23:23

James 1:17

Psalm 74:20

Isaiah 54:17

5. Expect and prepare to receive the ministry of men.

The final arrival or manifestion of spiritual reality happens through the ministry of men.

John 5:7

1 Samuel 10:3-4

How do you receive what God gives you? From the hands of men.

Every man's destiny is as stunted and delayed as the arrival of the men sent from God to you.

When God wants to help you, he accelerates the arrival of the men who have a role to play in your life.

John 6:5-12

There are many dimensions of results and promises we seek:

Growth, financial increase, direction, healings, deliverance, Job, promotions, Marital settlement, fruitfulness of all sorts, receiving the anointing, expansion in business, intellectual growth... All of these resources are men dependent. They are realities that are finished in the realm of the spirit, but they all depend on the ministry of men.

Manifestation of the supernatural that depended on men

The multiplication across the earth through Adam and Eve - Gen 3:20

The preservation of the earth through the ark through the man Noah.

Bringing deliverance to Israel from Egypt through the man Joseph.

Bringing mana from heaven through the man moses.

The axe head floating through the man Elijah - 2 kings 6:6, it also took a man to pickup the axe head.

Samarias deliverance from farming by Elisha

Deliverance of Niniveh, it was through the man, Jonah.

The birthing of Jesus, Mary

Turning water to wine, Jesus


Triumphant entry, the men that had the donkey and the disciples that got it - Luke 19:30-35

The burial of Jesus, Joseph used his influence and his tomb to burial Jesus for the burial and resurrection to happen. Luke 23:50

The announcement of Jesus's resurrection, Mary Magdalen - John 20:16-17

Receiving from men demands the following:

1. Know the value and role of men in manifesting spiritual realities in your life.

2. Look beyond their frailties and limitations. 2 Cor 4:7

3. Humility and adaptation.

"Adaptation is proof of honour" - Mike Murdock

Don't try to receive from men that have what you need on your own terms - it is pride.

Nobody has sustainable result by mistake.

4. Gratitude and honour.

Learn to say thank you.


Father, everything that you have declared in scriptures, this is the year I want to see it manifest in my life. Go ahead and obtain grace, obtain grace to contend for light

Psalm 68:11


Lord this week, the men sent by God to make prophecy finally manifest, Lord bring them by your mercy

No Jesus, no life!

For someone you are saying you want to make the decision to follow Jesus. For someone, you want to rededicate your life to Jesus.

If you know that today if Jesus comes now, you are going straight to hell, don't cheat your destiny.

Make sure you open your heart to receive salvation.

Lift your right hand high above your head and say, "Lord Jesus, I have heard your word, i love you with heart, I believed that you rose again for my justification. Right now, I receive you into my heart as my saviour my Lord and my king. I declare that the power of sin, satan, hell and the grave is broken over my life. From tonight and forever, I am a child of God washed by the blood of the lamb. I go forward ever and backward never. Amen"

Father thank you for the gift of these precious ones who have come to the cross, I pray by the power of the holy spirit based on the authority of scripture that your sins are forgiven and in the name Jesus, this moment, i call you bonafide recepient of the life of God. I call you the righteousness of God in Christ, recipient of his life. The grace to live the victorious Christian life from tonight, let it be released upon you in the name of Jesus. You go forward ever and backward never in Jesus mighty name we pray.

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