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February Miracle Service, 2024
By Apostle Joshua Selman

The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and they are safe.

Give God thanks from the depths of your spirit.

Welcome to the miracle Service for the month of February.

In the name of Jesus all that God has for you in this service must be made manifest in your life.

So please give your destiny wrapped and dedicated focus.

The bible said they heard the word like we did, but the word did not profit them, not being mixed with faith with them that heard it. So the problem was not the word, the problem was not even their hearing.

They didn't believe that which they heard and so they did not see anything.

Every part of the service has a package a package for you, may you receive your full package in Jesus name.

God bless you, prepare for an extraordinary encounter

I trust God that by the end of this service someone who is sick will be walked healed and rejoicing, someone who came here oppressed with all kind spirits and yokes, you'll watch those chains fall before you in the name of Jesus. And for people whose destiny have refused to open for whatever reason, you'll watch those doors fall like dagon before the ark. In the name of Jesus.

For someone who has been rejected and denied his portion in this season. In the name of Jesus, as you submit yourself to the spirit of grace, suddenly, someone who is responsible for your lifting will be convicted by the spirit to answer you speedily.

For someone, somebody who has vowed and said, 'over my dead body for you to rise...' the bible says, 'who can decree a thing and it shall come to pass...'

When God has not instructed a thing, it doesn't matter what men say.

'I have spoken once and twice have you heard that power belongeth to God.' Not God and men. He gives men but it is out of what he has.

There's no man who has anything that God did not give. And the one who gave can withdraw it.

Don't choose part of what God can do and leave others, open up your spirit and receive everything that God has installed for you.

Can God heal? Will your receive?

Can God lift? Will you receive it?

Can God prosper, speedily? Will you receive it?

Can God favour men? Will you receive it?

Can God roll shame and reproach from men's life? Will you receive it?

Can God restore families? Do you believe it?

Shout a believing amen.

If you truly believe this, then sit back and brace up because the spirit of God is on a journey today that will only leave you an object of praise.

May the wisdom of God that is at work in your life be such that everyone around you can see it visibly.

If it is true that the wisdom of God is at work in your life, I am praying for you that it will find expression, and people will thank God for the gift of you.

Prof said: 'Those who live beyond themselves, live beyond their time.'

You must think beyond yourself.

There's only so much you can eat, wear... Giving is living.

When you spend you your life empowering people sincerely, it is very easy for them to stand around and support you.

Receiving in the spirit is based on the atmospheres that are created.

There are at least 4 atmospheres that allow for recieving.

1. The atmosphere for praise and worship. In this atmosphere, recieving is easy, receiving is possible.

This brings the opportunity for someone to receive any and all spiritual blessing

2. The atmosphere of prayer and supplication.

The opportunity and possibility for reception is here.

Mark 11:24

In the atmosphere of prayer desires are converted into expectations and manifestation.

3. The atmosphere of the word; When the word is taught, not just when it is present.

The teaching of the word imparts understanding and alters mindset, it helps you to receive from God.

Your first assignment is not to desire to receive, your first assignment is to see that these spiritual atmospheres are created.

Every plane can fly but not in every atmosphere. This is how it is in the spirit

4. The atmosphere of the prophetic.

When you create a prophetic atmosphere where prophetic speakings can come to your life, you have also created the atmosphere to receive.

5. The atmosphere of giving and thanksgiving.

In the atmosphere of giving there is also recieving cause the giver is a sower and everytime you sow according to Gen 8:22.

Giving is not just limited to money; thanksgiving, gratitude.

So people who seem to always walk in the harvest/work in divine rewards, they are not just people who are necessarily extraordinary christians, they have understood the implication of creating spiritual atmospheres. It's not because God decided to isolate them and bless at the expense of another, the bible says that 'The same Lord is rich to all.'

What has happened is that by mentorship or understanding they have come into a comprehension and implication of atmospheres.

You find those who praise and worship, they will seldom be without help, God will always raise help for them. Just like Paul and Silas.

There's no doubt what God can do for your life.

The bible said as he(Jesus) taught, the power of God was present to heal.

Don't how it will happen, there's an equation to miracle that men cannot explain.

16:25 - 18:03 Breathe Lord

May your life be a sign and a wonder! Evident and unmistakable in the name of Jesus Christ!

There's no doubt when God walks with men.

There's no doubt when grace rest upon men.

There's no doubt when light comes to men.

There many who as their lifes cannot bring glory to God that way. Eph 2:10

God's goal is not just to take us to heaven, but that our lives will eventually be a manifestation of the glory of God.

Roman 8:19

What is glory?

The multifaceted dimension of God his wisdom is his glory, his power is his glory, speed is a manifestion of his glory, restoration, prosperity is an expression of his glory.

Anything that makes men praise God through you God is ready to make available in your life.

John 15:8

Why does he heal, prosper, restore? There's an intent behind everything God does.

God does all he does because:

1. He loves you

It is in the character of love to give. If it is true that he is love, then it must be consistent with his nature to see you at your best.

2. He does it because of his name sake

As defense to his reputation.

If your name does not excel you're not blessed. One of the portrait of a blessed man is a blessed name. Gen 12:2&3

If all you have is money, education.... You're not blessed enough.

When you are great alone, nobody can be great through you, but when your name is great, people can leverage on that name and also become great.

Jesus gave us his name, today in his name, standing in his office we can leverage on his reputation and exert dominion upon the cosmos.

3. By supplying those provisions, you become an expression of his glory, a revelation of his power to your world.

When God says he wants your life to be a reflection of his glory, It Is Not Mere talk, there is a commitment component to that talk.

Integrity and ability is what makes a man faithful.

Integrity is the intention to remain true, but ability is what gives integrity credence.

Thankfully God has both.

If God has spoken it, is within his power to make it good.

Genesis 21:1, "and the Lord visited Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did unto Sarah as he has spoken."

I'm telling you this so that you will know that when God vows that it is your year of exceeding great rewards, if God has vowed that it is your year for Rising, it is not a mere talk.

The resources from heaven have been coordinated to make sure that that word does not fall to the ground.

That means an individual can rise from anywhere to anywhere. You may be the least like Gideon in your father's house and yet when these resources are coordinated(wisdom, favour, speed, restoration, power, relationship - this is called all grace. 2 Corinthians 9:8)

In 2 Cor 9:8, what does it mean to be sufficient? To mean it means to be able to rise to the occasion, never disappointed.

He wants you to abound to every good work, but not without his empowerment.

If you are angry enough, something always happens to men when you become, when you are comfortable with situations, you will be shocked that in this atmosphere we share the grace and leave, and you will live back disappointed.

There are people who cannot rise, there are families that cannot Excel because there are horns, remember our scripture Zechariah 1 and verse 18, "son of man, what seest thou?" He says, "four horns", horns symbols of authority.

What is the assignment of these horns? The Bible says they have come, "these are the horns that have kept down Judah your praise, kept down Israel your promise, kept down Jerusalem your peace", three things they attack: they attack your praise, they attack your promise, they attack your peace.

Zachariah 1:18-20

What does a carpenter do?

Rebuild. Sometimes build afresh; from nothing.

There are many who are gifted but with the wrong audience, you've not yet gotten the environment that has the discernment to honor you. Joseph interpreted three people's dreams, he interpreted 2 dreams before the king, the gift did not improve, only the audience changed.

There are some of you, you have been interpreting dreams well done, but you have exhausted that training.

It's time for God to announce you, and God does not necessarily need to upgrade the gift, he just needs to bring the people who have capacity to discern what you carry and reward you.

And I pray for you already in the name of Jesus Christ, May the grace that lifts, May the grace that announces, let it rest upon you now.

Announcement is a spiritual thing. Media can only help.

You can be shouting and say, "I am here, I studied this, I can do this," but the realm of the spirit says, "we cannot hear you," and that is where the control room is.

If that grace has not landed on you, you can shout around and nobody will hear you. There is a hear he is anointing.

In the name of Jesus, whatever has silenced your influence, I call upon the God of my convenant may you be heard from today, let the ends of the earth hear you.

Ministries have voice, businesses have voice.

You can be active and sincere, but if that sound in the spirit is not heard, your relevance will also die with you.

I say it again,The spirit shutting your voice, I came by the rod of a higher priesthood, that silence comes to an end

Believe me, when that Grace is on you, it doesn't matter even if you are in a hole, the Nations will look for you there, it is true.

39:04 - 40:13 rest on me

Remember that there are five spiritual atmospheres, and every time God in introduces any of them, you must be Discerning because it's time to receive: the atmosphere of prayer engenders reception, the atmosphere of worship engenders reception, the atmosphere of the prophetic and engenders reception, you must be sensitive.

Psalm 3:1-3

Psalm 71:21

How many sides?

Joshua 3:7


Father, for your glory, increase my greatness.

Greatness is your heritage.

Something is happening to your spirit. I tell you there is an elevation in the spirit.

Joel 2:25

God can restore time

If God cannot restore time, then he's not greater than time. If it is, he is greater and higher than the realm of time, then he must sustain the ability to restore time.

Jeremiah 30:17

God does not just restore time, God restores health and vitality.

Psalm 41:1-3

1 Peter 5:10

Say it, "Make me perfect, establish me, strengthen me, and then settle me."

Father I decree, I declare divine restoration of opportunity, resources, of men, of my joy now! In the name of Jesus

Job 42:10

God restored by giving twice

Gen 21:1

It is one thing for God to speak but it's another thing for his word to arrive speedily.

In the parable of the ten virgins, God himself was standing in the place of the bridegroom.

It was the delay of the arrival of the bridegroom that made the oil of other virgins to finish.

If the bridegroom came on time, all ten of them, they were virgins, are we together now? It was the delay of the arrival of the bridegroom that made five to suffer loss.

So when it does not arrive on time, your resources can pay for it. He says, "Satisfy me early with your mercy."

Joshua 21:25

How many came to pass? All!

Father I declare a speedy manifestation of every prophetic word that is upon my life

You have spoken, let it come to pass now.

John 14:11

Results can make men believe God and believe you.

John 15:8

Not just fruit, much fruit, great results.

Results, at the end of any and every argument you can argue all you can, but not in the presence of results.

Father, in this season, give evidence to my Christian experience. Results, genuine results.

I'm tired of running around telling people I'm a Christian.

I'm tired of telling people I love you without proof.

I'm tired of telling people I'm serving you without proof.

Pray! Give evidence to my serving you, give evidence to my loving you, give evidence to my living for you.

1:09:00 - 1:09:50 My deliverer is coming.

Do you know why we minister deliverance to people?

You see, the major challenge with believers in the body of Christ is we do not know that for results to happen in the earth, please listen, there are three conditions that need to be satisfied

Number one is called the finished work of Christ.

Number two is the effective appropriation of that which is finished in Christ, engaging it through faith.

And then number three, the results manifest.

The major challenge with believers is that we think just because realities are finished in Christ, it automatically means the earth eternally has an instruction to give crops and yet there is still hunger on earth.

Why? Because that prophetic word there has to be an appropriation system. The name of the appropriation system is sowing. Every time you sow, you are partnering with prophecy.

It is prophetic instruction to the earth plus the farmer's responsibility that is equal harvest. Even in a desert, the land, land was still instructed to produce under a certain kind of condition.

So you read in scriptures, "By his stripes I am healed." That is a prophetic reality from God's standpoint.

These things are not a lie, they are realities as finished in Christ.

But you must understand the appropriation system of the spirit, that means the system of converting prophecy to make it manifest.

" The word became flesh, the healing word became flesh, the prospering word became flesh, the lifting word became became flesh. Then it dwelt among men, and we beheld his glory. We couldn't see the glory when it was in the realm of the spirit."

The Bible says, "From the foundations of the earth, the lamb was already slain." But that reality could not save any man. People still died and went to Hades until Jesus came in reality and partnered with prophecy.

So when we minister deliverance and you see people who came believing in God manifesting, and God is releasing people, it is not negating what Christ has done. It is engaging the appropriation system.

The concept of deliverance and warfare for the believer is not engaging to see who wins, is enforcing the victory that is finished already, but making it manifest here and now.

There are three conditions by which spirits engage the saints: one is called disobedience, two is called ignorance, three is called covenants.

And covenants are transgenerational in their approach, that means you don't have to be there and agree when it was enacted, but you will still be a victim.

These are rules of engagement you need to understand. It is not negating your Christian experience.

When Victory manifests, everything will show that you are a winner.

By the privilege of God's grace, I have seen all kinds of oppressions in the life of people.

I, I can tell you firsthand, many of you here ladies and gentlemen, you are standing here not just for yourself, but you are standing for your families.

There are people who never hold money and it stays in their hand.

Come on now, there are people who don't experience delay, but their Pace with respect to time is too slow.

I tell you, there are people who build but never eat.

Just when they are about to eat, they die or something happens to them.

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