Read Sermons

February Miracle Service, 2024
By Apostle Joshua Selman

That includes pastors, they raise people, the moment the people are established and it's the time to bless them, something mysteriously happens and takes them out of their life.

There are business people like that.

There are people here who are part of the rising of many people, but till today, they are still poers and Beggars. Spirits for you.

Spirits for you! Hallelujah!

Beautiful lady, wonderful lady, but the day a gentleman looks at you and says, "I want to go and see your father," that gentleman will lose his job in one week, lose his sanity, lose every opportunity, and they'll just tell him, "Run away from this family, there's a spirit in this family.

You see, this is what sometimes the prophetic Ministry erroneously interprets as men and women being witches and wizards.

They may not be witches and wizards, but for sure, there are spiritual operations within those families that with intelligence, they need to be delivered from.

I know people, as a man of God, I desire to bless them.

I remember looking at them and said, "I will bless them." Mysteriously, in a way I cannot understand, I'm not that forgetful, but I forgot to bless them, me, a man of God, and the person is saying, "What kind of spirit is this?" What is pursuing you determines how you run.

Now, not to get you to feel offended, but there are people in families who never mind marry until they get pregnant outside, that's the condition.

I know people who spent 15 years abroad and return back to Nigeria, and even the key to a car they could not have.

Comparison, what is it that stops the glory of God from manifesting?

How about families that they always kill those who become the lifters in those families? Have you seen it happen that just when someone just, "I just got a job, I just got an opportunity, my stomach, my head," and the person is dead?

What about your destiny helpers forgetting you? You watch them on TV making pledges to people, and yet you say, "Uncle, just to remind you that I'm still here," and says, "Oh okay, You, I will. .", once it is your own, they forget.

Are you ready for the book of remembrance to be open?

Just when they are dropping your CV on a man's table, someone will come and use your CV to wrap food with it.

They are considering yours, they say, "Please pass me a piece of paper," and it's your CV they carry and wrap food with it, and you sit down, and you are shouting, thinking your CV is in the office, whereas it's in the bin somewhere.

He said, "The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous." Do you know why he said, "Lest he dips his hand in iniquity"? I've seen people who love God, they are not lazy, but they live their lives begging.

There are families where the parents and the elderly people remain, but the children die, leaving the parents.

You see a family full of old people with no young man to help them.

This is what makes a complete generation.

There must be Elders, there must be young men, there must be children.

No generation is safe without Elders, no generation is safe without young men, no generation is safe without children.

When Satan wants to suspend continuity, he looks for one of these three.

If he kills the elders, the young men will become foolish young men because no counsel.

When he kills a young man, there will be no continuity because the elders will pass on one day, and the children will not have a way to be trained well.

When he kills the children, you now see the spirit that was in pharaoh, and he was negotiating the exodus of God's people, "Let some go and let some stay," and Moses said, "You are joking, all of us, our wives, our children."


Every force tying down my destiny, you must let me go now!

What is Deliverance?

Separating you from the spirits that plague you, separating you from the conditions also, not just Spirits.

1:29:50 - 1:30:49 Me na yi daka so ni haka

Now, I'm seeing something tied around the stomachs of people, and I'm wondering what is this, is what, what the meaning of this is, and the spirit of God is telling me that this is enchantment, this is witchcraft over many.

This thing started from your dream and then tied your destiny down, from seeing yourself in secondary school to writing exams that never finish, to things holding your destiny down.

Right now, be released, be released! Bring them out, be released, be released by the power that raised Christ from the dead, by the power that raised Christ from the dead.

Now hear me, every family under any course, course of untimely death, course of failure at the edge of breakthrough, now you are going to shout "Jesus" with that one loud shout, those altars must give way now.

1, 2, 3, shout "Jesus!" Be released, be released, be released, be released! Your family be released, your business be released, your destiny be released, everything that concerns you!

What has buried the name of your family? The statement ichabod that it cannot even be heard again? A family that was once great, known for greatness, but it looks like the devil has sat on your destiny? I'm talking to three people by the spirit.

In the name of Jesus, right now, by the fire of the Holy Ghost, I declare, "May that Veil, May that Veil be torn right now over your family! May that Veil be torn right now over your family! May that Veil be torn right now!"

Every month you must treat sickness, mysterious sicknesses eating up your finances, eating up your energy, Your vitality.

I don't know who I'm speaking to, but by the power that raised Christ from the dead, that demonic authorization over your body is cancelled now, cancelled now!

In the name of Jesus, I use this Vision as a point of contact to everyone who has been kidnapped by wicked men, by the power that raised Christ from the dead, this week, not next week, this week, in the name that is above all names, we declare their release now, we declare their release now, we declare their release now!

"Every spirit that has held you down, God brought you by himself right now, be released right now, be released!" I decree and that as you rise, you step into a range, a a level of strange testimonies, strange testimonies in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I decree and declare, I don't know who is trusting God for a job, for you, for your family, or a change of job, because some of you, what you are doing is not really a job.

Anything that steals your spiritual life, destroys your health, causes enemies, and multiplies your sorrow is not from God.

Therefore, I decree between now and the next one month, in the name that is above all names, and by the power of Prophecy, from the East to the West, the North to the South, Nigeria and Beyond, may God give you a strange testimony, may my God give you a strange testimony!

I don't know why God is asking me to speak.(referring to those in the overflow outside, but where ever you are connect by faith)

Perhaps it is to connect with you, to let you know that distance is no barrier, and it doesn't, doesn't matter of basement, all the other overflows, you can connect by faith.

I want to pray for you, and I want you to believe by the faith of the son of the Living God that what God would do in your life will surprise you beyond your imagination.

Father, in the name that is above all names, I pray for my people[outside.]

Lift your hands and believe.

This is not entertainment, believe, believe! The Bible says "Believe in the Lord your God, so shall you be established." It says, "Believe in His prophets, so shall you prosper."

I pray for you, everything that will make you laugh and celebrate between the next two weeks.

Whatever it is, by all godly means, I declare, may it happen for you! Everything that will make you celebrate.

Ah, Sarah said, "All who hear this will rejoice with me."

I pray for you, in the name of Jesus, between now and the next two weeks, those outside, but it applies to everybody - whatever God must do to make you laugh, I declare, may it happen speedily, speedily!

If it's a job, may it happen speedily! If it's your visa, may it happen speedily! If it's your house, may it happen speedily!

Sometimes God moves like this to comfort us, to help us see and know that distance is no barrier.

The oil of favor, the oil of favor that can come upon a man's head, that can come upon a man's hand, that can come upon his feet and rewrite his story.

I stretch my hands first from outside, and then to all connecting, and to those connecting across the globe.

I have seen what the favor of God can do. This ministry is evidence that God's favor can rest upon a man.

It is such as I have. In the name of Jesus, to those outside and whoever is tired of struggling, moving from pillar to post, and things are not working in ministry, in finances, I pray for you - receive the oil of favor, receive the oil of favor!

Shout this, say,

Father, every curse, every enchantment, every demonic arrangement orchestrated by men and by spirits against my life and my destiny, let it be destroyed now!

Every enchantment, every curse orchestrated against my life, against my advancement, against my health, against my prosperity, by the blood of the Eternal Covenant be broken, be broken in the name of Jesus!"

Every demonic oppression upon the saints depends on a certain kind of belief system.

No matter what kind of spirit is sent to you, that spirit is helpless until a certain belief system is formed in you. It is the union of that spirit and your belief system that equals your tragedy.

Satan is as powerful in your life as the limitation of your belief system.

So the primary assignment of spirit is not to oppress, it is to first manipulate your understanding or build a garrison around your wrong belief system, so that regardless of what truth comes for your liberation, you do not sustain the intelligence to understand it.

There is no spirit that is not at the mercy of your belief system. Even God, as mighty as He is, is limited by your belief system.

He said, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus." It says they limited Him, the Holy One, in the wilderness.

How do you limit the Limitless God? I want to show you something powerful.

Send any kind of spirit - spirit of death, spirit of delay, spirit of retrogression, untimely death, poverty - all those spirits will come and mark time at the gate of your mind.

There is a certain mental component that empowers their entry or keeps them forever.

So the Bible says, "No weapon fashioned." I used to think the weapons are the arrows that fly by day, these weapons are mindsets.

So Satan brings your background, brings your failure, brings poor or ill-mentorship, and uses it to fashion a weapon.

That weapon becomes the access point for spirits.

So no matter the kind of deliverance you go through, what that software, that faulty thinking is still there, that deliverance session was only a waste of time because all he needs to do is to touch any trigger in your life and it will make you open the door through your belief system - anger, jealousy, lust, pain, wrong memory, fear - all of them are triggers and any one of them can bring you back to that mold and the spirit will find its way again.

So complete deliverance is not just casting out demon spirits. But a reorientation through the Teaching Ministry that now gives you a superior understanding, a mindset that is always superior.

That way you close the door permanently over those spirits.

In fact, in order of spiritual priority, I rather teach you the truth than to minister deliverance for you, because once that mindset is altered, the spirit itself becomes unconducive.

The Bible says, "When spirits leave men they go through deserts, and from the desert, there was nobody to cast them, by themselves they left the desert and came back to the man."


How forcible are right words? They can force spirits out and force prophecies in!

We're going to be praying and challenging, according to 2 Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 4, NIV.

We're challenging by the light of God's word every faulty belief system, every wrong way of thinking that is empowering failure, defeat, attacks, delay, limitations over our lives.

NIV says "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.

On the contrary, it says they have divine power to demolish strongholds."

Verse 5 says "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought" - every what? - You can take thoughts in captivity and make it in the obedient to Christ.

Shout this loud, shout this clear: Go ahead and pray - say

Father, I challenge, I challenge by the light of God's word every faulty belief system, every wrong way of thinking that is empowering failure, that is empowering defeat, empowering attacks, empowering delay, empowering limitations over my life and destiny.

I bring it to captivity now, by the light of God's word!

Every thought, every mindset that came from the past, mindset that came from wrong mentorship, mindset that came from your previous failures, mindset that came from culture, mindset that came from your limitations - whatsoever they may be, sponsoring failure, sponsoring defeat, sponsoring attacks, delays, limitations in life and destiny, I bring them to captivity by the light of God's word!

Jeremiah 3:15 says "And I will give you pastors or shepherds after my heart, according to my heart," it says "they shall feed you."

Why do they need to feed you? What are they feeding exactly? Number one, they're feeding your spirit.

Number two, they are feeding your mind.

What does it mean to feed your mind? To use the word of God, word applicable principles, to begin to rewrite on the software of your mind, reprogramming your understanding, giving you a mindset that is pro-victory, pro-Christ, pro-negative destiny, pro-prosperity, pro-authority.

This is the assignment of the teaching priest.

So you can come as you are, but you must submit yourself not just to the miracle-working power, you must submit yourself.

Everything in your life eventually reflects your mindset.

Carry a CEO in his office, I have taught you this, put him at the gate of the company and carry, with all due respect, many of the security, especially the ill-trained ones just there to serve basically - reverse them and put them to sit on the seat of the manager for one week.

The first thing that will happen is that the man will most likely destroy that office because of careless use.

He will steal everything there and tear every paper, use it for whatever, finish every food, every refreshment in the fridge.

And then people will stop coming to the office there because the CEO at the gate will start inventing an easier system.

He will first invent a system that shields him from heat, and then his courteousness, that sense of courtesy will make all who are coming to look for the man in the office to stop at the gates there because their problems will be stopped at the gate.

I'm saying that to tell you that what distinguishes people essentially, it's not just the clothes they wear, it's not just their communication, is their mindset.

An armed robber is a mindset, a man of God is a mindset.

Did you hear what I said? A failure is a mindset, a CEO is a mindset.

You don't necessarily call a body a CEO when that body dies and falls to the ground, you don't call it a CEO.

It is the mindset you are calling an apostle, is the mindset you are calling a billionaire, is the mindset you are calling a millionaire, is the mindset you are calling a failure.

So when God gives you a new name, the new name comes with a new mindset.

You see that now? For you cannot put new wine in old wineskins, the problem is not the wine, the problem is the wineskin carrying it.

There are times that God does not want to manage your mindset, He wants to take it away from you totally and bring something new.

It's important for you to know that God is calling you to a journey of radical transformation, editing by the spirit methodically, line upon line, precept upon precept.

It's time for you to re-examine the entire span of your belief systems.

It doesn't matter how long you've held on to them, if they have not sustained their ability to produce Christ and His glory through your life, it's time for you to sustain the courage to look at them and begin to edit them by the spirit.

And this is our assignment, to guide and midwife that process of transformation for you according to the measure of grace that we've been given, so that you don't just shout amen and then every blessing that wants to rest upon you - the requisite mindset. Your hand in the spirit is your mindset.

If I bring out 1 million naira and I say "Take," you will not take it with your feet, you will not take it with your head, you may bow your head to say "Thank you," but it's with your hand you will receive it.

In the realm of the spirit, the agency for receiving is your mindset.

So if God says "Take," and your mindset is not prepared to receive it, the blessing will stay as a prophetic reality and never manifest in your life.

It matters not just that you receive prophecy, it matters that you endure sound doctrine to the end that your understanding be thoroughly fished.

There is a kind of mindset the anointing is looking for, there is a kind of mindset favor is looking for. There is a kind of mindset speed is looking for.

There is a kind of mindset you are trusting God to move from say, 1,000 membership to 10,000, to 20,000 - it doesn't just come because of you, your age, your size, no! There is a mindset that can host that level of glory.

The Bible says there are many stars, and that even among the stars, one differs from another in glory.

God wants to do much in the lives of many of us here, I perceive, but there is still a faulty understanding, our belief systems, our ignorance as to knowing the ways of God and how the systems of the Kingdom operate.

Two very strong warnings.

Two things that just came to my spirit to say very strongly:

  • Number one, I'm announcing officially to you all that you must beware of scammers, beware of fraudulent people, especially those on the internet.

    As a person, I'm not on any social media platform.

    Are we together? No, I'm not, so if you've been interacting with any Joshua Selman online, no matter how kind he sounds, that is a scammer.

    There is no orphanage project we are running somewhere.

    We're improving all our communication channels to make sure that we are effective and responsible enough, but we have the details, every major department that corresponds with our community, they have a line that you can reach, and we're replicating this for all our other expressions.

  • This is particularly for YouTubers and all who use my content and my teachings.

    It's important for you to know that we give unreserved access to use these contents based on the understanding that everyone who uses them desires, number one, to preach Jesus and desires to be an extension of this spiritual value that we are sending to the nations.

    But I need to say this, every abuse of content.

    There are many people, and the social media is unfortunately a very crazy place, people know that every time they drop my picture or content anywhere, it doesn't matter what they're saying, it seems to command the attention of people.

    And it's unfortunate, the abuses that have happened all over the internet, you see that now? People crop out messages and twist them into all kinds of things, they become objects of division, objects of confusion and all kinds of things.

    And we are a responsible ministry, and I owe it to you to tell you this, particularly for those - anyone at all, with no restraint.

    We've given people access, you know, to be able to let people reach these teachings, because no matter how much I teach, there's a limit to which I can get the people to listen to.

    And so as many who can help to push these things, it's a welcome development, provided their intent is to help people find Jesus, find meaning and find purpose.

    For those who are obsessed with coining every kind of thing, by the time your desire to drive traffic for the purpose of profit becomes greater than or the only motivation, please take away my content from your nonsense.


    We are responsible people who love Jesus.

    But there are all kinds of abuses, and as for me it's not a concern for me, but for the innocent, sincere people who sometimes they see your pictures, they see your videos and they are rushing there to find Jesus, to find life.

    And here are people who, they don't mind putting anything, all they want is traffic so that they receive payments from YouTube.

    If you hurt people, you tell lies, you manipulate so that you have the money, the Bible says "the curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked.

  • I'm putting a very strong warning and a strong disclaimer: Abuse must stop! Hallelujah!

    If you are pro Jesus, if you are pro healing, if you are pro destiny, if you are a decent person seeking to help people find meaning with their lives, and God helps you to use your social media platform, then may God bless you.

    Let the teachings through you bless others, and through it, bless you and lift you. It's with all joy.

    But make sure that you do not become an agent of anarchy, confusion, causing trouble and confusion, especially to younger believers who are growing.


    Great people do not tear down others.

    Great people are builders.

    Those who tear down are weak, insecure people who are trying to find meaning for their lives.

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