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Doxazo (His glory revealed)
By Apostle Joshua Selman


My mind is open and my spirit is ready to receive

The word of God always follows the spoken word

John 1:12

Psalm 86:9

We were created for God's glory. It means you count in God's program.

Isaiah 43:5-7

It's the mandate and responsibility of every believer to give God glory.

Hebrew word for glory is kabod(meaning honor, respect, distinction, importance - It also means a major of the worth or value resulting in praise)

The greek expression is Doxazo(Radiance, splendor, it means to make visible what was once hidden)

While Kabod is concerned about the weightiness of a thing, Doxa is concerned with the display, the radiance

Doxazo means to praise, means to extol, it means to hold in honor, it means to make re-known or make famous. It means to make the dignity and the worth of a person or a thing to become manifest or acknowledged.

It's concerned with the revelation of the glory, not just that you are aware, but that experience leaves you with a mandate and the mandate is to make the dignity and the worth of a person(in this case God) to become manifest and acknowledged, that other people would agree to everything that you have found in God.

Everything you find in your experience with god becomes a mandate upon you to reveal that to the nations

John 4:28.

God never gives anybody any mandate that was never his experience.

Carrying out a mandate without an experience with God will make your witness very poor.

There are many expressions of God's glory, but there are 3 dimensions in order priority and there are captured in Jeremiah 9:23



and Rich

That's why satan fights them in the life of believers

  1. Wisdom - The outworkings, the intelligence of the spirit flowing through an individual

    The degree to which the wisdom of God flows through your life that is the degree to which the glory of God will be captured and revealed in your life.

    Most believers do not know that destiny actualisation and even glorifying the name of the Lord is wisdom dependent.

    When you begin to work with God, learning scriptures, coming to church, investing in prayer, something begins to happen to your understanding. And you get to realm where you have a quality of wisdom called the wisdom of the just.

    Like 1:17

    There are different levels of wisdom

    Sophia -.scientific wisdom

    Natural wisdom - common sense

    Demonic wisdom - wisdom inspired by the fratenity of demon spirit

    Wisdom of God

    The proof of the presence of wisdom is the quality of the decisions you make.

    When truth destroys, it is not wisdom.

    Everywhere you see mighty works to the glory of God it was built by the wisdom of God

    Proverbs 24:3

    You cannot fake the presence of wisdom, your works implicate you.

    When you access the wisdom of God, your life changes.

    Deuteronomy 34:9

    Colossians 1:9

    James 1:5

    1 Kings 3:12

    Those who sleep and remain sleeping sleep on everything including their visions, including their dreams.

    Night is absence of light it's not just darkness.

    Everytime you make decisions without light, you ate acting without light, and mistakes happen in the night.

    - 7years was added to a man's destiny (Jacob in the house of laban)

    Day is whenever your light comes.

    Matthew 13:25

    According to the parable that Jesus gave seeds are words.

    Proverbs 3:7

    Wisdom is the vehicle that speed moves on

    Ways to access wisdom

    1. A cry for wisdom in prayer

    2. Light from scripture

    3. Impaction from proven carriers of wisdom

    Wisdom is enhanced during meditation

  2. Power or might is the second way the glory of God is manifest in the world of men.

    Power is the ability to produce result.

    - The ability to compel compliance

    - The ability to compel desired outcomes

  3. Richest of wealth

    When you see wealth as a tool that empowers you to reveal the glory of God, empowers you to live a comfortable life, to be efficient, empowers you to fund the program of God, now your orientation has been adjusted properly, you have added kingdom come to that concept and it changes everything

    When believers begin to pursue the subject of finances outside of God, outside of kingdom, it becomes a blind and a vein pursuit thatbsels self and carnality, it leads to their destruction.

    Every fruit that eats itself, it is termed rotten.

    The principle of fruit bearing:

    Fruit points the fruit that birthed them

    Fruit are visible

    Fruits server others

    Poverty strips men of dignity.

    There are things that will happen in your life when you are poor

    1. You will steal

    2. You will tell lies

    3. You will compromise

    Gen 17:6

    Prosperity and finances do not necessarily affect your spiritual life. When your spiritual life is affected by wealth, is a s result of poor mentorship, that you just have "money money moeny,"

    There are 2 ways resources come into the hands of people

    1. Value - if your value is not needed and useful within the context of a civilization, you will be poor.

    Your value must be packaged, refined and served with excellence.

    2. Favour through relationships - you are as powerful as the relationships you have.

    There is glory in wealth.

Three platforms to return glory of God

  1. Fruit bearing

    John 15:8

    You can it do exploits as a believer, but as a witness.

    Eph 3:10

    It must be Jesus revealed and Jesus glorified.

    You want to see Jesus glorified, bear fruit and when men look at the fruit, point them to him

    The end of every arguement is genuine result

  2. Sustained impact

    One of the ways God is glorified is when your result lasts

    Gives people enough room to see, to criticise, to probe, to repent time to be convinced and then to be converted.

    Psalm 3:5

    I recommend that you go over the message called:

    "Ichabod - Obtaining the grace to last"


    John 15:16

    ...That your fruits remain!*

    The higher you rise the more painful the fall

    Psalm 92:14

  3. Testimonies and public declaration of his faithfulness

    Psalm 92:1-4

    Psalm 96:1-9

    John 2:9-11

    There's a different between testifying(declaring his goodness) and bragging.

    Bragging puts you at the center, directing people to focus on you. That is not testifying, God is not glorified in that.

    1 Peter 2:9

The mandate in this teaching is to experience the God of the bible, and to derive from that experience: wisdom, power, wealth, among many other possibility that come from yiur experience with God.

And when God puts you in that position, you have it at the back of your mind that you owe him to give you glory; that is the idea of Doxazo — not just displaying his glory but using your result to direct the attention of men back to him.


  1. Father I am available, be glorified through my life.
  2. If results, fruits, longevity of impact, testimony of mercy and faithfulness brings glory to the Lord, it then means anything that fights your result, is fighting God.

  3. Everything that wants to fight results, longevity, anything that wants fight my testifying before people of God, I come against it now

You must use the results to bring glory to him, you must hide behind the cross and let men see him.

2 Corinthians 9:8

Every dimension of grace it will take for your life to command fearful result in this season, may that annoying rest upon you, your business, your family... In the name of Jesus

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