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Dominion over curses
By Apostle Joshua Selman


There's a class of spirit called rulers of darkness, i.e their dominion is on the strength of the absence of light or an inaccurate understanding in how to apply that light

Misunderstanding and ignorance are the same thing in the realm of the spirit

One who is a possessor of light but cannot apply it adequately and one who is barren of that light both of them are destined to have the same outcome.

So it's not enough to be possessors of light, we should also be possessors of understanding.

"If I look at a baby and call the baby an adult, I can argue based on whatever scientific fact, I can choose to even say she's not holding a baby, but regardless of this, the truth remains the truth."

The bible says "We can do nothing against the truth but for the truth"

There are certain realities that as far as our work with God and our work in the kingdom is concerned that if we do not pay attention to and sustain the grace to bring those things under that feet of Jesus, we would live absolutely defeated lifes.

One them is what you are going to learn here, Dominion Over Curses

Lamentations 5:7

What does it mean they are not.

That means they have left the scene; that means something started with them and whatever it is, the bible says and we had �

The word born is the word inherited.

Proverbs 26:2

A curse causeless will never even manifest in the first place.

It is interesting to know that the first person who used it in the bible was God.

The first person to reveal to us that there is a possibility that a man's life can be programmed to experience woes was not even satan but God almighty.

In the book of Genesis, when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden the fruit, the bible clearly tells that:

1. The serpent was cursed that he will crawl on his belly and he shall feed upon the dust of the earth.

2. To woman, pain in child birth

3. Then the innocent earth, "cursed are you for the sake of the man, turns and tissles shall begin to come out and in the sweat of thy brow.

The second experience was with a man called Kain who killed his brother; "a fugitive or a vagabond shall you be."

What is a curse?

1. A curse is a mystery, i.e the operation of a curse cannot be studied intellectually, you must be able to study it from the stand point of the realm of the spirit.

2. A curse is a spiritual force.

3. A curse has magnetic characteristics; it can attract certain things to its victim.

4. A curse is always negative in it's manifestation; there's no such thing as positive curse.

5. A curse is an invocation, a programming that is designed to attract woes and calamities to the life of its victims.

A curse can be made manifest in the life of a person through ulterances and pronouncement.

The bible tells us that ulterances and pronouncement have prophetic implications, wether from the positive dimension or negative dimension. Every time an ulterance is made, the bible says it has an effect that is supported in the realm of the spirit. Everytime one opens their mouth to declare an ulterance wether it was done in ignorance or intelligently.

That's why the bible says, "say not to an angel I made a mistake"

If you study world religions, you'll find out that there are many religion that work like a legal system, they have from slates to books to mantrance to manuals, and all of these gadgets and documents are a system and whenever they are invoked in a certain dimension and manner, they have capacity to program woes upon the life of a people.

What is the character of a curse?

It is easy to know that a territory

Our idea of a curse is someone who offends you then make a pronouncement in anger and it brings a curse

In this world once you're alive you have to find out what happened before you, because you can be a victim of a story that predates your existence.

The first implication of the presence of a curse in a life and a family is repetition of negative patterns that seem to veto the individual prayer life, his supposed spiritual activities.


The classic indication of curses and blessings in the bible is patterns

Just as you can know that an individual or a place is blessed, there's a track record of frequent happenings regardless of the conditions.

Looking at the life Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Israel of God and we see a pattern, everyone who spoke against them was judged by God, everytime they violated his dictates they were given to their enemies it was a pattern.

Patterns are very common the life of people, we just pretend that they are not there.

*When you want to approach spiritual things, you must be open hearted and sincere.

Look at the average family in Africa you'll notice patterns.

"If I have a boil in my hand, and I meet a doctor you'll he'll most likely tell me that it is a reaction to something" - The boil is showing that something is wrong.

The patterns are a message, they are not the curse, the curse is spiritual. The cusre is like an atmosphere, is like a cloud, is like mattle that an individual can carry, it has capacity to break barriers, it has the capacity to follow one.

It can pursue a man, it can overtake a man.

Deuteronomy 28 - He spoke them, a list of blessing and then curses, it said will pursue you and overtake you, travel to London, to your village, go to school, marry, be wherever, it can follow you.

A quality only given to spiritual things.

A curse is not failure, a curse is not barrenness, it is not reprogression; these things are messages, they are symbols that signify the presence of such an atmosphere upon a man.

Joshua 7:1, 10-12

Who participated in the loot?

Did he consult anybody to loot?

The bible says he smuggled an item that he was prohibited to carry.

And the anger of the Lord was kindled against who?

And the bible said Israel had sinned, not Akan, for they have even taken of the arcused thing.

Verse 12

Just because of one man, God said Israel had sinned. Think of the innocent people that died.

Joshua went to God crying and God didn't just forgive him, but told him to get rid of the accursed

Accursed does not mean you are a sinner, it is not a symbol that individual personally sinned against God.

Is it just like when one is sick, maybe of fever and experiences cold. Even after receiving drugs from a doctor, you can't enter your body to we if the drugs are working, the only way to tell is the absence of the signs(The cold).

Or a boil, you'll apply rub and some other things to get rid of it, but at the end it makes no difference. Or sometimes it can even mock you by even leaving and coming out somewhere else; as long as the cause is still there.

But when the doctor introduces something into your system, then a boil causeless starts drying; it disappears and within a week, you never believe anything is there, then you confirm by the absence of the boil.

There are patterns that should not happen to believers, if there are happening something should dealt with; it should not be ignored, it should be understood and dealt with.

**Curses are real

There are families where the men in a family, never move forward, they never rise, they never become anything. The men do not have to be irresponsible, they may be very sincere people.

There are families where every month per year somebody must die, regardless of how sincere they are. It can even be after a church service, on their way back home they die. Maybe even after a prayer meeting, rattling in tongues for hours, you can't say they don't love God.

There are families, if a man looks at a member says I love you, what will happen to the man that night, he will never repeat that statement again.

You may think that maybe you're too fat, you may want to go on a diet.

No, it's just like applying an ointment on the boil.

There are families where all of them are graduates, the only employed person in the family is a driver. Most people think that the problem is that they are lazy.

There are some pastors who refuse to deal with these things and they get into ministry.

Your victory starts when you're humble.

When you go to the hospital, and you say you have say hepatitis, they ask you who had it in your family.

Even genetics supports the reality of tran-generational transference.

The fact that you look like your father or mother, should teach you something about the realm of the spirit. Even your "born again" did not change your facial appearance.

Due to these things when a lady is approaching 28, 29, even the doctor will start advicing "Marry fast o, cause any moment from now every stranger will start growing!"

So once you're 30 and unmarried, they will tell you there's no room to be fearing God, just hurry up and get all your children fast, how may children do you plan to have, 5?

You need at least 10years, hurry up and catch-up.

It's nonsense, the devil is a liar!

What about Barrens?

What about unfruitfulness?

You give birth but they are not productive; gave birth to 10, children, all of them are useless

There are patterns the ladies must get pregnant out of wedlock.

But there is a system in the kingdom where we can have dominion.

It's not just about what christ has done, it is that we can be alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in our heart.

There are families where men don't live beyond certain age; once they are 35, death!

This is why people erroneously call people witches and wizards. It is because they are open to the prophetic but because they do not have the accurate understanding if the word of God, they see the spirit that is behind that activity and mistaken it for the individual.

What they are saying is not a lie, they can say your problem started from the day you got married to this lady.

And then the man goes home and may go as far as stop eating the woman's food.

The primary purpose of a curse is to create a system for transgenderational allegiance.

Allegiance to deities.

You'll hear of one woman giving birth to 13 children, and among all these children, a set was a twin, a set was a triplet. You'll see her, a mother 13 children standing, her stomach flat and okay, no fibroid no nothing. Why?

There's a priest who communes with the gods, saying "remember, just as we agreed, we have been serving you half of our guniea corn is hanging on a tree in respect to your demand. So look upon the guniea corn on the tree and that goat that disappeared and please this woman.

Now after these, missionaries having passion but little understanding; we love the missionaries but don't forget, that they were very limited.

People say they died of Malaria, you have to be kidding me!

They had the audacity to bring their gods and fetish materials and burn it yelling: "Jesus says this, Jesus says that"

And the villagers look at you in pity, because they know that ignorance from alienate a man from God

1. Curse can come directly from God; not just the curse of the law.

2. Curses can be tran-generational, products of ancestry; popular known as ancestral curse.

3. Self inflicted curses.

"The curse that is called the curse from God is what I call a sinner's curse!"

Everyone who has not acknowledged Jesus Christ as his Lord am savior is under a curse.

What is the curse? The dominion of evil perpetually remains above you, it's a curse.

The moment you're not in Christ, you are qualified for the very curse that is upon creation.

Mortality is a curse.

Ancestral curses are products of violating the terms and agreement that constituted the basis for mutual relationship, between men and deities.

And these curses operates on legal ground, not by mistake.

Don't forget that righteousness are justice are the foundations of his thrown.

But there is such a possibility when you can be exempted.

Machines don't diagnose curses, they can't detect the presence of demons, they only detect the effect of their presence.

Witchcraft is real, if you see anybody rising, he's either exempted or yet to be a victim.

It's foolish to believe sickness is real and poverty is real and not believe that curses are real, the same bus brought all of them.

"Do you know what I tell my self, we have to run fast and correct everything that our parents could not correct in our lifes before our children come. Correct it fast! I look at these dear ones and I imagining a time that they will start growing and become victims!"

Correcting the errors of the fathers and setting a preset for the next generation.

Why not be the one to break it instead of bringing a child into the world that will suffer and probably die like a chicken.

No way!!

How many students do very well, secondary school, WAEC, straight A's

They step into the university, and all of a sudden 9F's. You think they are dull, but they conduct tutorials, but they enter the exam hall and forget everything until the night after the exam.

It's not everybody that is lazy.

You'll see some people, there's no month they don't fall sick.

There are families with curse where the children never see their grandparents; either they are in exile or they die.

What about poverty?

They are some people who even went to havard and came back, anything they start die!

The day you want to start importing it that's when government banned it.

Why was it exactly when you started? Others have finished making their money why is yours always different?

What of ministers?

They think it's normal, everybody they raise disappoint them.

There's a spirit!

There's no helper!

You'll see some women walking on the street, 71years carrying firewood; where are the children she gave birth to, where are they?

One is in prison; the other one is a security man somewhere, even about to be thrown out.

You'll find families where a lady has 7 children for 7 different men. She honestly doesn't know which one is the husband of which; because a madman will just rape her somewhere.

It's a programing, it looks like a coincidence. What kind of coincidence keeps happening?

You'll start a business you crash, you always loose money, you always loose joy, you always loose peace, you always run into trouble.

They are chasing a theif, the moment they get to you, that's when police will say from this place pack all of them; you were innocent!

It's a programming

If you study the laws of mechanics, Sir Isaac Newton postulated a law; the first law of mechanics.

And it states that everybody continues in it's uniform motion or a static state, it remains there until compelled by an external force to act otherwise.

Through the law of inertia, that if I leave something in one place, I should come and find it it in one place after a long time; that's how your destiny will be.

If you sit down and wishing, it will remain like that, the only change you'll experience is your age, but your condition will remain the same.

Have you seen men that never leaves their father's house. Some may even be working in big companies.

Every case of barrenness is spiritual

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