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August Miracle Service - Character traits for a victorious living
By Apostle Joshua Selman

Give the Lord thanks for the things He is about to do.

Psalm 150:6


Father, give me a destiny defining encounter

Matthew 7:8

What does a miracle service mean in Koinonia

Miracle Any and all forms of divine intervention - Not just healing from sickness.

  • Every miracle starts from the instance the word of God comes forth.

    Luke 5:17

    Psalm 107:20

  • Most request and desires are growth dependent

    There is a version of you that prophecy is looking for.

    Galatians 4:1

    The characteristic feature of a child is bankruptcy of knowledge, not just size

    Success is not what you look for, you attract it by who you are becoming

    Your growth has magnetic properties, it is able to attract certain possibilities to your life

  • Spirit manifestations, conditions and situations all depend on certain belief systems to find expression in the life of any believer.

    Nothing works in your life automatically, there is a certain mindset requirement that must come in partnership with spirits that must come in partnership with conditions to allow their manifestation in your life. Your belief system is a contribution to your success or failure.

    Curses and blessings do not just work, there is a certain mindset, if you don’t have the curse or blessing will not work.

    Listen to complete deliverance

    Casting out the spirit influence is important, but not enough. You must submit to the transforming power of the word.

    The third one is the discipline of conformity, using your own will to partner with God.

    Condition looks for mindset, spirit looks for mindset.

    Romans 12:2

    Isaiah 8:18

    Isaiah 60:3

    Revelation 5:9

    Psalm 23:5

    Lay your hand on your head and Pray:

    In the name of Jesus, I contend for transformation.

  • Genesis 12:3

There are certain character traits that are directly connected to victorious living. If you don’t have this character trait, you have signed off for failure.

  1. Gratitude - Ungrateful people never excel, ungrateful people never increase. Psalm 92:2, 1 Thes 5:18. The condition is not the will of God, the attitude of thanksgiving in front of the condition is the will of God.

    Gratitude is a multiplier and a recycler of favorable seasons

    Learn to be thankful, minimize downplaying.

  2. Honor - Dishonor shuts the door of destiny.

    Honor is defined as the recognition, the celebrating and the rewarding of men for their unique contribution to your life.

    Why people fail:

    Dishonor to God, men and systems

  3. One powerful key to maintaining a relationship is to use the combo of gratitude and honor. This equalizes the persons in the relationship.

    Dishonor reduces the value of anything. It is a depleter.

  4. Diligence

    Show me a man who intends to be successful God’s way and ignores the law of diligence, I show you one who is joking with His destiny

    Proverbs 20:4

    One enhancer of laziness is procrastination - Let that day be today.

  5. The practice of forgiveness

    The bible says if you don’t forgive men their sins, neither will your heavenly father forgive.

    Colossians 3:13

    Forbear means tolerating that weakness because it will happen again and again.

    Joy, the antidote of offense.

    Sometimes it can be yourself.

    The value of forgiveness is when there is repentance(a change of heart.)

    The bible recommends that people who do not want to repent, mark them and avoid them(Romans 16:17 - 18) for your own good.

  6. Humility

    Pride is another cancer

    James 4:6

    The anointing cannot fight for you when God is resisting you.

    Fight pride

    Proverbs 16:18

    Pride is prophetic - Everytime you see pride around, it’s prophesying to you that you are not going to last there.

    Listen to teaching, the lifting power of true humility

    True humility is not the refusal to acknowledge the good that God has done in your life. It is acknowledging that without God, you are nothing.


    Father, this cancer of pride, take it away from life.

    I repent from pride, I repent from vainglory.

    Psalm 127:1-2

Behind the extraordinary result you see in the life of extraordinary men, these are the forces that are at work.

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