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Again, I say rejoice
By Apostle Joshua Selman

Philippians 4:4

Joy is a potent force that empowers Believers to live victoriously. Neh 8:10, Joel 1:11-12, Ps 16:11, Isa 12:3, 1Pt 1:3-8.

Every dimension of the kingdom we focus on is designed to work in perfect synergy. Think of it like a car: it has numerous components and even a single missing element can affect its overall effectiveness and performance.

Similarly in God’s kingdom, no dimension is insignificant. Each one has a purpose, and together, they are meant to function in harmony to fulfill God’s design.

The subject of joy is very cardinal as far as our kingdom work is concerned.

There are two groups of people as far as the subject of JOY is concerned.

Set 1

  • Those who have seen and tested of the goodness of God. Ps 34:8, Ps 107:31-32, Ps 30:11-12, Gen 21:6.
    • They are the men and women who have engaged the word and have seen it work, they have experienced increase on all sides. They have seen notable manifestations of God’s power.


  1. Meditate on His goodness and give Him extravagant praise and thanks. Count your blessings. True gratitude comes when you take time to reflect on all that God has done and how He has come through for you.
  2. Allow your testimonies to build your faith and trust in God. The higher God reveals His power and glory in your life, the stricter He expects you to trust Him.
  3. You must testify the goodness of God in the congregation of His people. Rev. 12:11. Every testimony is a sermon that imparts faith to others. When you fail to testify, you rob someone of the opportunity to witness and experience the greatness of God. As a believer, you can laugh in the midst of storms because you can draw strength from the residue of past testimonies. Every manifestation of God’s goodness should be turned into a tool to strengthen your faith and trust in Him.
  4. Use your result to draw many to Jesus. 1 Tim 2:4. It matters that people come to know Jesus Christ through your results and testimonies. Anyone who commits to soul winning has automatically signed up for an unending journey of signs and wonders, because God is deeply interested in everything that leads to the salvation of souls. 1 Tim 2:4, 1 Sam 30:6.


  • The Holy Spirit has dealt in everyone of us a measure of faith.
  • The Bible is a compendium of many workings of God.

Set 2

  • Those who have experienced failure and disappointment this year, to some, repeatedly.
  • Those who have suffered on account of their faith in God.
  • Those who are angry and offended by God or discouraged because of tragedies. Hab 3:17-19, Job 1:20-22, Ps 43:4.

As a believer, you draw strength, support, and comfort when you stay connected to the larger family of Believers. Regardless of any negative experience you have had with the Church, never use your unique experience as a template. The safest place for Believers remains the Church.


  • Remain conscious of the love of God towards you. Rom 8:35-36.
  • Always hope for and expect God’s best in everything. Ps 42:5.


  • Hope that the situation will change.
  • Hope in the midst of the situation.
  • Eternal hope (Hope beyond discouragement).

  • Never lose your joy. Learn to protect and guard your joy. If joy is missing in your life, it will affect your health.
  • Never stop believing in Him and engaging the word of God.
  • Pray without ceasing. Prayer is the least yet most powerful contribution any believer can make to the wellbeing of another. When you have nothing to offer a fellow believer, offer prayers. Your time of greatest discouragement should be your time of prayer.
  • Stay connected to the larger family of believers.

Never tie joy to what works but to God. Your greatest safety as a believer is to never anchor your joy on what works or what doesn’t. A joyless believer is a defeated believer.

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