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What seekest thou
By Apostle Joshua Selman

ECL 22:1-4, PRO 30:14; 15:16, Eccl 12:1-14.

It is one thing to see people who like and believe in what you do, and take it very serious. And as a Believer, it is important to vocalize your appreciation.


Father give me an encounter by your word.


There are three things that are never SATISFIED in life:

1. The GRAVE.


3. The EARTH that is not filled with WATER

4. And lastly the FIRE.

The assignment of the Man of God is to bring God's people into different dimensions of spiritual intelligence. It is mandated that believers are taught the various prospect of kingdom living;


2. The understanding of the MYSTERY of the KINGDOM.

3. The principles of the Kingdom.

4. The principles that make for an excelling life.

5. The component principles that make for RESULTS

At a point in a man's life, he should be able to answer these questions;

Who am i?

and where am i going to?

Because of the effective living that comes from the power of personal results, in the midst of all these dimensions and pursuits, it is very important to every once in a while bring superior wisdom that helps people to manage their lives effectively. And that will help people to live a life of meaning, purpose, and a life that at the end of it, there won't be regrets.

When you wake up in the morning, what is the MOTIVE behind your pursuits and drive?

What are we actually looking for?

For you to SUCCEED in life, you will need KNOWLEDGE. Gen 37:15

SUCCESS without FULFILMENT brings greater sting,a greater pain, depression and frustration than FAILURE.

It is possible to make meaning impacts in lives and still live frustrated.

Understanding the subject of FULFILMENT is one of the pillars for living an effective life on Earth. There are people in the secular world and the Church who suffer in overwhelming frustration.

Psychologists will tell you that the people who are called the most SUCCESSFUL people are the most FRUSTRATED. They live lovely lives, but live their lives on THERAPY after THERAPY. They can literally die of FRUSTRATION. If we do not understand the MYSTERY of FULFILMENT, we will end up in a life of endless pursuits.


FULFILMENT, is the satisfaction and joy derived from knowing that you have lived your life effectively, serving the purpose of God and being a blessing to humanity.

There are 6 fundamental human desperate. yearnings. It is what drives what you do in life, either from a spiritual, economical or physical standpoint. They are:

1. The Need for Security.

2. The Need for Varieties or Dynamism.

3. The Need for Significance.

4. The Need for Love and Acceptance.

5. The Need for Growth and Increase.

All that we seek for, look for, fight for, and work for, is hidden in these psychological needs. Nothing physical or material in itself can ever give you FULFILMENT. All physical things that we seek are only conveyous of a spiritual longing. You are looking for what money cannot give. Gen 37:16

6. The PEACE OF GOD. John 14:27, John 14:22, Phil 4:7.

Peace is the only thing that can give complete satisfaction in all our life pursuits. Whoever is chasing material things without first seeking for the PEACE OF GOD will end up in frustration.

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