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The wealthy place - 1
By Apostle Joshua Selman

Prov 22:2, Ecc 12:5

Wish - dreaming

decision - a strong desire

  1. The rich believe in taking responsibility for their lives while the poor believe in luck and chance
  2. The rich are very disciplined and patient people
  3. They believe in the law of process
  4. The rich always plan and set go, while the poor are always impulsive
  5. The rich see challenges as an opportunities
  6. The rich are courageous and persistent
  7. The rich are risk takers(wise ones)
  8. The rich have a positive mental attitude towards the opinion of others and are not easily influenced by the I'll opinion of others


The amount of money we receive will always be in exact proportion to:

  1. The demand or need for what you do
  2. Your ability to do what you do
  3. The difficulty in replacing you

Never try to provide a service where there is no demand for it

- You either create a demand for it or satisfy an existing demand or supply what is needed

When a demand for a product becomes very high it becomes harder to fail

Always be absolutely sure that there is sufficient and sustainable demand for the value you want to provide before providing it.

demand for your service is not enough, you must have the intellectual and psychology know how to supply the demand

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