Read Sermons

November Miracle Service, 2024
By Apostle Joshua Selman


Father help my unbelief! May I be full of faith, faith to receive

Hebrews 11:6

Psalm 107:21-22

Take some time out to give him thanks

God’s method has always been His word. If a miracle happens outside the word of God, it is called witchcraft.

Col 1:16

The word is ready to deliver your miracle.

The grace of God empowers you to produce His dimension of result. Impartation empowers you to be an embodiment of spiritual possibilities.

God is still in the business

  • God is still in the business of wiping the tears of His people

    Isaiah 65:19

  • God is still in the business of showing mercy and kindness

    Isaiah 30:18

    Lamentation 3:22-23

  • God is still in the business of restoring hope to the hopeless

    Romans 15:13

    1 Sam 12:6

  • If God does not advance you The best of your effort will still recycle you around the same place

    Advancement is incremental step, not just motion

    God is still in the business of bring increase to His people

    Psalm 115:14

  • God is still in the business of making ordinary people great

    1 Chronicles 29:11-12

    1 Samuel 10:5

    A captain means a caretaker

    God can make you a captain of over His resources and men

    You are not great until you have influence and influence is the degree to which men give you the gift of loyalty you can’t buy it with money

    1 Samuel 10:1

    Greatness is not a commodity that is sold on earth.

    There are principles of Justice and diligence but because of the presence men and their biases, they stop it from working the way it should.

    It takes grace to circumvent through the wicked hearts of men and still arrive

    Genesis 37:3-5

    They hated Joseph for 3 reasons:

    1. The love of his father - When God loves you men will hate
    2. The father gave him a coat of many colors - “Why are you so
    3. multi-talented?”, they say

    4. They hated him because of his dream

    Genesis 17:6

  • God is still in the business of healing the sick and delivering the oppressed

    Psalm 107:20

    Jerimiah 33:6

    Anytime you tolerate any form of sickness, satan will multiply it.

  • God is still in the business of anointing and empowering His people

    Acts 4:33

  • God is still in the business of granting access to the mysteries of the kingdom

    Psalm 119:18

    If God does not open your eyes, you will not see wondrous things

  • God is still in the business of ending mockery and shame

    Psalm 30:11

    Isaiah 61:7

  • God is still in the business of making dreams, prophecies and expectations come through

    Genesis 21:1

  • God is still in the business of restoring Joy and laughter

    Genesis 21:6

    Isaiah 51:11

  • God is still in the business of giving strength to the week

    Proverbs 24:10

    Psalm 1:3

  • God is still in the business of saving the lost - even those who look like they cannot be saved

    Hebrews 7:25

  • 2 Chronicles 20:6

    What does it take to make the power of God active and visible in your life

    Keys to engage if you desire the power of God manifested in your life:

    1. The hearing of faith - Galatians 3:2
    2. Build expectation - Expect to receive answers from God Acts 3:3-5

      An expectation is a strong believe - A state of optimism, that something desired, something wished for, will surely happen

    3. You must take actions of obedience - Every testimony you desire is connected to prophetic instructionsExodus 14:14-18, 21,26

      The awareness of the instruction connected to your testimony does not produce the result, but acting on the instruction.

      Ezekiel 37:4

      Isaiah 32:15

    Isaiah 48:16

    Deliverance is very powerful because at the root of many problems in the lives of people are spirit entities.

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