May Miracle Service (Growth)
By Apostle Joshua Selman
Many of the request of God's people was designed to be answered by growth, not just desires.
God's goal is not for believers to always have prayer request, but that you get to a point where your growth can afford you to see the faithfulness of God that you can find rest roundabout.
God is not just interested in meeting your needs, he is interested in you experiencing His glory and then becoming a manifestation of that Glory; this is his priority.
1 Timothy 6:12
1 Corinthians 13:11 - These are indexes to measure your growth.
You grow to a point where you are even able to diagnose and solve people's problems.
There are laws that sponsor and prohibit death
Satan is not afraid of the word of God, he is afraid of what happens when the believer engages the word.
God will always use men, but you will not choose the man that he will use.
Many of our answers are growth dependent
Galatians 4:1
Your Christian experience becomes frustrating when you are aware of what God can do, but don't grow to a point where you step into that experience.
Enemies of advancement, liberty, joy, progress
If satan is bound today, there are still believers who will fail.
Satan is a significant factor but not the only reason why believers fail.
- Ignorance - working in the experience of the Zoe life is absolutely knowledge dependent Acts 19:2. Ignorance can alienate men from the potential of the life of God.
Eph 4:18
Luke 19:41-44
Ignorance in all its ramification puts the believer at a disadvantage
- Limiting beliefs - a faulty mentality: inaccurate, incomplete information. Mentality defines destiny. It will determine the kind of decision you'll make.
- Procrastination/indecision: the act of putting off or delaying something that requires prompt action despite knowing that there will be negative consequences, often because it is stressful, unpleasant, or boring.
Proverbs 20:4
Proverbs 18:9
Psalm 119:60
Delayed obedience is disobedience in a measure.
In-action you know what to do but just don't.
Proverbs 14:23
John 13:17
Knowledge becomes profitable when it partners with action
Lack of strategies - inefficiency
Prophecy + strategy = manifestation
Vision + strategy = manifestation
You know what God wants you to do, but do you know how you should?
Luke 1:34-35
There things in your prayer request, what you need is not prophecy on it, but strategy.
When the holy ghost comes, everything can be re-written
You are as powerful as the strategies that backs you.
Ecclesiastes 10:10
There's a way to do things such that you will win, there's also a way to fail
Father reveal the strategy, the strategy for this prophetic word you've given me.
Strategy is like the battery that powers the clock of your destiny. Without a battery, even a new clock wouldn't work.
Exodus 3:14
What is the strategy for doing things(business, ministry) God's way?
When strategies come, it deflates challenges.
Psalm 20:1-2
You are as powerful as the prophetic word God gave you, the vision he put before you, alongside the strategy he gave you.
Galatians 6:9
If you faint through weariness, there will be no harvest.
Over dependence on men.
Isaiah 31:3
God will always use men, but allow him to select the men that he'll use.
- Direct demonic assault Satan in addition to a very organised satanic structure, they can, do and always launch attacks on all men, but most importantly the saints
1 Peter 5:8
Hatred is not a weapon in the spirit, it does not affect satan.
Eph 6:13-16
2 Corinthians 2:14