July Miracle Service, 2024
By Apostle Joshua Selman
Supernatural solutions and supernatural answers of all kinds do not just appear in the life of a believer; they are provoked by engaging specific kingdom keys. There are keys that are allocated to answers. That means just because you want to be healed, just because you want to be delivered, just because you are tired of a current situation, does not guarantee that you will find answers or solutions. In fact, surprisingly, just because God is in the midst of His people does not guarantee that you will walk away with answers.
There were many people who came to Jesus's crusades. Unfortunately, the Bible does not record that every one of them walked away with their solutions and their desires met. There were people who walked away not being healed. Sometimes, the Bible will say He healed them all. I used to think He healed all those who were in the crusade ground, but He healed all those who came to Him and all those who were interested in getting His power into their lives.
You can be in a place where the healing anointing is flowing like a river, where graces are flowing like a river, where the power to deliver is flowing like a river, and it never gets to you. The assignment of the river is to flow; the assignment of the one who is thirsty is to know how to tap into the flowing river.
The well does not come to your house. The assignment of the well is to always have water; your assignment is to take the initiative and fetch your portion. It says, "With joy shall you draw from the wells of salvation." There are abundant riches that the wells of salvation carry.
The word "salvation" is the word "soteria," also expressed as the word "sozo" when it has to do with healing, vitality, and wholeness.
So, deliverance is part of salvation; breakthrough is part of salvation. Anything and everything that upgrades you to manifest the God-life in experience are found within that well of salvation. But whether or not you will enjoy it does not depend on the well; it depends on your ability to cooperate with God and fetch your portion.
Being in the presence of God gives you access to His power, His wisdom, and angelic activities, but it does not mean you will walk away with your testimony.
So you must be prepared to engage appropriately. My assignment tonight, as always, is to guide you. I will not leave you in limbo as to what to do. There is always an instruction connected to every miracle service. Our assignment is, through prayer and alignment, to receive the instruction that God would have us obey as far as receiving what He has in store for us is concerned. So yours is to listen and engage.
Have this at the back of your mind already: that there is a responsibility component to my receiving. Did you get that? There is a responsibility component to my receiving. The first responsibility is to listen; the first responsibility is the hearing of faith. If you cannot hear, you are not even aware of what God wants to do. The Bible says they came to Him to hear and to be healed. Hearing exposes you to all the varieties, the miracles, the things that God can do, and the things that He wants to do. Then you connect by faith.
God is still in the business of setting the captives free.
God is still in the business of liberating the oppressed.
God is still in the business of healing the sick and healing the brokenhearted.
God is still in the business of restoring things, restoring time, restoring relationships.
God is still in the business of empowering destinies supernaturally, placing graces upon destinies, placing anointings upon destinies, opening up doors, revealing people, and bringing them to their prophetic season. He did not stop; He has never stopped.
God is still in the business of answering the questions that have plagued men and families.
Questions like, "Will this ever end?" The answer is surely, "There is an end." Surely, He didn't just say there is an end; He says, "Surely, certainly, there is an end." That means reproach can end. That means shame can end.
That means delay can end. That means stagnation can end. God is in the business of ending everything that is not of God.
I like what the Bible says about the latter part of Job's life. If you never read Job chapter 42, you will hate the story of Job. It will portray a very bad picture of God. But I like 42:10. The Bible says God turned again; He restored; He turned again the captivity of Job. He turned again the captivity of Job. He's turning again the captivity of someone in the name of Jesus Christ.
God is still in the business of changing destinies. God is still in the business of opening new chapters. A new chapter means a new story. A new chapter means yesterday is gone forever. Are we together? Yes.
The beauty of a movie is that it is progressive. There is no movie that has one scene forever; that is not even a movie in the first place. No matter what bad happens within a movie, your consolation is that there are other scenarios programmed that will be consoling.
The beauty of a book is that there are other chapters that you have not read. So no matter how bad the current chapter you are reading is, the consolation is that sometimes, when you are too afraid, you go back and check the name of the book. The name of the book gives you an idea of how the book ends. If you are reading a book that says "Season of Victory" and you are in a page where there is chaos, darkness, and gloominess, you find consolation that the name has already predicted the end.
God is still in the business of giving new body organs and new body parts. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. "Destroy it not, for there is a blessing in it." God is still in the business of opening career doors. God is interested in matters that affect life and godliness.
He is not just interested in matters of godliness. The matters of godliness talk of spirituality, your knowing God, your growing spiritually, the health of your prayer life. But there are matters that pertain to life—your children's school fees, your promotion. God is benevolent enough to spread His power to cover solutions across all grounds. Don't just focus on receiving answers to matters of spirituality and godliness and neglect the matters that pertain to life.
The Bible says, "According as His divine power has given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness." Life and godliness!
That means once you are loving Jesus and serving Him, your spiritual life is on fire, your prayer life is on fire. He's also sorting your finances, opening doors for you, and taking away shame. You are a better portrait of a Christian when the matters of life and godliness are sorted.
There are many believers who feel guilty opening up their hearts to receive answers concerning matters of life. Somehow, we have indoctrinated ourselves to think that when you start crying for things, it's wrong. Yes, our walk with God should not just be based on things, but God is a benevolent Father. The character of fatherhood is wanting to see your children happy. If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts, God does not give bad gifts; He gives good gifts.
There are people who already have money, people who have the matters of life sorted. Their children are doing well. Their lives and their corporations are doing well. Their major problem is the matters that deal with godliness. By God's grace, they are sorted, but it is at the expense of their spiritual life, their prayer life, and their love for God.
You are welcome to this miracle service because God can bring that balance. He can plant a fire in you. You should not just be a prosperous unbeliever or an intelligent unbeliever. You can encounter God. He can sort your prayer life, He can sort your word life. He can plant something upon you—a fire for the things of God—that brings balance. You become a better portrait of a Christian when that happens.
But for most people, especially those gathered here tonight, we have done well in pressing for spirituality. Most people love God; they don't have a problem fasting, praying, studying the word of God, or going to church. But their spirituality is greatly interrupted because there are many things as far as the matters of life are concerned: house rent, children's school fees, a vehicle, mobility, food.
Let me tell you the truth: a responsible God and a responsible ministry must stretch to allow the power of God to attend to the needs of people on both sides. You will never have a robust and healthy spiritual life and then not care whether your children are doing well, whether you are making progress, or whether you have been promoted. You are 20 years in a corporation and have not been promoted. God is concerned, and I am concerned too. In the name of Jesus, there has to be an answer to that situation tonight. The Bible says, "Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full."
Genesis 21:1
"...The Lord had blessed him in all things."
All things!
I've taught you about El Shaddai. El Shaddai means "the multi-breasted one. That means He does not have to victimize you to bless me. He can bless all of us, and He's still sufficient.
Keys for
Alll lasting help comes from God and God alone -Satan can simulate a semblance of help. Men can try to be your source, and quite honestly, they can seem to provide some help momentarily. But all lasting help—that means all lasting deliverance, all lasting breakthroughs—comes from God and God alone. Psalm 121:1.
My help cometh from the Lord! It matters where the help comes from. Don't just say, "I've received help." Where did it come from? If that help came from a herbalist, you are still in trouble. If that help came from men, you are still in trouble. If it came through men, it was correct. If it came from men, it means they were channels. From men means they are the source. Every source that is not God is limited; it dries.
That's why the Bible says, "Vain is the help of man." God moves through men, but help does not come from men. Learn this. God moves through men, but lasting help—lasting help—comes from God and God alone. Very important!
In Psalm 60:11 and 12, Psalm 60:11 and 12, "Give us help from trouble." Shout amen! Amen! "For vain is the help of man." Verse 12, it says, "Through God we shall do valiantly, for it is He that shall tread down our enemies." I'm telling you sincerely, and I'm saying this from the knowledge of Scripture, the privilege of mentorship and experience: lasting help comes from God. Let no man claim to do for you what only God can do. Even if they are sincere, they are still liars.
Men do not lie because they are bad; they lie because they are limited. They do not have the wherewithal to keep their word true indefinitely. Integrity is a product of power, not just intention. It takes power to remain true for a long time.
Only God has the ability to keep His word for a long time.
Take your eyes away from any man and look unto Jesus. The Bible said, "Looking unto Jesus." When you look unto Jesus, give Him the liberty of selecting who helps you. When you don't have expectations from men, there is no disappointment. Disappointment is when you expect Uncle A and Uncle B and Uncle C will be the person. Father, give these men no rest!" And God says, "I don't work that way. The whole thing is coming from Uncle Z, who you do not even know." That one comes by my power, and I do it in a way to glorify my name in your life and help the other people know that if you refuse to partner with God, He still has other men.
The reason why many people cannot give God glory is that they have begged men too much to pretend it was God that blessed them. They have begged and begged in secret. They have rolled and bowed to Baal. When they get the testimony, they coat it with church talk, and they come and say, "See what God has done." It's a lie. When God does a thing, it becomes clear that this one.
Don't allow your pain to teach you who men are.
He said, "I lay me down and I wake because the Lord sustained me." Is it not when your helper is alive that he can help you? I'm not wishing doom, but go and find out from people who had every evidence. The contract was already signed; it was one more signature left.
I made up my mind as a person; I would never look to any man. Never in my life. God will use men, and I will honor the man that He uses, but I will never look to any manLet it be from God. That "from God" factor matters to God. Don't come and tell lies and say, "God just showed up," whereas many of us, I mean you, you fraternize left and right with Babylon. And then, when the answer came, you now take... If it's finances, you may just take more and bring as a bribe. No. When God moves, it becomes clear that this one is the signature of God.
Say, Father, Father, my eyes are on You. My eyes." Listen, mean it from your heart.
If it takes you closing your eyes to say that, do it. This is a deliverance service. My eyes are on You for my children. My eyes are on You for this ministry. I cannot rise by my strength. My eyes are on You for the next season. My eyes are on You for my finances. My eyes are on You for the performance of Your word. You will use men, but may it never come from men. You will use men as vehicles, as channels, but never my source. Stop frustrating yourself looking unto men. God will use men. When He uses the men, acknowledge them and honor them. But let it be God leading the men to help you, not you manipulating your way through the life and the spaces of men. That is idolatry.
God's servant said, "God told him, 'Can you look up and look down at the same time?' He said, 'Every time you are looking unto men, never claim you are looking unto Me.' It is true, and it's a human thing to want to look unto men. Why look up to God, who seems far, when there is a man who has it close to you? But as close as you are, look at me.
Have you tried to send a text to someone who is close to you, and yet that text did not arrive early? The person is close to you; your phones are even together. You press send, and then it did not go early. And somebody from somewhere sent an email, and it even arrived before your text. They call it a network problem, am I right on that? So just because someone is close to you does not guarantee that he will be God over your life, and then you succeed. It is when God puts it in their heart that proximity becomes valuable. Proximity becomes valuable when God is in the equation.
But I tell you, for as many who will choose to look unto Jesus tonight, my God will surprise you. Hallelujah!Who told you God cannot give you a house?
Who told you God cannot pay rent?
You are calculating what is in your account; unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.
Who told you God cannot give you visibility?
Who told you God cannot sort the shame you are owing?
You are not the first to owe. You remain thinking like that; that will depress you. There are people who have owed billions of dollars, yet God brought them out. Shake away that doubt and believe God.
You may say, “Apostle, because you don't know my problem,” let me tell you the truth: I submit to you not to insult your pain, but there is nothing happening to you that is happening for the first time. The Bible says the thing that is, is the thing that was, and is the thing that is to come. The things that are written aforetime—the pain that was written aforetime, the limitations, the defeats, the weakness—are written for our learning, so that we through patience and comfort of scripture might find hope.
This is what God wants to deliver someone from unbelief. The truth is, we don't trust God. We think we do; it's a lie. We trust rich people, huh. We trust gatekeepers, and it will flow through them; don't get me wrong. But I'm saying that the dynamics are always from God. If you miss that, you have turned into idolatry.
You see, this is what makes men; it is what leads to human worship. Because when you show men that if you don't help me, I'm dead, it's a lie. It's an insult on the power of God. It's the reason why when the miracles happen tomorrow, they look at you and say, "I made you who you are, and if you don't bow to me this way, I will punish you." But not God. When God lifts you, you have peace. You owe every man thanks, not worship. But when men become both your source and the vehicle, they don't want thanksgiving alone; they want worship.
The three Hebrew boys told Nebuchadnezzar, "O King, matter of honor, we will give you honor. Matter of gratitude, gratitude. But when you come to the realm of worship, you have touched an area that is beyond your jurisdiction. Our God can deliver us."
You can honestly talk to Him, "Lord, I know you can use this man; however, let your will be done."
You must have defined expectations. - Faith is vision-dependent. You can't believe God for nothing. You can't believe God for vague things. Faith is vision-dependent
Matthew 6:11: "Give us this day our daily bread." Give us this day, Matthew 6:11, our daily bread. "Lord, this is what I'm trusting you for: daily bread."
Lord, I'm trusting You. I'm releasing my faith for a house. Defined expectation.” God, give me anything You want Oh”, no—that's not how it looks. Very sincere, but the theology of receiving from God demands defined expectations
What do you trust God for? Father, anointing, the spirit of wisdom, this is what I'm trusting to rest upon my life. I'm trusting that favor will rest upon my life. Oh, so that when it comes, You will know it has arrived. Yes, God can surpass your expectations—in fact, He will—but the ladder that gets to that surpassing is your defined expectation. It is the reason why we guide people by helping them to tabulate their expectations. It is not a ritual; it is to be able to guide you so that you methodically pen down using your own hands, engaging your own faith.
You must believe in the Lord your God and you must believe in the vessel that He will use to meet your need.
2 Chronicles 20:20 - Believe also His prophets, so shall you prosper.
Blessings can leave heaven, but when the vessel to deliver it to you does not have that capacity or you’re not believing in that vessel, it affects the delivery. You must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, but you must also believe in the vessel that He uses.
You must take actions of faith. -, actions of obedience
So, God would have done His part as the source. The vessel would have done his part as a worthy channel. But the final recipient must do his own part by receiving by faith. If you do not receive, it will stop that flow. I can give you something, and you can reject it. As many as received Him, even to them that believe on His name, He gave them power. That means not everybody received Him, but as many as received Him. John 1:12
How do you receive? By faith. By complying with prophetic instructions. If an instruction comes to shout by faith, it is not gibberish. It’s not playing on your intelligence. No. Check yourself. Do what you couldn’t do before.
If you are an unsaved person who has not encountered Jesus and it’s time for the altar call, and you hear the message so nicely and you say, “Wow, I love the way this man introduces Jesus,” but you don’t come out to actually make that decision, you will still go back home unsaved. The miracle always happens at the point of obedience. Someone say “actions of faith” one more time. Say “actions of faith.”
You need to take that step. At the point of releasing your faith, you see that the power of God flows. Meet the medical doctors. When a genuine miracle happens, it does not conflict with medicine.
By the time prophetic declarations are coming, if I were you and I were in debt, let me tell you how I would open up my heart. When the word comes for your liberation, you receive it by faith and believe that something has rested upon my heart. And you look with expectation. You may even verbalize it by faith that as I’m stepping out of Koinonia here, that grace is guiding the right people to me, guiding me to the right people.
You get back home, you take 30 minutes to soak that anointing into
So you keep your gaze on Him. Do you really think God cannot speak to someone to help you? And the person does not need to know you are in debt. Not everybody is greedy; there are people who are obedient when God speaks to them, and they obey. It's only that He has not asked them to bless you yet because there's something about your attitude that hasn't released His power.
The problem most times is we allow the mountain to cover the face of God, so we cannot even see Him again. All we see is the mountain. I know that there is a portion for me. God is a God of portions. I have taught you that the increase of the field is for all, and even the king is fed from that which comes from the field. That means if you are in Christ and you are an inhabitant upon the Earth, there is a portion for you. But it is God who gives men their portion; they don't find it by themselves. No.
There are things that are missing for ministry not working
I will tell you with all humility.
The first thing missing is wisdom. - And wisdom is not just to execute and get an answer; there is a track record. People don't follow you until they trust you. Even if God calls them to walk with you, they will watch you from afar until they believe you are worth their leadership. Nobody will come to you just because you are anointed. Heal everything you can heal; they will still watch from afar. Your consistency and that track record
Jesus was not born on the day men started looking for Him. He had been born years before, but His consistency—a day came; it is called the season of appearing.
Just believing that without prayer, everything is gone—you will waste your time living in deception, and the demons will be happy that you sustain that mindset. Nothing in the Kingdom that comes from God actually arrives in the believer's life without their engaging with it. Not salvation, not healing, not deliverance. As free as salvation is, if you don't confess Jesus, you will still go to hell. So why would it be different from healing? Why would it be different from deliverance? The logic is the same. If you say, "Jesus has already saved me, I don't believe I'm a sinner," unfortunately, that's not how to be born again. You can live in that deception till you go to hell.
Same thing with sickness. No inhabitant shall say, "I am sick." But experientially, now we do not see all things yet under His feet. When you believe Jesus and you engage in the principles that make for healing—the hearing of faith and actions of obedience—that healing stream finished in Christ becomes a reality in your life now. Yes, He has been made the head over principalities and powers. You should not have any cause again in Christ. You are right; you should not have any demonic attack in Christ. But until that reality is engaged, it remains a finished reality in the spirit, while demons oppress you every day and deceive you into believing you are alright when you are not.
When you are alright, it becomes clear that you are alright. Every truth finished in Christ must be engaged by faith for the experience of that victory to be made manifest.
You can be angry. If it's healing, you know what to do now. You watch for the word.
Let me tell you where to start from. Follow the pattern of the prodigal son. Come to yourself. Come to yourself. The prodigal son, too, did not know what to do. Come to yourself. Number two, allow yourself to be assisted. That's why God sent us there. When the prodigal son said to himself, "I will arise and go," so when it's time to come and be saved, we connect you to the Father. That's where you start from. Then the word of God comes and begins to culture your understanding.
Your possibilities are a product of your mentality, enhanced by demonic presence. So your deliverance will start by that healing of your spirit called salvation, then a reorientation of your spiritual understanding through the word of God. That's how your deliverance happens holistically.
Listen, when you understand the Kingdom system, you will know that there is a way out of everything. There is a way out of everything. There is a way out of everything.
Please cry from the depth of your heart: "Lord, I desire a testimony. Let it be clear that I met You tonight." I know You heal, but Lord, give me an evidence, O Lord!."