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Exceeding great and precious promises
By Apostle Joshua Selman


Many of us do not understand the power of obedience. There is 'He that scattereth and yet increaseth, there is 'He that withholdeth more than his meat, and it tendeth to penury.' I will not give, and yet I must increase, I am brilliant, and God says I respect you, go ahead.

Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. He says, 'For by your words, you are justified, and by your words, you are condemned.' I will not speak things that just happen. I have a special day. Where I understand myself, even Jesus Christ spoke about His death and His resurrection. 'That you destroyed this temple, and in three days, I will rebuild it again.' He was speaking of the temple of His body. So if you don't find yourself speaking the word of God over your life and destiny, you step into your office, you step into your shop—In the name of Jesus, I lay my hands, and I declare it is blessed. You are the work of my hands.

When you are praying, don't pray blind prayers, pray scripture-based prayers. Scripture-based prayers are the kinds of prayers that are consistent with the will of God.


The Bible says if we ask anything according to His will, so don't just ask—what is the scriptural basis for your asking, Lord, bless me today? based on what? The Bible declares, "This is the day the Lord has made, " and He says, "I will rejoice and be glad in it." I expect to rejoice and to be glad in it. Is that true? Yes. In the Lord's Prayer, He said, "When you pray, say, 'Give us this day our daily bread.' Your daily bread is not just a loaf of bread. Your daily bread means every supply that makes for your sufficiency.

So when you wake up in the morning, prepared by the benevolence of the Father, it's the daily bread for that day. Insist that it arrives that day. This is what makes the life of other people look like they are magicians, and then other people wonder, "Why is this thing working for others and yet it's not working for others?"

As a couple, you can hold your hands and pray in the name of Jesus. "The Bible declares that if two shall agree as touching anything, it shall be done unto them. We decree and declare that in this Abuja, by the mystery of Rehobo of God, is giving us our own space. We declare it." As at the time you are speaking, there may not be anything there. We obtain the grace, and we obtain the intelligence to make this happen, and the spirit of the Lord begins to lead you line upon line.

If the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Lord, I refuse to be in want because I make you my shepherd. I yield to your wisdom. This is the believer's advantage. Most believers will not live this way and yet wonder why their lives do not reflect the glory of God.

"The gift of a man, " the Bible declares, "makes room for him." Is that true? And brings him before great men. So in the name of Jesus, I declare that laziness is out of my life. I will sharpen my gift since I see that it is connected to favor. Every time I come across people, let it be that I am valuable enough to be a blessing to them. Don't just start thinking now that this person is here, I am going to get something. No, think like a giver. It is more blessed to give than to receive. I'm not talking of giving money. There are many other valuable things you can give.

You're a man of God here in ministry. I want you to listen. Ministry is not going to grow because you want it to grow. These are the forces that you engage: the force of prayer, the force of value, the force of the word, the force of the power of the Holy Spirit. 'And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, ' the Bible says, 'I will draw all men.' Is that in your Bible? 'I will draw all men to myself.'

Wisdom! Many of us lack the requisite wisdom. He said, 'By me, kings reign, and princes decree justice. With me are riches, wealth, and honor; yea, durable riches and righteousness.' 'Does not wisdom cry?' the Bible says. 'Does any man lack wisdom? Let him cry unto God that giveth liberally.'

"Lord, I see that my decisions are not superior decisions. I am sincere, but I keep becoming a victim of foolish decisions. I take responsibility and, based on the integrity of your word, I admit that I lack wisdom and I obtain, by the spirit of wisdom, superior wisdom that comes from above, not Sophia. The Bible says, 'Everyone that asketh, receiveth.' Lord, I'm praying according to your will, so I give thanks because I receive answers to my prayer. That is a believer's prayer."

Suddenly, you find out that God begins to lead you to access materials. You will come for koinonia that Sunday, and here is the teaching on wisdom. You will go online and hear a message. Everything around you is flashing wisdom. That is God saying, 'Your answer has come.' You settle down and camp with the spirit of wisdom. 'Oh, I see now I can make superior decisions because wisdom is justified by her children.' And you begin to make very superior decisions, and your life begins to rise—'And I will give you the keys of the kingdom.' These keys come by knowledge and they come by faith, even through obedience.

You engage these doors. There is no power in existence that sustains what it takes to keep you down, believe me.

Right now, economically speaking, our nation and the nations of Africa, there is a lot of financial turmoil. Organizations are folding up, several things are happening. Respectfully speaking, even co-laborers in the gospel are feeling the bite of these economic things. Let me bring you a word of hope. There is nothing new under the sun—The Bible says, 'The thing that was is the thing that is, and is the thing that will happen again, economic hardship has happened again.' But there were two people who were spared in Samaria: the king and the prophet. And you can be brought when there was famine in the land.

There were two groups of people who were spared: kings and prophets. They have a system of immunity that keeps them.

And somebody will just come to you and say, 'The Lord gave me an instruction to take care of you and your family all through this year.' Are you sure it is God? 'With all my heart.' And God begins to open up doors for you. You will think, 'Many people who are testifying here, are they lying?' If you don't engage scripture, I'm telling you this. Until you become a practitioner of the word through knowledge and faith, you will always think that people are just lying on stage, managing it here. Hallelujah!

Everything looks difficult until knowledge demystifies it. Light brings that which was hidden to bear. I have cried in this house and I've tried the subject of favor that the days that are coming will require the ministry of favor.

I sincerely submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, I don't know how people live without the favor of God. I don't know how people survive without the favor of God. If the favor of God is not at work in your life, don't say, 'I can push by.' No, you will get to a dead end permanently.

When I was about to start this work, you see, I read many books, I read many opinions from sincere people, wonderful templates as to how to run ministry, as to how to do, and I had the privilege of watching different people. And I went to God—I said, "Lord, I respect every template that I see, but you are the one who has called me. Reveal to me the blueprints that hold the secret of the future. For with you is the path of life, and it is in your light that we see light. Everybody's way is working based on what is written, but you are that which is written yourself. Revealed to me the path of life." And that is still my prayer today, your life becomes an unending wonder.

I cry to God, and I said, "Father, there are some things I do not want to happen in this ministry. I never want to get to a point where I have to manipulate people because of economic hardship, because of this and that. No, I'm not in that business forever or stratifying people. You are a rich man, come, you are my friend, how much are you going to give me before I say no, no, no?"

"And Lord, I do not want a ministry where today you rise, and you are doing well, and tomorrow everything deflates as if it was a charm you were using. So, what is the secret that makes it sustainable?"

If you do not believe what I'm sharing with you, I hate to be a bearer of bad news, but your life will be a consistent misrepresentation of the power of God. Something about your life will drive people from the Faith Life in a way that you cannot imagine.

I made up my mind that as far God is concerned and this work is concerned, this ministry will remain a sign and a wonder in every sense of the world. Not from a competitive standpoint, no, but that these results are not happening by luck, ladies and gentlemen. If you ever think this ministry is going to go down one day or have a story, please think again. Find out what we are standing on first.

Have you built your family on that rock? Have you built your business on that rock, or are you building on shadows? Co-labor with us in the gospel. What are we building on? Are you building on fashion, or are you building on what is happening now? It is only that which is built on the rock that stands. The floods will come, the rains will come, but that which is built on the rock, I assure you that it will stand.

Please hear me, ladies and gentlemen. I'm speaking to you because God wants to give us longevity of impact, balloon success of up today, down tomorrow. No, it is true that life operates in seasons, but the Bible says whose leaves do not wither. Is that in your Bible? Do you know why his leaves do not wither? Because he does not wait for rainy or dry season. He is like a tree that is planted by the riverside; your source of supply never depletes! Hallelujah, this is what we believe; this is what we stand for.

So, that when you are wondering why is God doing the mighty things that He's doing in and through our lives, ladies and gentlemen, there is no secret. We found it with the foolishness of a seeker's passion. We found where it was written that you shall be exalted above all the nations of the earth, and that this blessing shall come upon you and overtake you. You are not the first to be broke; you are not the first to be sick; you are not the first to be in need. You are not the first to be in need of a husband, a wife, a child, a helper. You are not the first. There are people who have gone ahead of us. The Bible says, follow them who, through faith and patience, you can follow them. Or keep arguing your path until you cry and weep.

Man of God, you are not the first to start a ministry. Apostle, you don't know how much it is to pay. What does that mean? They looked on to him, and their faces were lightened. There is a God in heaven, know that is above here. There is a God that sits in heaven; he is alive. Please, when you study your Bible, believe it. It's a risk to start leading people if you have not sorted the issue of unbelief. Hallelujah.

Very soon, as God grants us grace, we will now start our own series of projects, and that will be another dimension of signs and wonders again. You see? Yes, absolutely. It is true.

It says, "Of the increase of his government and his peace, there shall be no end. There shall be no end." One layer of impact upon another. I've told you that compared to where God is taking us, we are just a step out of the cave. Believe me. For His majesty, watch to see what our lives become as we serve Him. Watch to see what you become as you serve Him. You may not look like it now, but ladies and gentlemen, as you submit to the dealings of the Spirit, then you will become. Now, are we the sons of God? It says, "And it does not yet appear what we shall be saying now is not just what I started saying. These are things we've been saying right from the time there was no comeliness whatsoever. We are the ones who change. The Word of God does not change; it changes other people, yet it is not changed itself.

Rejoice and be glad because the Word of God is working. Rejoice and be glad, man of God. The anointing may not be at work there, but do not rejoice. There is a key that you are receiving. Someday, God is going to grant you grace, and you will be leading an international ministry and serving the purposes of the Kingdom with honor and dignity. You be patient and stay with the Word. Get the keys. There are many doors to destiny. Make sure you get all the keys. Don't line up nations behind you and then be calculating what key do I use when there are nations waiting to pass through you, no. He that strives for mastery is not crowned except he strives lawfully. Please hear me.

There are many of you here in ministry; God is still making you and forming you. Do not be afraid, and do not rush. Don't go ahead of God; be patient. Let Him build that women's ministry the way He intended it to be. Let Him build that prophetic ministry, that apostolic ministry, and you will be reintroducing something to creation that they have not seen before.

Businessman, all you see is not all there is. Don't say everybody must be corrupt and put their hands somewhere. You can never be careful. Don't generalize. No, there is a fountain. Listen, Job said, "There is a path which the eyes of the vulture have not seen, a path which no fowl knows. The eyes of the vulture, even the wealths of the lion, has not trotted." Don't think it's everybody that rises by crookedness just because that is the only thing you know. All you know is not all.

Don't think everybody God is using is using charms or using all of these things. It's easier to serve God than to get charms because when you come to God, He maintains everything. Do you know what it means to maintain all these demonic things that will backfire one day?

You stand upon the rock; you stand upon the Word. No fear because you know whom you are believed. As a man of God, you know that the hand of God is upon you. I expect faithfulness every day. I expect lifting every day. God is putting it in the hearts of men to bless me. He will never bring a work and not bring people to stand by you. When I sent you, He said, "Lackest thou anything?" So, the thing is to verify whether He sent you. If He did not send you, go back and be patient till He sends you. But if it is true that He has sent you, fine. Rest. Hallelujah.

Have you been blessed? This is how we engage keys in the Kingdom. Some of you may need to go and write. Get at least seven scriptures or maybe ten powerful scriptures across several areas. Instead of going around to tell everybody about your problems, they can't solve it, and they will complicate the situation again. Someone will sit down and say, "Tell me your whole story, " while you are looking for 30, 000, you will tell the person the whole story, and say, "I'm sorry. I was expecting some money.... if you had come earlier. So why did you ask me to sit down and narrate my whole destiny? You remove my clothes in your presence to open up to you, hoping you could help.

"I will lift up my eyes onto the hills." The Bible says, "From whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the Lord, the maker of the heavens and the Earth."

This is how it works in this Kingdom. This is how our fathers taught us. This is how the patriarchs taught us. The Bible called them elders. Every one of those elders is worth your study. Every single one.

By faith, Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice. Genesis 4 and verse 7. Cain and Abel offered sacrifices, and that of Abel was received, and that of Cain was not received, and he was angry. And here's what God told him. In fact, let's start from verse 6. We're going to do some praying this night. And the Lord said unto Cain, "Why are you wrath? Why is your countenance fallen?" Verse 7. He says, "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?" That means it's not because your name was Cain. It's that there is an obedient pathway. But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door. He desires to have you, but you must master it.

Is it that God does not like our own family? You know, people send me all kinds of text messages. "Apostle, we have prayed, though it's like God does not hear. Please help." I mean, and I know that sometimes they say these things sincerely, but please don't get me wrong. I'm not being sarcastic. It's the job of people. We are shepherds. We should listen to people, no matter how you know all of the tantrums and everything. That is the whole idea. But listen to me. I can tell you the same Lord is rich unto all. If you do that which is needful.

"Apostle, I'm not a giver, but I want to rise." It will not work that way. "I am not valuable, but I want to rise." It will not work that way. "I don't value relationships, and I don't pay the price to invest in it, but I know I must be." No, it will not work that way. These are the forces of knowledge. One genuine Kingdom relationship can bless and help you. Some of you have thrown every valuable person in your life, saying, "I'm alone. The most important thing is that God is with me." Are you receiving the wisdom that comes from Him? Very simple things become difficult when you do not know how to outsource spiritual intelligence.

They looked onto Him, and their faces were lighted. It's time to start changing genuinely. It's time beyond shouting "Amen." Someone, God brought you to church to get angry. While you are sitting, you should tell yourself, "I'm tired." There should be a holy dissatisfaction. As a man of God, I'm tired of these games and jamborees that I'm playing in the name of ministry. It's time to settle down and really begin to produce results. This jumping from pillar to post, "Invite me; I am a man of God." Fighting left and right, these petty things, no. It's time to camp with truth, Lord. It's time to produce results that glorify You.

Your children are stubborn. None of them is listening to you, running from pillar to post. You say, "Go left, " they go right. Don't say, "This thing is in our bloodline." You are watching the devil destroy your future. In the name of Jesus, I declare by the power of the Holy Spirit that my children will serve my God. Don't say, "I've tried my best. You, too, you have seen it now." No, no, no, no. It is not your best that destiny is looking for; it is God's Word.

You're a man of God, and your ministry is not working. Go and do a one, two, three-hour prayer meeting in your auditorium, only you. This "pray for me, pray for me" thing has produced laziness among believers. Thank God for there's a place for prophetic intercession, but there is a place where you take the bull by the horn, lock your doors, and stay with the one who called you. Put a mat on the ground and pray. Say, "Lord, break forth. Father, You sent me. If I didn't hear You, let's verify it here. I'm not ashamed to know that I was wrong, but let's look."

There is a way that you can get angry. This is what happened to A. A. Allen. He locked himself and told his wife, "Honey, do not open this door until the power of God comes upon me." And she thought he was joking. He stayed there until fire landed on his head from heaven. When he went to the crusade ground, the difference was clear.

Man of God, you're in ministry, and your ministry is not producing results, no signs and wonders. It's time to return back and say, "Lord, please place upon my life that which gives evidence." According to Acts chapter 4 and verse 33, the Bible says, "And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. Hallelujah."

The moment you start tolerating negative things and you smile around it, you are giving the devil room for continuity. Don't wait until it becomes a disaster. The moment it does not look like Christ, pick up the Word, the sword of the Spirit, and begin to engage. Some of you who are going to take a few minutes to pray tonight, I'm charging your heart because in this year of open doors, God truly desires that you walk in certain realms. Listen, if your life does not bear fruit after a time, you will start getting angry. I'm telling you. You will be angry; you will be jealous; you will be envious. It's wounded people that wound others. You must pray that God gives you personal results. Abraham was old and well-stricken in age. Genesis 24 and verse 1. And God had blessed him in all things, all things. Genesis 21 from verse 1 and 2. The Bible says, "And the Lord visited Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did unto Sarah as He had spoken." Every stubborn situation that will not bow to you, make it bow to the Word. If it does not respect you, let it respect the Word, for the Bible says that "the Word of God has been so exalted." Colossians 1:16, is it?

"By Him, all things were made, both things that are visible and invisible." That's right. "For by Him, all things created were created that are in heaven and that are in the earth, both visible and invisible, whether there be thrones or dominions, principalities, or powers. All things were created by Him, the Word, and for Him." That means even the things that would not bow to you, step aside and put the Word there and watch them bow to it. Do you believe what I'm telling you?

When it's time to engage, you engage with the Word of God. This is the year that I must carry my baby in the name of Jesus. I declare by the power of the Holy Spirit. What is the basis? "I am tired." That is not scriptural prayer; that is sympathy. You are spiritualizing sympathy. You go to verses like, I think it's Isaiah 54. Now it says, "Rejoice, thou that did not bear. Break forth into singing." I think that should be verse 1, did I get that right? Yes, "For many other children sing, O barren, thou that does not bear. Break forth into singing and cry aloud, thou that did not travail with child." You keep this scripture in front of your phone, your laptop. You can get an audio version of this scripture, play it on repeat all through the night. While you are sleeping, you are soaking your spirit in that reality. Until you start having a godly dream, not a demonic dream of you carrying a child, the one God gives you as a sign, and you wake up knowing that you are ready for your child.

Listen to me. Please do what you hear me teach you, and by the privilege of God's grace, I don't claim to know everything, but, ladies and gentlemen, you should know by now, I will be lying if I tell you I don't know what I'm saying.

Some of you need to go back home this night, and while you are sleeping, just get some strategic scriptures. Put them on audio, put them on repeat. I didn't just start teaching this when we came here to Abuja. It's been so for many years. Put it on repeat. Get very sound worship instead of all these garbages that destroy your spirit man. There is gunfire in front of you, and you are wasting your time listening to all kinds of things.

You'll get those songs, and you begin to put them on, and you just listen to all of those songs, and they begin to build your spirit man. Then you wake up in the night and wash it down with tongues, then you repeat again, then you repeat again, then you repeat again. When he touched his eyes the first time, he didn't see clearly. He did the same thing again. There are times you don't need to do anything different. Do it again.

You wake your wife and say, "My wife, this is why you married me. Stand up. This nonsense happening in this family must end. You stand at that side of the wall. Let me stand at this side of the wall, and let us pray and get some things right." Can't be snoring, whereas you are in trouble. No, there is a time for battle. My brothers and sisters, you don't engage with superstition. You take the word. It says, "Take the shield of faith." Is that in your Bible? Where which you will quench... How many? All the fiery? That's of the enemy.

"Oh, my light, you must break forth, Abuja. Hear my voice in the name of Jesus. The Bible says, 'I am blessed in the city.' Whatever has closed the gate of this city, I come against you in the name of Jesus Christ. He said, 'I've set before you an open door.'" Before you start praying, arrange scriptures. Don't just pray like someone who is not born again, no. Arrange scriptures. If even if it means to read it, read it.

Where are the helpers of my destiny? And they don't seem to show up. "In the name of Jesus, I declare. Did the Bible not say, 'Gentiles are coming to my light?' I now have the light. But I'm here to see the Gentiles. Gentiles, where are you? I speak to you. Come to my light. Kings, come to the brightness of my rising. For my shame, I receive double. Where every man has deserted me. I become an eternal excellency. A joy of many generations. The Lord is my light and my salvation. Of whom shall I be afraid? I am blessed in the city, blessing the country. The ministry God has given me, you are growing by the power of the Holy Spirit. Souls have been saved. Lives have been transformed. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. I am redeemed, so I say so. Let the healed of the Lord say so."

You, as a man of God, are preparing to go for a conference. Don't just get up and look for the clothes you wear and go and act as if God did not send you. "In the name of Jesus Christ, when he sent them two by two, they returned back saying, even the devils. That means every time God sends you, there is a report. He's waiting for. Whatever kills my evidence, I curse you in the name of Jesus. As I'm going to minister or going for that business meeting..."

As a man of God, know that you are anointed. There is a grace upon your life. Esther chapter 2 and verse 15. The Bible says, "Esther obtained favor in the sight of all that looked upon her." How many people have looked upon you? What came as a result of their looking upon you? Some of you, they looked upon you, and that's where trouble came. Do you believe what I'm telling you? This is how it works. Walk around your house. Don't say, "I have one small room." You speak like that. You will never have a bigger place. The size of the room is not the issue. The Bible says Elijah told the woman, "You need multiplication." Shut the door behind you and begin to engage certain things. There are things you do in the spirit. You are the only one who should see it.

I submit to you by the Spirit of God. Do not get into this life of fearlessness and demeaning the sacrifices of men of God. People do not rise by mistake. Forgive me if you think it's pride. There are many people who see results and think it just happens. No, sir. Go and find out what people do behind the scenes when you are not seen. Don't be deceived by the clothes and all of these things. Go and find out what happens behind.

When you have done business with the realm of the spirit and Heaven signs, there is nothing the Earth can do about it again.

God is challenging someone. He said, "If you keep giving explanations, you will never rise." It's time to start engaging. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Listen, when this ministry started growing, when we were in Zaria, it was largely students, and sincerely, let me tell you from a financial standpoint, how much are you going to get from students? It's not that you are depending on this but you know what I'm saying? I'm being very sincere with you. And we began to pray, and God started helping, sending help from across the globe. It's not the location. Stop giving flimsy excuses. Take the Word of God. For as long as you give excuses, you endorse the limitations of Satan. There are seven or eight billion people on Earth. Everybody will not tell God "No."

This is what I believe, that we will never get to a point where we'll be stranded as a ministry. For as long as the Word of God is here, you can change the situation of your life. Your influence is at the mercy of the revelation of the Word that you have. There are many doors that have been waiting. Waiting for you to turn the key.

Listen to me, hear me, businessman. If all you do in your shop or your store, or your organization is buying and selling, except you are bringing a charm to help you, you will not rise that way. There are times you need to lock your office, remove your suit, wear your Priestly regalia as the CEO in this company. You are not only coordinating sales from overseas. In the name of Jesus, I declare I stand as a priest, as a king, according to James 2 and verse 26, that a body without a spirit is dead. I activate the spirit of this business. You are a body; the spirit component that keeps you alive, I call it by faith.

You see, unbelievers know what I'm teaching you. They do it all the time. We laugh at them, yet cannot deny the results. There are many unbelievers, including businessmen, politicians; they never take any risk without consulting the realm of the spirit, no matter how simple the situation is.

Don't go out of your house without speaking to your day. In the name of Jesus, I decree and declare. Don't say, "I'm in a hurry, I didn't have time." You can be bathing and speaking in the name of Jesus. "I declare this is the day that the Lord has made. I declare that my steps are ordered, for the Bible declares that the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord. No confusion and chaos by the Spirit of the Living God. Souls are saved through my life today. Lives are transformed through my life today. I am a soul winner. The blessings of a soul winner come upon me, according to Daniel 12 and verse 3. It says, 'And they that be wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness will shine as the stars, even forever.' Since I invest my life turning many to righteousness, I must shine like the star, and nothing will stop that rising."

Let's go back now to Second Peter 1 and verse 4. Whereby First Peter 1 and verse 4, my apologies, okay. it says, "whereby are given to us this great and exceeding precious promises. Now you understand—are given to us.

Don't say, "I don't have anything." Here's what happens many times in our homes. You have your Bible somewhere, but because your ATM is empty, because your pot is empty, because everything is empty, you forget this and you say, "I have nothing." You are making a mistake of the wife of the sons of the prophet. Her whole house had nothing, but there was a little cruise, and that cruise was saying, "If you know what to do with me, I can turn you from a pauper to a blessed woman. Your being a widow is not the reason why you are where you are."

When she met the Prophet, the Prophet said there is a responsibility component I need to introduce to you. He says, "What do you have in your house?" She said, "Nothing." For someone, "What do you have in your house? No job, except a Bible." "What do you have in your house?" "Nothing, except an audio material with 10 scriptures that talk about my victory in Christ." "What do you have in your house?" "I do not even have any serious thing, except a little phone that has limited memory, that has three or four scriptures." And the Prophet said, "What you have is enough. Go and lock your door."

This is what I'm telling you prophetically: Go and lock your door this week. You have been running around people. Everybody knows what is wrong with you because we find pride in attracting sympathy. Everybody, "Yeah, are you watching?" No, shut the door. By the time you shut the door, three hours in the spirit, you are speaking, speaking prophetic. God will wake many people, arise for the sake of my saint, one arise for the sake of my daughter, arise for the sake of my son.

From tonight, I want you to make a covenant with God that your approach to any and all matters of your life must be a word-based approach. Your approach to a financial situation, word-based approach. That means, until you have found what the word says, don't act. No matter the pressure, remain there.

You are about to start a business. What gives you the guarantee that you will succeed? "I've got some capital." You are already in deception. Capital is not what it takes to excel in business. It is not only clients you have; you have wicked spirits that fight the purposes of God. There is the king of Tyre and Sidon; go and find out, he sits upon a mountain. There is Jezebel, the she-goddess that rides upon the horse and prides herself in drinking the blood of the Matthias. It takes more than buying and selling to excel.

There is a mountain where you climb, your commodities, your soul, except you are ready to sell your soul. There are levels in life that you can never attain until you say, "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world?" Many people have sold their souls to the devil because they are looking for mundane things. But He said, "I wish above all things that ye may prosper and be in health, but ensure that while you are in health, your soul also prospers."

I'm not a prayer warrior—become one now. I'm not really these word people, please change those kinds of things. Give yourself a new orientation. The way I was brought up, we just pray the five minutes prayer, no problem. Thank God for those who led you thus far. It's their leadership that brought you here. Now that you are here....

Open your Bible, wake up in the night, ealk around your house in the name of Jesus. I declare all that the Lord has given me is blessed in the mighty name of Jesus. Shame and reproach is far from me in 2023, in the name of Jesus Christ. You must open up to me. Every month is a door. Every day is a door. Every minute is a door. I speak to you, Ephata, be open unto me in the name of Jesus Christ.

Negative things happen around your life. You can respond emotionally. You can respond culturally. You can respond scripturally. I give you my recommendation based on the integrity of the Word. Every other formula will eventually fail, but the Word will stand. Word-based also right now. I am indebted to the millions and to the billions. What am I going to do? Stop where you are. If you find yourself in a well, stop digging. Because if you keep digging, you will keep going down. Stop where you are. Number one. Number two, go and study all the people who were owing in the Bible. How did they come out? Every time you see an issue of debt and finances, it was the prophetic that brought them out. Whether it was the ax head that fell, the prophetic that brought them out. The wife of the sons of the prophet, the prophetic that brought them out. The next thing is to begin to engage in prayer. Lord, grant me direction. What anointing has been allocated for my rising? Because it's not every prophetic grace that lifts you. There were many widows in Zarephath, but to none was Elijah sent. There were some widows that were waiting for Elisha. There were some widows that were waiting for other prophets. He went to one widow and left.

The devil has vowed that you would never have an honorable job. If you agree with him and say, "Amen, " it will be so. But you can change the narrative in the name of Jesus Christ. Things are not working for you. Lord, I take responsibility. Grant me grace. It's not always about the devil. Sometimes it is the bankruptcy of wisdom. Listen, if you want God to help you, you must take responsibility in your life. Show me what I am doing wrong that is making me always fight with my wife. Lord, it is not your will that we keep beating ourselves in front of the children. There is something we do not know, and I am ready to learn. If it is a wrong training or wrong mentorship, I take responsibility because pride goes before I fall. The moment you bow down, knowledge comes to you immediately. God can send you to one 15-minute clip online, and that becomes your deliverance.

Can I tell you, you don't get results in pride and with pride? This is a disclaimer I must give you before we begin to pray. There are many people who are too big to be helped by God. It takes humility. I come to you, oh God, even if you are in ignorance. Come to Him, Lord, this situation in this family. I cannot pay the school fees of my children right now, and I've done my best. I'm walking in righteousness. Lord, I pray that you will help me. And because your heart is humble, the Bible says the Lord is neigh them who are of a broken and a contrite heart (Psalm 51). When you cry before Him with a broken and a contrite heart, He comes to help you.


Can we take a few minutes to pray? Do you believe in prayer. We are going to pray. Enough is enough. This is the year that God is stretching you and opening some doors. I'd like you to open your mouth and begin to pray concerning the areas of your life where you know that the word of God has not yet prevailed. Please open up your mouth and pray. The Bible says, "So mightily through the word of God, and prevail." When the word of God grows, it always prevails. When the word of God grows, it always prevails. Someone is praying. This year, doors must be opened in the name of Jesus.

Someone is praying in the name of Jesus. Exceeding great and precious promises concerning my life, concerning my destiny, concerning the purposes of the Kingdom.

Make sure you pray. Make sure you pray. Are you praying?

Access to his exceeding great and precious promises, that by these we might be the partakers of this divine nature, that by these we might be the partakers of His divine nature. In the name of Jesus.

Now, I want you to concentrate on the area that does not seem to work. Don't pray prayers of unbelievers. Lord, what is it? Except if you are praying an inquiry prayer. Otherwise, the scripture you know, place it there. Why is this not working? Lord, your word says this. I engage with understanding. Some of you, it's because you have not engaged with understanding. Open up your mouth and begin to cry to Heaven, that area you want God to visit you in, go ahead and pray.

This threat of death over my life, the Bible declares that I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord. Death, you have no power over my life in the name of Jesus Christ. Recurrent illnesses, I curse you by the God of Heaven in the name of Jesus, for He gives me health and cure in the name of Jesus Christ. God has not given you the spirit of fear but of love, of power, and of His sound mind in the name of Jesus Christ. Your path is as a shining light that shines more and more, even onto the perfect day in the name of Jesus Christ.

I arise and I shine. I arise and I shine. My light has come. The glory of the Lord is risen upon me in the name of Jesus. I declare that I am a blessing to the Nations according to Genesis chapter 12 and verse 3. That in me and through me, the families of Earth are blessed. I declare in the name of Jesus, from Europe to America, from Canada to Africa, and all the 36 states of this nation, you are blessed in the name of Jesus Christ.

I'm delivered from 6 things, ye 7 things. In farming, I laugh. I'm delivered from the scourging tongues of men in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Thou will show me the path of life, for in Your light, I see light. In Your light, I see light. In Your light, I see light. Turn again the captivity of Zion like the streams of the Negev in the name of Jesus Christ.

One more minute, go ahead and declare. Declare over your ministry. Declare over your family. Declare over your job. Declare over your assignment that, in the name of Jesus Christ, the word of God grows mightily and prevails. It grows mightily and prevails. It grows mightily and prevails.

Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Last prayer point. We're wrapping up now. Fire is burning in this place. Luke Chapter 5, give us from verse 1. Luke chapter 5.

And it came to pass that as the people pressed upon Him to hear the word of the Lord, He stood by the lake of Gennesaret. To reading to six and saw two ships standing by the lake, but the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their nets. And He entered into one of the ships which was Simon's and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land, and He sat down and taught the people out of the ship. Verse 4, now when He had left speaking, He said unto Simon, "Launch into the deep and let down your nets for a draught."

Verse 5 and Simon answering unto Him said, Master, we have toiled in this Abuja. Master, I was even born in the place of plenty. Master, all kinds of excuses." But here is your prayer point: nevertheless, nevertheless, nevertheless. I know that I may not have paid attention all through 2022, but nevertheless, at Thy word, not at my emotions. I did. Nevertheless, my emotions had failed me. Nevertheless, man failed me. But this time around, nevertheless, at Thy word, I will let the net down.

Verse 6, the Bible says, and when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes, and their nets broke.

Listen, please look up. Go to verse 4, I want to show you something there. Look very carefully. When Jesus spoke to them, He said, "Let down your net, N-E-T-S."

Go to verse 6. They only let down one net, and the only nets that they let down in fear was the only one that was filled. He said, "Let down your nets, all of it. Financial nets, spiritual nets. You only let down your net in terms of relationship, and that was the only one that was filled. Now He's speaking to you. What is withholding the other nets? He has told you, nevertheless, let down the nets, let down the nets, let down the net spiritually, let down the nets, every aspect of your life can have a catch. Open your mouth and begin to declare. Nevertheless, at Thy word, nevertheless, at Thy word, nevertheless, at Thy word in the name of Jesus Christ.

For my health, nevertheless, at Thy word. I may be diagnosed with a situation right now, but nevertheless, at Thy word. Even while receiving treatment, I declare nevertheless at thy word. My finances may not be healthy right now, but nevertheless, at Thy word.

Nevertheless, nevertheless.

It's my year of open doors.

Do you know?

In the name of Jesus Christ. I want to speak over your life. The prophetic is a potent mystery in the spirit that can empower men, can create possibilities in the lives of men. I keep praying all the time and asking God to help me that my words will not be barren, that I will not waste the time of God's people just shouting and gyrating and making a lot of empty noise. What fills our sounds and our speakings is the anointing of the Spirit following His word. I prophesied as I was commanded. He said, "And there was a sound."

I want to speak over your life. I want you to truly believe from the depth of your heart. You will marvel and wonder at what the God of Heaven does in the name of Jesus. I speak to you this week, not next week. This week you are entering by the power that raised Christ from the dead. Return with strange results! Return with strange results! Return with strange results! Return with strange results! Return with strange results!

Hear me. Everything that looks like a financial captivity, I don't know why I keep talking about this. Anyone here who is in any kind of financial captivity, I call upon Ebenezer, the God that helps men. This week, may God raise men to bail you out. I say to you, this week, may God let us help us to bail you out.

Everyone who has been anointed to locate you and hold your hands, but by demonic occurrences, the devil has created a distance between them. I push them towards your direction prophetically. I push them towards your direction prophetically.

I don't know what city you are from. In case you are not in this city, wherever it is that you are represented, I speak over the gates and the forces of that city in the name of Jesus. According to Job 5, I command the elements of creation to begin to align themselves to bet the purposes of God for you.

Hear me. When it was time for Noah to know whether it was safe to come out of the Ark, it was a raven that gave him the signal. He sent a raven. The raven returned back. It is not yet time. God can use anything to give you signals because you are in league with the elements of creation.

The Bible says, "And now the Lord of peace himself grant you peace always and by all means." I bring you into the covenant of peace. Covenant of peace, the covenant of peace, the covenant of peace.

If you're a man of God in ministry here, if there is anything that represents shame and reproach in your ministry, whether financially or in terms of membership, go back and produce strange results.

Every career person here who has been grounded, in the name of Jesus, the Son of the living God, I declare that a new chapter be opened for you now.

And any family ravaged by the operations of witchcraft that they tie people and don't let them go. Now thanks be to God, which causes us always to triumph. I come tonight by the rod of a higher priesthood, and I decree and declare in the name of Jesus, every door that has been closed by witchcraft, I command that door ephata, be open.

Be open, be open in the name of Jesus Christ.

Businessmen, let me speak over your hands. In the name of Jesus, who is the Son of the living God, whatever has brought your business down or brought you to struggle, by the power of the prophetic, rise to a new level.

Koinonia, every manifestation of prayerlessness, every manifestation of slumber, slipping away your hours that should be invested in prayer. Let fresh grace rest upon you now. Let fresh grace from the altar rest upon you now in the name of Jesus Christ.

The grace to wake up and pray, receive it, in the name of Jesus.

The capacity to be a student of Scripture, the capacity to be a student of Scripture. "I found your word, and I did eat it, " he says, "and it was a joy and a rejoicing." In the name of Jesus, a hunger for the word and the grace to be full of the word, receive it now.

Every scripture in this Bible that is connected to what you need in this season, I declare by the spirit of Revelation, may you find that scripture. May you find that scripture, and by engaging it, may you commit God's integrity to perform. I'm praying for everybody. But in the name of Jesus Christ, you cannot be connected to a global apostolic and prophetic ministry like this, whether through relationship, through covenant, by whatever means, in the name of Jesus Christ, you have not seen tears in this house. May your crying come to an end now. You have not seen reproach in this house. May everything that spells reproach be far from your life. You have seen ever-increasing glory; let it be replicated in your life. You have seen spiritual fire and fervency; let it be replicated in your life.

Anyone sitting where God has mandated that it must be yours, I overturn, I overturn, I overturn, I overturn, I overturn, I overturn. Are you overcome in the name of Jesus Christ?

Death has no power over your life, has no power over your children in the name of Jesus. You will not cry again. For the book is open in the name of Jesus.

I feel led particularly to pray for people who have committed a lot of finances in managing health concerns, and right now, it looks like it has depleted them. In the name of Jesus, not next week, this week, I call upon my God, who is the helper of man. May God send you help from His sanctuary.

Go back home today and begin to practice these things. The Bible says, "Now that you know these things, happy are you." There are people who have engaged these things, and all you see in their lives is glory and honor. Enlist yourselves, don't be a spectator, don't be a fan, don't be an onlooker. Go back and engage with understanding. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Wave your hands to Jesus. Father, we give You all the praise. That is how you'll be waving in thanksgiving, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.

Alter call

I want to make the altar call right now. There are people in this place. You have not engaged the word that makes for salvation, the word of faith that we preach. The Bible says, "And while you heard me teaching, the Holy Ghost began to speak to you that the first port of call for you is to make a determined decision to lay everything down because it starts with Jesus. Every time, it starts with any other thing aside from Jesus, you've already made a mistake. It does not start with breakthrough or miracles or impartation. In the beginning, God. That sequence must be restored. You are in this place, and you are saying, "Apostle, I will be glad to make it right with Jesus right now." Perhaps you've never made this decision. You're inside, all the overflows, to the basement, outside, following online, Jesus is speaking to you. And for those who are saying, "Apostle, I want to rededicate my life to Jesus, to make it right. I didn't even know what I did before, but right now, hearing you speak tonight, I know that God is calling me." God bless you as you come to Jesus.

I salute and celebrate every one of you for your courage to stand here and make this declaration. The Bible declares that as many who will come to Him, He will in no wise cast away. Thank you. For those who are making this decision and this declaration from across the globe, there is no distance in the Spirit. While I lead them to pray, right there in your home, your office, maybe a viewing center somewhere, or any broadcast, make this moment a defining moment.

Make it right with Jesus. Please lift your right hand, all of you who are in front, and may I request that you say this after me. When you do so, mean it from the depth of your heart. Say, "Lord Jesus, tonight, I declare that I love You. I declare that I believe in You, that You died for me. I believe that You rose again for my justification. Right now, I make Jesus my Savior, my Lord, and my King. I declare that the power of sin, Satan, hell, and the grave is broken over my life. From tonight and forever, I declare that I am a child of God. I walk in the newness of life. I go forward and backward never in the name of Jesus.

Based on the authority of scripture, I declare your sins forgiven. I call you bona fide recipients of the life of God, for the Bible declares that whoever will call upon the name of the Son of God shall be saved. You have called upon that name; therefore, I declare that eternal life is yours in the name of Jesus. Based on your confession, I declare also that the power of sin, Satan, hell, and the grave, let it be broken over your life in the name of Jesus Christ.

I commend you to the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the ministry of the Word. May you be grounded and established in righteousness from now on you go forward, whatever, and backward never in Jesus' mighty name we pray. Amen and amen.

Closing prayer

Father thank you for tonight you have done us well and we give you all the praise I declare that as we depart you depart in glory you depart in favor and you depart in Grace, in The Mighty and matchless name of Jesus.

Let's share the grace together in Fellowship the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God the sweet Fellowship of the holy spirit let it rest and abide with us now and forevermore, amen, surely all the Days of Our Lives as we dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever amen. God bless you.

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© Read Sermons 2023