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Deliver us from Evil 1
By Apostle Joshua Selman

Exodus chapter 15, verse 1. Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord. Watch the song that they sang; this was after Deliverance. They had just been delivered from the Red Sea. 'I will sing unto the Lord, ' he says, 'for he has triumphed gloriously. The horse and his rider has he thrown into the sea. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will prepare him a habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him. The Lord is a man of war; the Lord is his name.' These are people singing in the presence of God. Pharaoh's chariot and his host has he cast into the sea; his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red Sea. The depths have covered them; they sank into the bottom as a stone. Thy right hand, O God, is become glorious in power.' I hope you know this is a song. 'Thy right hand, O God, has dashed in pieces the enemy. In the greatness of thine excellency, thou hast overthrown them that rose up against thee. Thou settest forth thy wrath, which consumed them as stubble. And with the blast of thy nostrils, the waters were gathered together. The floods stood upright as a heap, and the depths were congealed in the heart of the sea. The enemy said, I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil. My lust shall be satisfied upon them. I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them. Thou didst blow with thy wind; the sea covered them. They sank as lead in the mighty waters. Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders!'

God is fearful in praises and the moment he arises as that Warrior, the next thing you see are his wonders. Who is like unto thee, O God, among the gods? Glorious in Holiness, fearful in Praises. Ladies and gentlemen, I can tell you by the power of the Holy Spirit and I can tell you from the Integrity of scripture and experience, praise is a deep mystery that is able to overcome possibilities and Insist that the believer stands at the point of victory. These are the forces of the spirit that help and guide men.

Now let's finish the scripture that we left up in Acts chapter 16. We read down to verse 24. Now let's start at verse 25. At this point, Paul and Silas are in prison. Then the Bible said, at midnight, Paul and Silas prayed, is that in your Bible? And they sang Praises unto God. It was so loud the prisoners heard them. Watch the God of Heaven now, suddenly, she back us, so prandly give her, ah, this is someone's testimony. Suddenly, he says there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and immediately all doors were open and everyone's Bonds were loosed. Verse 27. And the Keeper of the prison, awaking out of his sleep and seeing the prison doors open, he drew his sword and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had fled. But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, 'Do thyself no harm; we are all here.' Verse 29, then he called for a light and sprang in and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas. Here it is, he brought them out and said, 'Sirs, what must I do to be saved?' Anything can turn for your salvation when you know how to engage the mercy of God, you know how to engage prayer, and you know how to engage praise. Verse 31, It says they said unto him, 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.' And they spoke unto him the word of the Lord and to all that were in his house. Reading verse 34. And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes. This was the jailer, and was baptized, he and all his, straight away. And the last verse, And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house.

For we know that all things work together not for everybody, to them that love the Lord, and to those who are the called according to His purposes.

So, Jesus is teaching the disciples prophetically, not just theologically. He's teaching them because their lives and their faith adventures will be played with many challenges that come with open doors. And he said in your prayer, the moment 'Daily Bread' begins to come, the moment doors and dimensions both in the spirit and in life start getting opened, you must master the art of mercy, you must master prayer, you must master praise. These mysteries you must use to surround yourself with like chariots perpetually. You are one who works in consciousness of God's mercy. You are one who works in consciousness of the ministry of prayer, that you can lock your office as a CEO and dedicate 30 minutes, and you are praying, and there is a board meeting that is coming with all kinds of people coming from across the globe. You would think all that you would need is brain work. Some of the people coming for that meeting are coming with their charms and mediums, like Rachel. Remember when Rachel was leaving the house of Laban, she took the gods of her fathers with her. Just because you see people wearing suits or dressing nice, they all have their gods. They are fraternities with dark powers, negotiating the destinies of man upon the table of greatness. You cannot go there being casual.

Many of you God wants to lift, you are trusting God to become a kingdom financier. Have you heard about the King of Tyre, the one who sits upon the mountain of commerce of the earth? You cannot come and transact business except you sell your soul. He did that to Jesus. There is a level of wealth you cannot attain unto just by buying and selling, believe me, if you are in this Kingdom, the person speaking to you is not in ignorance. By the grace of God, I know a bit about finances. I can tell you there are certain heights in the spirit. It is not buying and selling that takes you there. There is a covenant transaction between men and spirits.

If you suddenly become a billionaire tomorrow, people will not say, 'What did you do?' They'll say, 'Where did you go to?' This kind of result is not about what you have done, again, it is where you have gone, and they are right.

A man goes to bed and sleeps in the night and has a dream. In that dream, he receives an impartation of an understanding heart. And then he's also given access to wealth like no other person. And then he wakes up and his fame spreads abroad, resources start coming. Remember, it will come through men, but it is still controlled from the realm of the spirit. When Job lost everything that he had. Job lost everything! But he did not lose his relationship with God and his ability to sustain, to capture the mysteries of the spirit. In Job chapter 42 and verse 10, the Bible says, 'God turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends.' And the Bible says, 'The Lord gave Job twice as much as he had.' I'm interested in knowing how that twice came. The Bible is not silent about it. It tells us what happened. That day came unto him all his brethren and all his sisters and all they that had been of his acquaintance before. It meant something drove them away from him. Now, they came and did eat bread with him in his house, and they bemoaned him and comforted him over the evil that the Lord had brought upon him. Here's the secret. And every man gave him a piece of money and an earring of gold. All blessings come from God, through men, to men. That's how he got twice everything he lost.

Abraham, who was broke. How did God prosper him? He went to Egypt, and then Abimelech was going to take his wife. And God warned him and said, 'If you touch that man's wife, you're already dead.' And Abimelech said, 'Sorry, I will not only leave your wife, I will give you gold and all kinds of things.' And he left with it. Listen, ladies and gentlemen, your possibilities in this kingdom are based on the mysteries that you know and you can handle in the spirit. Dominion and stature is possible when you stand upon this mystery. These things are not cunningly device fables. They are the mysteries that men transact with in the spirit, and it produces the possibilities that we enjoy in the earth realm.

Jesus said, 'Deliver Us from Evil.' The doors of persecution will open as the doors of increase come too. The doors of witchcraft manipulation and attacks will come. A day will come where you don't need to ask if anybody has taken your name to a shrine. What you'll be asking is how many, not has it gone there.

There is a level in the spirit where while you are calling upon the name of the Lord, there are people who will be praying perpetually. There are realms where Satan does not want you to backslide. He wants you to die because even in your backsliding stage, you are still dangerous. He wants you to die.

Ladies and gentlemen, what you have learned and you are learning are irrefutable secrets of the Kingdom that guarantee your rising. But if I did not teach you what you learned today, many of you will be surprised that God will call you, 'Dear Mary, thou favored one.' And the next thing here comes the scribes and the Pharisees, asking you questions and saying, 'This vision that came without the assistance of a man, you need to explain it. How did that pregnancy happen without the natural process of conception?' They will say, 'How did you become a millionaire without cutting corners? Are you sure?' The Bible says in Ephesians chapter 3, from verse 10 and 11, 'To the intent, ' it says, 'that now unto principalities and powers in heavenly places.

When you read from Ephesians 3 and verse 3, Paul began to speak how that by Revelation it was made known unto him the mystery as he wrote in few words. Reading from verse 4 to 5, it says, "whereby when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ which in ages past were not known to the sons of man, but had now be revealed to His Holy Apostles and Prophets, even by the spirit." Going to verse 9, he now says that this Grace was given to him to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world had been hidden... God, who created all things in Christ, to the intent, now verse 8, that is why God grants access to Revelations so that unto principalities and powers in Heavenly places might be made known by the church the manifold wisdom of God.

Give us this day Our Daily Bread—give us this day access to the doors of destiny that needs to be opened. Give us this day access to levels of the anointing, superior entire mantles—but Lord, as you grant us access to this day, we pray that you lead us not into temptation and then please help them deliver. He says Deliver Us from the evil that comes with growth, Deliver Us from the evil that comes with speed.

Elijah, you have been sent to speak over Israel, but beware, your Rising is also the rising of Jezebel. She will look for you, the battle was over two people. I have the king in partnership with that she goddess encapsulated in a woman called Jezebel. Jezebel was not a woman, she was a spiritual system of rebellion. She is an extension of the Antichrist system. That is what is a spirit that only thrives when it is connected to government. That's why she stayed with Ahab. The same spirit manifested to Herodias when Herod came because John the Baptist now resurfaced in the spirit of Elijah. If you are Elijah, expect Jezebel. She's watching you. Don't you think you would just stand and prophesy? The prophets of Baal are the easy part of the deal. But that she goddess is vicious. Elijah, run away from her—a man that called fire to consume others.

I told you with the arrival of mantles and destinies, there are many, many attacks. Ladies and gentlemen, there are dimensions that have not yet been made accessible to anyone in your family, now you are coming from behind like Joseph, not the first but the chosen. You have mastered the act of saying a prayer for the doors to open. You have to understand how to now hold the sword because let me tell you the truth. Warriors do not just speak, warriors fight. Warriors do not just speak, they fight. They are men and women who must know how to hold the sword of the spirit and fight with valor. You can't turn back, your turning back will be the destruction of your generation. It says seeing then that we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that easily besets us and he says to run with perseverance. There is no going back, not for the warrior. Master the art of using the sword and you fight with valiance. Blow the trumpet in Zion, sound the alarm upon my Holy Mountain and he begins to describe a people so vicious: He said before them is as a Garden of Eden, behind them a desolate wilderness. These are men that can fight. "I have fought a good fight", he says.

Whether you are in Ministry or you are in business, provided doors are open, don't just wear a suit, carry the Armory of a warrior as you enter through those doors. A time will come when you will need to remove a CEO regalia and put on the Garment of a warrior. There are giants on Every Mountain. Be like Caleb, stand tall. Oh David, do not let Goliath scare you. You can take him down, not by the sling, but by the covenants that you stand upon. You say, "You come to me with your balls and your spears, but I come to you in the name of the Lord God of the armies of Israel, in whom you have defiled."

Some of you, the doors that are opening right now, you came to church with questions about the happenings in your life. What is suddenly happening to my health? The moment they made me a CEO, they said I have high blood pressure. Where is it coming from? Welcome as you encounter the giants that sit on those mountains. It is not for you to start discussing. Warriors don't discuss the fight, take up your arsenals.

The word God has given you will not just keep rising like that, and then the devil falls. His arms will come as many things.

I remember years ago, there was a gentleman who was going to get an appointment. I think he was in an oil and gas company. This guy had laboured and worked. Everybody in the family had struggled financially and in destiny. They were sincere people and then this guy kept engaging these mysteries. Finally, a job that was going to come and open a door to wipe the tears of people. Do you know what happened? This guy slept and suddenly started having all kinds of funny dreams. This was according to him and then they would he was supposed to bring a report of medicals and there were specific hospitals they were to go to. From nowhere, this guy was diagnosed with something that was going to make him lose that job. I remember very clearly he reached me and said, "Apostle, I've never been like this. This was my genotype, this is my blood group, this is this. Where did this one come from?" And I told him, I said, "My friend, let me tell you, if you are interested in that job, you need to know that Satan has returned a threat that in your rising is the rising of many. Instead of fighting everybody, he should fight you."

There are men that are equal to nations. Instead of Satan fighting nations, he will focus on fighting them. He can fight the mantle upon your life that will be equivalent to fighting a million people across the globe. If he can fight your ministry, it is cheaper than fighting all who will rise from you. If he can fight your business, he is by extension fighting all those who look up to you for direction and inspiration. It's time to fight the fight of faith. I told that gentleman I said I will pray for you. The devil is a liar, don't believe that nonsense. Here is an opportunity for your rising to help wipe the tears of your family.

There are many of you here who are victims of the realities of Foundations, and God wants to lift your family, not just you. O Joseph, the attack is not on you. The attack is on the deliverer who will save Israel. It is not about you, Joseph. One day you will become the second in command, you will have access to preserving the destiny of a Nation.

Moses, it is not about you. Satan is too serious to fight individuals, he fights dreams, he fights prophetic programs, he fights mantles. All Prophets, hear me, the battle you are going through has nothing to do with you. It is a mantle that you are carrying, an Apostolic and a prophetic mantle. Satan was there when prophecy was spoken over you, Satan was there when declarations were made. It was not Angels alone, he was there, he heard the Declarations.

Did you ever ask why Satan kept moving through the scribes and the Pharisees to ask Jesus who he was? They met John the Baptist and said, 'Are you that one?' What was Satan looking for? He didn't say, 'Why are you here?' There was a person they were looking for, and John kept confusing them: 'Who are you? I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, saying repent, make straight his ways.' And then Jesus comes. You know, I sit and killed John because he knew the Jesus and he did not say it. When Jesus was finally ordained and commissioned, he ensured that, like Jezebel wanted the head of Elijah, the head of John the Baptist went for it.

I shared with you my visions years ago. I was praying one night, and then the roof, the ceiling of my room just disappeared. And I'm saying this creature that is standing before me, a giant creature looking like a dinosaur—having a tail that had its own life, that could be disconnected from the creature and still be alive. Bulgy eyes, one eye was looking like the head of a man, and he was looking with fierce anger and spoke fluently: 'So, you think you can bring God's people into abundance?' I have met demons, I have met spirits. It is not only angels I have met, I have met demons, I have met spirits. I can tell you one thing with the Devil, he's determined. When he finds out that there is prophecy on your life, when he finds out that your opening the door is the rising of many, get ready, the King of Tyre, he will wait for you.

Elijah, there are bands of prophets waiting to come and frustrate you, but thanks be to God, which causes us always to triumph. Thanks be to God!

The secret is in Job 38 and verse 33. It says, 'Do you know the ordinances of heaven and can you establish the dominion thereof in the earth?' Do you know the principles by which the mysteries by which the heaven regulates itself and can you reproduce that reality in the earth? This is what Jesus meant when he said, 'Your Kingdom come and your will be done.' Capture the principles, the models of brandy of the spirit, and reproduce it within your sphere, and you truly will begin to walk like a god upon the earth.

Psalm 82 and verse 5, it says, 'They know not, neither will they understand. They walk on in darkness, and all the foundations of the earth are out of course. Verse 6 says, 'I have said, ye are gods, and all of you, not some, are children of the most high. The next verse says, 'But you shall die like men and fall like one of the princes.' I made up my mind that as far as it depends on me, I will not only force those doors to open that everyone behind me... it says, 'I and the children that the Lord has given me, we are for signs and for wonders.'

You are not the only one who came from a bad background. Find out where Jesus came from. Nathaniel said, 'Can anything good come out of Nazareth?' And Jesus did not say, 'You are lying, ' because the most popular Nazarene that they knew died in a very painful way—the man called Samson. That there was a spirit that followed great Nazarenes, even though there were people who had a covenant with God and would just destroy them at the time of their life. Nathaniel said, 'Don't waste your time following Jesus. There is something in his foundation. His success will not last.' And Jesus sees such a man and says, 'An Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile.' In other words from the sincerity of his heart, what he's saying is true. I know it is true that people who come from where you are from never rise beyond a certain threshold. It is true until your access to the mysteries of the Kingdom rewrites that script. I know it is true that certain people never attain to a level of wealth and abundance with a kingdom mindset. It looks like the only way you live is by begging all the days of your life—anointed but you are a beggar. And so, the spirit once, but you can arise and rewrite certain things.

Let me tell you the truth, every decree can change. Even when a man died. The king had already stamped a decree that permitted the death of the Jews, so the enemy had gone. But the system was still going to cause their defeat. And Esther came and told the king, 'You are a king. You are the one who wrote the first one. You can write another decree again.' We change the crease by writing another decree. Who wrote the decree that you will not rise? I am also a king and a priest unto my God, and I can take the advantage of that king-priest dimension in partnership with the spirit and write that from this moment henceforth, everybody rises. That from this moment henceforth, everybody rises. That from this moment henceforth, God is glorified in everybody connected to me. 'Where the word of a king is', the Bible says, 'there is power.' If the power from your royalty does not speak, it means that your scepter of honor and authority has not been given to you. All the consecration that ordains you as a king is not there, or you have refused to use your authority to declare. But hear me, oh David, when the oil comes and the scepter comes and the crown comes, you are king.

Kings declare by speaking, kings rewrite things. Is that my heart is indicting a good matter? Yeah, I speak of excellent things. That my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. I can rewrite possibilities in my life and in the lives of others.

Wherever you are in the next one minute, I'd like you to begin to pray seriously in the spirit. Go ahead and begin to generate energy in your spirit man.

Open your mouth and declare, 'Satan, the Lord rebuke you. I come by your authority of the King and Priest in the name of Jesus Christ. The power of Elohim I rebuke you over my life, over my health!' Someone pray. The Lord rebuke you. The Lord rebuke you.'

'I call upon the God who opens doors that no one can open. Satan thus far have you come and no further shall you go!'

Many of you will run sometimes this year and come back to this message again because the prophecy for open doors is not complete until there is a training to know how to become a person of stature. You need the door to remain open for those behind you to come. There are giants on every mountain. That is why you are a warrior. It says I have fought a good fight, I have kept the race. You are not only a runner when you are in the field, dress like an outlet, but when you are in the battleground, don't wear athletic clothes, you have to carry the regalia of a warrior. You are both a warrior, you are an athlete, and you are a keeper.

For many of you , the spirit of God is depending on your consistency for the liberty of many people. Any laxity in your pursuit will not only cost you alone. The realm of the spirit taught it will be your grandfather. He started on a good note, but eventually, laxity and frustration. There was zeal, but no accurate knowledge of the precept of the spirit, so he could not survive the viciousness. Then it came to your father, some of them did their best as far as they could go. Now the Baton has come upon you—you may be young, you may be the last, but by no means the least. The mantle is still on you. God is counting on you right now. Will you be the one to end this cycle and start a new one? He said, 'Are you the one, or should we look for another? Are you the one who has come now? Are you the prophet we have been waiting for, or should we look for another? Are you the apostle that our grandfather prophesied that a day will come in this city, a young man will arise with fire and power? Are you the one, or should we expect another who is here to come?'

Are you the businessman that prophecy has come upon, that you will be the one through your resources to liberate nations?

The Bible says there remains a rest for the people of God. Any day your faith selects is the day you make your rest. It says, 'Let us labor to enter that rest, ' and the way we labor is found in Jeremiah 6:16. It says, 'Stand in the way and see, and ask for the old path, wherein is a good way. When you find it, walk in it, and for sure you will enter your Sabbath.'

The spirit of God is speaking to someone, I'm still depending on you. I'm still depending on you.

Moses, do not prolong prophecy by 30 more years because of the laxity in your training. When the prophecy came to Abraham, it was 400 years. Match the prophecy with the speed of your training so that you do not add 30 more years and make God look like a liar. If you are slow, you will delay prophecy, and time will be added, and men will suffer. You must be up and doing at a cutting edge to match up with what he said. Is that I, Daniel, understood by books? He opened the book to see where it was written that the captivity of Israel in Babylon would come. And when he found the time, he postured himself in fasting and prayer for 21 days until Gabriel was sent from heaven to come and bring him word. And while he was coming, the prince of Persia, the spiritual wickedness that resides in the heavenlies, stopped him. And he maintained persistence, the archangel Michael came, and he prevailed. And he had came and said, 'I am come to give you understanding.' He gave him understanding, and he knew the times that the captivity of God's people would come to an end.

In this season, we must master the art of reading the writings on the wall. You must have the the eyes of the spirit that when you see things written on the wall, you must discern what the spirit is saying. The Bible says, 'He that has an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith.' Is it not in your bible that the spirit speaketh expressly. It says that, 'In the latter times, some shall depart from the faith and they shall give heed to seducing spirits and the doctrine of demons. But the most important thing is that the spirits picket and expressly. We must obtain grace that our eyes be washed and that our ears be attuned to the frequency of the spirit to know what God is saying per-time, per-season, let us walk after the order of the sons of Issachar—the Bible says there are men that had an understanding of the times, and they knew what Israel ought to do. As they resolved, their brethren were at their command.

I stand by this prophetic and apostolic mantle, and I declare over your life in the name of the resurrected Christ who gave gifts to men, that every door that has stood close over you in the name of Jesus, I come by the rod of a higher priesthood, and I speak to that door. Ephata be open in the name of Jesus.

It says, 'And thou, O Lord, will teach my hands to war and my fingers to fight.' I decree and declare in the name of that is above all names, the strategy for victory that you have now received. Obtain it and last through your open doors. Last through your open doors. No decline, no retrogression in the name of Jesus Christ.

There are some of you that found certain treasures, but they fell and they were missing. The Bible says the kingdom is like a man who had treasure but one fell. The first thing he did was to light a candle, and the second thing he did was to get a broom. And with the candle and the broom, he started searching. 'I know it is somewhere, I don't know exactly, but with the candle that has been lit and the broom, he started sweeping. The Bible says that is the character of the kingdom. You never find things until by light and the assistance of the prophetic.

Alas master for it was borrowed, he said, 'Where fell it?' And he said, 'Here.' I want to speak to someone because you see, let me tell you, restoration resides within the office of the prophetic. Whether it is the Shunammite woman having her son back to life or the axe head that had falling or restoration to Samaria, it is by a prophet that the Lord brings the nation of Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet, they are preserved.

He said, 'I have spoken to you in similitude. I have multiplied visions, even by the prophets.' I decree and declare in the name that is above all names, everything that has left you but not by God, in the name that is above all names, I declare with accuracy and precision, let it return back to you. Let it return back to you, opportunities, graces, let it return back to you by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible says everyone that knocks, the door will open. I told you, when you knock, it is because there is someone at the other side of the door, and it is possible that you can be manipulated like the man who slept with his children to say, 'You are my friend, ' but it's too late. I cannot open the door to give you what you want.

It takes the favor of God coming upon a man to compel people to bend over backwards for your sake. Exodus 3:21 says, 'And I will give these people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, and it shall come to pass that as you go, you shall not go empty.' Esther 2:15, '.....and Esther obtained favor in the sight of all them that looked upon her

Psalms 44:3, 'They got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their arm save them, but thy right hand and thine arm and the light of thy countenance because thou hast favor toward them.' The favor of God is not about money. The favor of God gives you access to the hearts of men. The heavens, even the heavens of heavens, belong to the Lord. But hear me, the Earth has he given to the sons of man.

If God says yes and men say no, yes remains in the realm of the spirit. It is the spirit and the bride that says come, not the spirit alone. The system of operation within the cosmos will take the partnership of the spirit and a willing bride. If the spirit says, 'Jesus, come, ' and Mary refuses to give her womb, He would have to look for another person again. She had to say, 'Be it unto me.' Luke chapter 1 and verse 45 says, 'Blessed is she that believes.' He told her, 'For there shall be a performance of the things that were spoken unto her from the Lord.' Mary, on hearing that mandate, she said, 'Be it unto me according to your word.' And that happened.

For many of you, the spirit has been saying, 'Come.' The spirit has said, 'Increase.' The spirit has said, 'Open doors.' The spirit has said, 'Fresh mantles.' But the bride that will stand in partnership with the spirit to echo what is being said has not spoken.

I stand as one sent because the spirit has said, 'Come.' I also say, 'Come.' For you in the name of Jesus, because the spirit has said, 'Rise.' I prophesy, 'Rise.' Because the spirit has said, 'Shine.' I prophesy, 'Shine.' Because the spirit has said, 'Go forward.' I prophesy, 'Go forward.' Because the spirit has said, 'Don't go down.' I prophesy, 'You shall not go down' in the name of Jesus Christ."

I speak to you according to job job 5 he said God will deliver you from six things, yes, seven things. One of it is the scorching tongues of men. Every tongue that rises up against you, I call upon the God of Jeshurun, the one who writes upon the wings of the wind. I decree and declare it falls in judgment in the name of Jesus Christ.

Praying for Nigeria; as regards to Election

Can we take one minute to pray for Nigeria? Are we responsible enough to lend our contribution? We have to pray; the election is by the weekend. It is everybody's business. We are going to cry; we need God to arise as a deliverer. Are we together?

Yes, I don't do parties and politics, but it is my desire: the prophetic and the apostolic represent the foundations upon which anything is built, even in heaven where Satan is not there. The foundation of the heavens has the 12 names of the Apostles written there. God designed his system such that after Christ the Cornerstone, the next that you meet is the apostolic and the prophetic. That is a proper architecture for a building that is built such that the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail. That means for any nation that is built well, the apostolic and the prophetic in partnership with the Holy Spirit have a right to speak. Let me show you a scripture. Am I wasting your time?

Ezra chapter 6 and verse 14. The Bible says, "and the Elders of the Jews build it and they prospered not through the dexterity of their intelligence and architecture. They prosper through the prophesying of Hagai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Ido, and they build it and finished it according to the Commandment of the god of Israel."

The god of Israel commanded it, but he took the prophetic and the apostolic to speak it while they were building. That's how it works. There are people who will be voting, but there are prophets who will be speaking, and there is a God who commands. Are we together now?

To prophesy alone and fold your arms, and there must be builders. Even though God has granted Nehemiah favor, you must stand on the word of Jerusalem to build. The Bible says he dealt with such dexterity, with one hand he held the sword because of the presence of men like Sambalas and Tobias, the spirit of the Antichrist. You will always find them within a system.

We are going to pray. It is not just the president that is required to change this nation. No matter how innocent or how wicked an individual is, I tell you sincerely, you need Jesus himself. The righteous had to surround himself before he started with 12 disciples because he needed people he could send two by two. An individual on his own, without a system that works, if you have a president that works and you have governors that are corrupt and wicked and devilish, house members, don't forget that we're operating a democracy, so it matters everybody and every position for election is our business. Don't just focus on presidency alone; that is the mistake that many will make, and then will allow all kinds of things, a little leaven will spoil everything. Are we together?

Now we are going to pray, just one last prayer. Lord, from the presidency down to local governments, down to counselors, down to house members at the state and federal level, senators, Lord, we pray anybody who does not mean this nation well, root them out. Open your mouth and pray. Anybody who does not mean our nation well in the name of Jesus, we decree and declare, may they not get to the throne. From the presidency to the state level, the local governments, house members, state and federal, Lord, we pray that once again you breath upon our nation, and in the name of Jesus, give us a chance to rise again.

In the name of Jesus Christ.

Father, we thank you for tonight. We thank you because even for Nigeria we pray. Deliver us from evil in the mighty name of Jesus. Saturday, O God, where the polls, again, to decide the next four years, extending to the next eight years of this nation, Lord, we cry in the name of Jesus. Beyond our wills and our desires, we tap into the wisdom of the spirit. You are the one who has seen through the eons of time, and, oh God, among the candidates presented, among all the people, you are the one that knows those that will be able to lead us well. We will not judge by the flesh; we only cry by the spirit that you arise and help us as a nation—in the name of Jesus Christ.

Lord, we extend our prayers to all the arms and the tiers of government. We pray, O God, that Nigeria, like never before, will have righteous leaders who are sincere and serious. But, Lord, more importantly, we pray and we cry unto you: let there be no violence from the north to the south, the east and the west, the south-south, south-east, south-west, north-east, not central, not west. Let there be peace. We pray for INEC; we pray for the law enforcement agencies. We pray for the judiciary in the name of Jesus Christ—we pray and cry, "Let There Be Justice and equity." I lend my voice, oh God, with every man and woman of God, everyone standing in the position of priesthood, crying and praying over this nation. We lend our voices and we lift it as a United Team. We cry, "Maranatha, let your program come." Maranatha, let the purposes of God come in the name of Jesus Christ.

And Father, we pray that at the end of it, when all is said and done, please give this country peace. Give this country a chance to make progress in the name of Jesus. We thank you for the word that you have brought to us tonight. Lord, we declare that perpetually we will walk in the consciousness of your mercy. Perpetually, we will walk in the consciousness of the spirit of prayer. And Lord, in the name of Jesus, our hearts remain praiseful. In the name of Jesus Christ, and for everyone who is trusting God for a turnaround in one area or the other, in the name of Jesus, let this week beginning be your week.

Altar call

If you desire salvation. You may be saying, "Apostle, hearing you teach, I have seen the need for Jesus in my life. Perhaps you were invited and you came from far and from there, and the many who are coming from across the globe, or you are saying, 'Apostle, I confess that my ways with God have not been right. I have derailed from the path of the spirit and I need restoration.'

God is speaking to one person. God bless you as you make this decision. God bless you as you do.

He says, "But I know whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is able to keep that which is committed unto him against that day." He only keeps that which is committed unto him. In John, chapter 17, he says, "All that you have given me, I have kept, and none is lost except the Son of Perdition. And that scripture be fulfilled."

You are about to step into the keeping hands of Jesus, even the Son of the Living God. This is the wisest decision that you can make on this side of God's Kingdom. Let's celebrate them as they come. God bless you!

Thank you for making this bold declaration. The Bible declares that as many who will come to him, he will in no wise cast away. It is never too late to make Jesus Lord of your life, and it's my joy and honor to leave you as you make that confession of Faith.

May I request that you lift your right hand above your head, as a sign of surrender, and please say this from the depth of your heart. Say, "Lord Jesus, I have heard your word. I believe that you are the Son of God. I believe that you died for me. I believe that you rose again for my justification. Right now, I receive Jesus into my heart as my Savior, as my Lord, and as my King. I declare that the power of sin, Satan, hell, and the grave is broken over my life. I am a child of God. I go from grace to grace and glory to glory. Amen!"

Keep your hands lifted.

Apostle Joshua Selman: Father, thank you for these ones. By the authority of scripture, I declare your sins forgiven, and in the name of Jesus, I call you bona fide recipients of the life of God. I declare that based on your confession, the power of sin, Satan, hell, and the grave is broken over your life. From tonight, you go forward ever, and backward never, in Jesus' mighty name, we pray. Amen and amen.

Closing prayer

Father, we thank you again for the privilege you have given us to hear and understand your word today. As we depart, we depart with your favor and your presence and your power in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let's share the grace together in Fellowship. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, the sweet Fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide with us now forevermore. Amen. Surely, God's goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives as we dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. Amen.

God bless you!

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